Prayer from generic curse - water rite


Generic curse is a negative essence that is tormented by representatives of the entire genus. The essence can destroy all men or make the cube women. Sitting curses set. How to get rid of this attack? It will help you with a strong prayer from generic curses and rites at the cleansing of the genus from the negative. Consider several methods with which you can independently remove the black spell.

Prayer from generic curse

Rite with water

Water is a powerful information translator that is transmitted instantly to long distances. Water can be consecrated and cursed - it will become a source of holiness and curse. Water for a long time used in the healing practices to remove damage and disease. We will look at the rite of removing the curse with water.

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For the rite, you will need the most ordinary tap water that needs to be gained in silence - at night, when everyone sleeps. Type a three-liter jar and lower a silver cross or any silver object into the water. Put water into the cabinet until dawn. At dawn, proceed to the rite of sanctification of water.

Put the headscarf and clean cotton clothes, remove the decorations - there is only a native cross. Shipping the table with a white web (you can lay a segment of gauze), put the icon of the Virgin and burn the candle in front of it. Put a jar with water nearby. Read three times our own and the faith symbol, then read the Mother Original Rule 150 times:

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Use the beads or nodules to account on the rope to not be knocked out. When read the Mother Original rule, lean towards the bank and read the plot 12 times:

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This water must be washed at dawn 40 days in a row. The face does not wipe - the water should dry by itself. You also need to bind and coming up in the church. Every Sunday put church candles for the image of the Virgin, distribute alms. You must forgive the cursed your kind, so that the Lord pardons you and get rid of the black spell.

Removing the generic curse with the family

This rite is also held with water, which is spoken by a senior woman in the house. If you have a generic curse by the enemy, proceed as follows. Type the holy water in the church (3 liters) and bring home. Buy in the church the icon of the Virgin, Peter and Paul and the Savior. Also buy church candles and incense.

It is necessary to conduct a rite at dawn or sunset - these are the transition points of the day, in which the curtain between the worlds becomes fine. You can also hold a rite exactly at noon - this is also the last time of the day.

Make cleaning in the house, come around the ride in the church. Put the headscarf and clean clothes, burn in front of the candles in front of images, delight incense. Ladan clears the space from other entities and demons, is your protection during the rite.

Ship the table with a white clean web, put the jar with water on the canvas. Read in front of the images of the prayer of our father and the faith symbol 3 times and 150 times the Mother Original Rule. Then leaken to the bank and read 12 times a conspiracy of the removal of the generic curse:

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This water needs to sprinkle the whole apartment. You can use a beam of parsley or dill for this purpose. Water needs to drink all family members - you can drink on a glass every day until it is over. Then it will be necessary to put protection for the whole family and the house so that the new spell does not touch anyone from households.

Removing the generic curse

Remove the curse on the death of the genus

If your genus has comprehended a terrible curse to death, take action urgently. You will need to buy in the church the icon of the Virgin Troochitsa, it is desirable to do it between Easter and Trinity. Bring candles from the church and holy water. The rite is carried out as follows:

  • The eldest in the family holds an icon over the new pelvis with his left hand and watering her with holy water with his right hand;
  • Another keyland at this time reads a plot.

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This water should have all the circular roofs for three days. In the church or the monastery, the fortiest of the health of all blood clings and the Akathist icon of Troochitsa should be ordered. It is also necessary to order in the monastery reading a non-saturated psaltir for a year every tool.

Prayer for the removal of generic curse

Remove the curse of relative

Sometimes relatives curse each other, without knowing that this curse can become a boring - to go on the blood. All blood drains are reported vessels for which information flows in all directions. If this happened in the division of property or other household situations, do the following.

At night, when everything in the house is asleep, type water from the crane and put in the closet. Stand up the sun and tell the water to the water:

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Wash this water and repeat the conspiracy constantly. Then put the remaining water into the closet, hands and face do not wipe. At noon, repeat the procedure, slightly heated water on the stove. In the evening at sunset, you must bring the remaining water to the hotsture and wash it away.

Important remark. It is necessary to wash above the pelvis, and water from it to pour out in the toilet and wash off.

The next morning, go to the church and put a conducive candle to the Savior in front of the Savior. Just do not put before crucifying. This rite needs to spend three full miles in a row to have the effect. It is advisable to go to the church if it is very far away, go through a couple of stops.

Walked from curses

To protect yourself from curses, read once a month charm. It must be done more often if you are in conflict with some evil person. Words:

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