What dreams of Freud, Vangu and Miller dreaming


What dreams of a bear? To understand this issue, dream interputes propose to pay attention not only to the image of the Kosolapoy (appearance, the circumstances of the meeting and the other), but also on the identity of the dream itself, because the interpretation of a dream for men and for women can be completely different.

Bear with baby

Dream Interpretation: Bear - General Interpretation of Dream

  • White bears in dreams symbolizes family well-being and birth of children. Lonely people will soon begin long and strong romantic relationships.
  • See a bear in a dream. If this image saw a woman, it means that she subconsciously feels danger to himself and his family. The world around us seems too cruel. Girls who saw such a dream should believe in their own strength and in no case to give up the help of loved ones. This image is enhanced if the closure was with a bear. For a man, such a dream symbolizes the search for protection and support. You shut up a lot on your shoulders, without thinking that friends and close people are surrounded by you, who will gladly help you.
  • If in his night gold to see a bear with several bearings, then in real life it costs more responsibly to all family issues. Perhaps you are too demanding towards your children, but at the same time pays little attention to them.
  • Keep a bear on your hands - to increasing profits. It will be a significant increase in salary, which will help solve all financial problems.
  • Go to the bromot bear. Such a dream marks the dream luck in affairs. It also symbolizes your openness to the world. Soon you will get acquainted with very pleasant people who will bring a lot of positive emotions and significant benefits.
  • Find a little bear. Do not forget that if there is a bearish, then somewhere near adults and often evil bears are roaming. This image warns that it is worth thinking about several times before subscribing to dubious offers from unfamiliar people.
  • Sleep in which you decided to feed the closure, symbolizes your risk and despair in reality. You are ready to start life from a clean leaf, break all the boning ties and dramatically move to another city. But do not forget that it can sometimes bring more harm than good. Do not go to the rapid actions on the hot head.
  • In the dream kill a bear. This image shows on your tendency to receive radical solutions. Dreamnies advise to be more prudent to not get into unpleasant situations.
  • If the beast performs some tricks, for example, in a circus, then you should look at your surroundings, as even the closest friends may be "wolves in sheep skins". Girls dreams recommend looking at their young man, as he can play your feelings for his benefit. Free women, this image marks the appearance in Her life of the Uhager. Be careful, as the relationship with him can leave a grievous burden on the soul in the future. Perhaps you will determine the reputation.
  • Men who have seen the performance of a bear in a circus, dream interpreters advise to stop living their lives and not waste precious time. In the future you can regret it.
  • Dead teddy bear - to the appearance of enemies and traitors in your life. War with them will be very protracted and bring a lot of losses.

Fluffy teddy bear

Interpretation of the image of Miller's dream book

  • Bear in Night Guest - a symbol of rivalry. Enemies and enemies will always appear on your way, which will want to knock you down from the course.
  • Kill the beast - you can easily get out of any situation without significant losses. It should not be discontinued to evaluate the situation with a sober head, because the oddificity may lead to serious consequences.
  • Women bear in dreams comes when her personal life is something or someone threatens. The appearance on the horizon is a serious rival.
  • The polar bear marks a dream to a light fight with his enemy, from which he will come out by the winner. This image is enhanced if the bear had to kill.

Vango Slotcher

  • If the closure attacked you, a serious fight against enemies is expected to reveal. There will be such people who will respond to your kindness and openness. After that, the lost confidence in people will be extremely difficult to restore.
  • In a dream to kill a bear or see the dead body of the beast. This image speaks of your determination. If someone died to realize their dirty plans against you, you will answer immediate revenge and malice. Bulgarian clairvoyant warns that such a move may entail extremely unpleasant consequences.
  • Go to a bear. This image warns about the danger that suits the sleeping. It will help to avoid significant losses only a sober look at the situation. Dream Interpretation recommends to be more prudent and attentive.

What dreams are dreaming a bear - Interpretation of the Dream of Freud

  • Hunt for beast. Data Dream symbolizes that the dreams are trying to like a certain person, but usually "hunting" ends in failure for sleeping. Sigmund Freud recommends "slowing down", because excessive obsession can finally scare this person.
  • If in your dreams you run away from the bear, in real life subconsciously dream of sexual contact with a partner in some unusual or lean place.

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Sleeping bear

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