Prophecies of the excuses of Vyacheslav - the consequences for humanity


The prophecies of the excuses of Vyacheslav cause live interest for several years. Noteworthy is the fact that the boy, varying prediction, lived only ten years. But I managed to open up completely native information to the world. Consider what he told about.

Who is the tag of Vyacheslav?

Vyacheslav Tshennikov was born in 1982 in the mother of the housewife and the Military Father. At an early age of the boy overtakes a serious blood illness - there was practically no chance of survival and live a full-fledged life.

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The painful child was still given to kindergarten, but he did not attend school. A lot about the personality of Vyacheslav told his mother: the boy was unusually good, ready to help, workable.

The mother's mother was confident that her son's soul was sent to Earth to convey to people of God's messages, the prophecies about the world and the fate of humanity. According to his prophecies, people in the future will have to survive terrible times.

Noteworthy is the fact that, according to contemporaries, Vyacheslav knew how to heal other people from diseases, but for nothing practically used. For him, it was more important to transfer Messages to people who will help to escape from evil in the future.

The most important prophecies

Based on the life of Vyacheslav, films were filmed and writing books. And the attitude to his predictions has always been ambiguous. People not so much surprised the nonsense prophecies of a very young boy, how many sinister omen were frightened.

Predictions of the excuses Vyacheslav

Key predictions:

  1. The world is close to collapse. A certain destructive event will occur, as a result of which only units will be saved.
  2. But even those who will be saved, you will have to endure a lot of serious tests that are practically unbearable for a person.
  3. Evil on Earth will win, and dark forces will master people, the devil himself will reacted in the world and will create terrible things. People will obey him, because he will be hiding under the distinctions of the Divine Messenger, act very cunning and insidiously. Under the powerful field of its negative charm, almost all will fall.
  4. Only sincerely believers will be able to not get under the hypnotic influence of Satan, they eventually will be the only saved.

Vyacheslav gave and concrete: he argued that the Devil would appear to the world, saying that he moved the mountain. However, it will be only an illusion, but people will believe under the influence of powerful hypnosis.

Prophecies about recent times

The mother's mother of Vyacheslav is confident that some of his predictions have already come true.

Prophecies of the excuses of Vyacheslav

The next successful prophecy of the young excerpt:

  • Vyacheslav spoke of some "devilish paper", which will become a great temptation for people and at the same time a huge test. The Mother Providant is confident that the speech in prophecy was about the vouchers common in the post-residential space after the collapse of the Union.
  • The following prediction about recent times is reading about "issuing attractive pieces", identical passports. People will receive them, after which the devil troika will appear on his forehead and right hand - the number 666.

As a result, most of the population will be stamped. At first, the devilish sign will hide and hide, but in the future it will be marked by universal review.

This will lead to the fact that people will refuse the soul and prefer the material benefits to the rest.

Consequences for humanity

After the focus of the devil on Earth they will come in absentia. But not all people agree to submit evil, it will be seriously affected.

What consequences are expected dissent:

  • People who will refuse to "stare" with three six, will experience extreme need. Without the devilish marks, they will not sell a single product.
  • Due to the inability to make the purchases of dissenters waiting for hunger. At first, more loyal relatives will share food, but the body of believers will not accept the devilish gifts, will reject the disadvantageous food.
  • The authorities will be hunting for disagree, wanting to force to subjugate the new government system. Therefore, believers will be hidden, they will go to the forest, will take place in natural economy and collecting.

Vyacheslav argued - time will pass, and God will take care of those who have not succumbed to the dark forces. But you need to stock all necessary and take care of the shelter to survive heavy times. He especially insisted that the reserves of "metal and fabrics" will be required - it will be impossible to get these things.

Check out the video with the latest prophecies of the excuses of Vyacheslav:

About the Russian king

The boy also predicted that the "New Tsar" would take up to the Russian throne. Mention of the powerful ruler is also found in other providens, so they can not be given values.

Vyacheslav believed that some God's messenger would receive power and direct the country along the path of spiritual development. The ruler will take great responsibility. True, for a long time he will consider himself an ordinary person and not believe that he is destined to rule.

The new Russian king will have to take extremely difficult solutions: he will start fighting traitors. The hands of this person on Earth will be to act God himself. It will help to make the country of the Great, as well as protect the whole world from the dark forces.

The prophecies of the excuse of Vyacheslav sound truly fantastic, so believe them or not, the question is quite controversial. But if you interpret predictions are not so literally, they can find rational grain. After all, now we are truly witnessing the fall of spiritual values ​​and the loop of people on all material.

Perhaps the main promise of the predictions of a young providen is a call to turn to God, remember the morality, morality and soul. This is a call to think about the fact that a person is truly important, to reduce the importance of material goods and cannot be "devilish" temptations, to live in love, strive for spiritual harmony.

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