How to shock your beloved man without consequences at home


The methods of Proswarov are conventionally divided into "black" and "white". The latter are less effective, the result will have to wait long, but there are practically no consequences for making and being involved. Black love spells are dangerous, but the result you will achieve almost instantly.

Strong love

Attention : When using black magic, be prepared for the fact that the troubled, perhaps it will hate you, as it will not understand why it pulls it to you.

White magic is gentle and more often takes place without consequences: a beloved man or the husband you are brought to, will gradually become tied to you, his will will be free, he will be in love with his own accord.

Magic black, on the contrary, suppresses the will and separation of the chosen one: he becomes aggressive, hidden, sad and subsequently considers you for the "Savior", i.e. Again falls in love. Otherwise, black love spells are referred to as zombies.

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Consider several ways to shit a loved one at home.

Self-defense from higher forces

Suppose you can not wait and decide to shock your beloved in black. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to take care of your own protection. If you are not an experienced magician, quite the amulet. The talisman plays the role of a threshold: destructive forces with the help of which you are going to try the object of your love, will inevitably fall on you, but the amulet will take part of the strike on itself.

You can't protect the object of your love. Unless contacting the Mago. Among possible consequences: aggression, depression, drunkenness, etc.

How to shock a man "white" magic

Objects for the exercise of the rite there is an innumerable amount. For most of them, you will not need personal favorites. We will consider the most popular and efficient love spells.

Candle - a way without a photo

Walking a man at home can be at a distance with a candle, even without a photo. Theoretically, the candle can be any, even aromatic. However, it is better to use the candle bought in the Church for them to use the effect. This is a simple explanation - all items in the church have a powerful "white" energy charge.

Consider how to shock her husband on the candle:

  • wait for midnight;
  • Preheat 2 candles;
  • binding the trunks of candles among themselves;
  • During plexus, read the text of the sentence:

"Like these candles with each other with a friend, so and we are completely merged with you";

  • ignite woven candles;
  • During burning candles, read the following text:

"How the candles are lit up with fire, so our hearts with you are sprinkled.

Let the heart of the slave of God (name) flammify, love to me, the servant of God (name), unpacked ";

  • Hide candles without separating them from each other.

Attention : When the name is called the names, pronounce the names that you and the object of your love are baptized, otherwise magic does not work.

Woodside in the moon

It is believed that the best time for this rite is spring. Wait for the full moon and do at midnight. The sky at the same time should be clear, and you need to look at the moon and imagine your beloved face:

  • Stand on your knees;
  • Look at the moon and read the text:

"How your face is shining every night in the sky,

So and the slave of God (name) let him be absolutely remembering about me ";

  • Go to bed, not to mention any word.

In fact, text can be any. The main thing is his meaning. So, the spell will be more powerful, which you wrote yourself, from a pure heart, thinking when writing about your chosen one.

Water or milk

This spell is suitable often seen and closely communicating couples or spouses, whose love began to slow down. In the evening, offer the chosen one cup of milk or a glass of water, first spoken by drinking with the following words:

"Lord Jesus Christ, help your servant of God (name): Give me the power to inspire the slave of God (name) Love to me. As a child does not know how to live without maternal milk, so let the slave of God (name) can not live without me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

To make magic earned, you must believe in its action. Do not hold the rite "on Avos" - or does not work, or return to you with a storm.

Remember that during the pronigration of the sameness itself, you need to think about your sweetheart in a positive way. Not "Ah, you are an ungrateful creature," I love you insanely, I want to live with you all my life. "

I am involved in your favorite man "black" way

With photos and candles

You need the following things:
  • Personal Photo;
  • 4 candles;
  • needle;
  • brush (as for watercolor);
  • Handful of land with a grave of any matrimonial pair.

We do on a decreasing moon at midnight. Rite mechanism:

  • Sit down at the table, put a photo in front of you;
  • At the corners of the photo put the candles, ignite;
  • needle piercing a finger to the blood (it should be enough to write the text of the love spell);
  • Tassel take the blood from the finger and write the following words in the photo, saying them out loud:

"Blood clean you, connect you with you. You will go behind blood, you will take a visit. And the Earth and the fire to the SVID, to the gravestone ";

  • Throw the Guest of the Earth in the photo and repeat the text of the conspiracy aloud;
  • Gilt the photo at once from 4 candles and read a spell for the third time.

Attention : The image of the beloved must burn to the end.

This rite is considered extremely effective. But no less strong spell using menstrual blood.

Black love spell without photo on monthly blood

Variations with female blood set. Among the most painless and for you, and for your man's method on menstruation:

  • Blood drop Add to red wine or any food, speak it with words and give the chosen one;
  • drop the blood on a white cloth (clean and fine), burn cloth, and ash add to food or drink.

Words for influence on blood:

"Let's drink my blood and give your will".


"As this blood was in me, so you come to me".

A spell carried out using menstrual blood is effective and widely used by the grandmothers of your grandmothers, however, you need to be careful, since such a spell refers to the category of black.

Method for video - using tomato

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