What dreams your own wedding in dreams and basic values


Own wedding in a dream does not always have the actual value. If you are preparing to the wedding and dream of her, think over the script, naturally, in a dream you will see your wedding. It is possible that the subconscious will lose for you all your nightmares, as in the cinema.

But mostly wedding in a dream is some decisive event, new work, changing the kind of activity. In Alchemy, the wedding or marriage was called alloys of metals, chemical compounds that require additional conditions or catalysts.

In order to successfully "marry" metals, everything should coincide, the plus there must be some additional factor so that the situation is correct, happily and so, as needed. Therefore, the wedding is always some risk, experiment, sample. Find out what dream of your own wedding is at best dreams.


Main values

  • To see your own wedding with an unfamiliar person - to a great luck, unexpected events.
  • If you are married, but you dream your wedding - to problems in marriage, if the holiday was gave out awesome. If the marriage partners change, sometimes disappear, but it does not spoil fun, although it can drive into thought, - to a steep twist of career, travel, meaningful money gifts.
  • Ripped, dilapidated, dirty dress of the bride means that the marriage of you is pretty tired, you are disappointed. Will you find the strength to continue building a family nest or prefer to leave the socket for the sake of a free flight - to solve you. Circumstances will sweep you up, but do not take thoughtless decisions. Feel free to discuss and pronounce all the difficult moments.
  • Wedding feast, where for some reason you are on the side, - you feel some alienation and detachment, closedness.
  • The wedding in the church can mean an important event and become the beginning of a new stage in life.


The most frequent nightmares associated with their own wedding in a dream

  • Guests did not come, no one came, the phone breaks away from calls, everyone swear that you were not invited, did not call, wrongly indicated the road and in general, as you, marry contraindicated. This nightmare is associated with fear to be published, dependence on public opinion. At the same time, you are not too friendly with relatives and secretly would like nobody come, although the restaurant is almost ordered. To get rid of the nightmare, view the guests and twice the lists of invitations. If you are still afraid that those who did not call, offend, those whom they called will be unhappy, cancel a public wedding. Enough with you hassle. Send relatives to recording high-quality video from the wedding palace. On the saved money, go to the wedding trip together.
  • The envelope for money turned out to be empty, and you hoped that you would be able to recoup the cost of the wedding. Most likely it will. Reduce the budget and go to dumplings.
  • You are late for your own wedding in a dream, hurry, hurry, catch the travelers, taxis, airplanes, but still do not have time. This is an excellent sign, although the relationship does not have a real wedding. Sleep means that people who would like to arrange troubles themselves are entangled in their own goats and fall without the slightest effort on your part.
  • Did not come bride or groom. You're around the empty hall in wedding clothes and feel too confident. Perhaps the wedding should be postponed. Even if it seems to you that this is your only chance to get a loved one. But if you are sure that this is your happiness, risk.
  • If in reality you do not plan a wedding, and in a dream you wander in the wedding dress in unfamiliar places, do not be afraid. Sleep does not threaten your independence. You just can not decide and make a decisive step towards your happiness. This refers to an educational institution, mortgage to own housing, feeding the questionnaire to a large company. Brew coffee, think about it once again and solve.

Venue of the ceremony

Interpretation of authoritative dreams

  • Miller's dream book claims to see his own wedding in a dream means that you will get involved in an interesting adventure and do not regret. At a minimum, you will receive an adventure, as a maximum, significantly improve the financial position.
  • Freud's dream book promises a strange and significant surprise from the closest friends. Not always a surprise will have a positive value, maybe you simply dealt out of all financial documents or posted a kilogram of heroin into baggage. The surprise will be in any case. If you lose the vigilance, the likelihood of an unpleasant surprise increases.
  • Wang's dream book interprets his own wedding in a dream as a sign of approaching and significant changes. You will have to make serious decisions that will change all your life. It makes sense to think about it right away that the meeting with the problem did not become completely unexpected.

A young couple


See your own wedding in a dream - always to significant changes. If you are not drained in the shackles and on the rope, you yourself strive for changes in your life, although you can and be afraid of significant actions and their consequences. Fear of change makes you relate to the future as a secret for seven seals.

Perhaps your indecision is justified, but rather, you delay the acceptance of important decisions, as some grooms tighten the wedding before it becomes already meaningless. Sk up, change the situation, pay time to reflections. Take a walk or find another route after work, secure with you and disperse in your desires. Consider sleep as a reminder that everything is good on time.

Dance of young

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