Meditation Kuthumi - Cleaning from binding entities


Meditation Cutchums for cleaning from binding entities is used in cases where you feel that in your life has come a non-coming black strip. We will figure it out what the essence of the method and how to apply it.

Types of entities

Energy entities that create bindings to your aura is a dense thickening of negative energy that affects your subconsciousness with the most negative way.

Meditation Kutchumi Cleaning Entity Binding

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In esoteric, there are several types of entities:

  • "Delighted Spirit." This entity is manifested in cases where a person makes a living with risky enterprises. Most often it is a game of money, bets, visiting gambling houses, hippodromes. You can concern it even indirectly - for example, have a drug addict or a game in the nearest environment.
  • "Lucifer". It manifests itself brighter in full moon or new moon. A person under the influence of this entity becomes aggressive, turns into a dispute. Harmony of its existence is broken, a tendency to violence, disputes appear. He exudes the negative, and every day the situation worsens.
  • "Archivans" is the embodiment of greed, the thirst for power and the accompanying couple with complete ignoring and contempt of spiritual values.
  • "UFO" - arises after contact with extraterrestrial beings. The first sign is a dream in which a person is kidnapped by aliens. There may be unrequisites on the body.

In the place where the essence is tied to the body, various diseases may occur without explicit reasons. For example, ulcers or non-heaven wounds are formed. This happens in particularly launched cases.

It is very important when the first signs appear to take action, otherwise the influence of entities on the energy shell will progress, and sooner or later, a person will be late to help.

The essence of meditation kuthumi

Feel how many problems have fallen on you? Fatigue does not pass, you are forced to deprive themselves rest again and again? Do you constantly arise any negative circumstances that do not give success in life?

Meditation Kuthumi

From the point of view of esoteric, the cause of the black strip can be the negative impact of special programs or entities. They may appear for two reasons:

  1. You yourself because of the negative plants existing in the subconscious, have brought problems with yourself.
  2. Someone from the side, your secret ill-wisher deliberately brought the damage or evil eye, wishing you the worst.

As a result, your aura is defeated, namely its important energy centers - chakras. You become very vulnerable and literally attracting, like a magnet, negative in your life.

In the process of meditation, you enter a particular theta condition to the sounds of pleasant music with certain vibrations. You relax, erase the edge between consciousness and unconscious. The elimination of negative locks occurs, you heal your aura, as a result, the black band in life is replaced by white positive.


Before the start of the meditation session, you need to find a suitable audio recording. Melody for Kutchumi must comply with some requirements: it sounds with certain vibrations that have favorably affect the subconsciousness and allow you to achieve the state.

Purification from binding entities

Important: This meditation has contraindications. It can not be used to people with psyche disorders, panic attacks. Also, you can not listen to music for Kutchumi while driving a car.

What do we have to do:

  • Enable music for meditation. Mandatory in stereo handlers, because the melody is recorded in a special way, the frequency of vibration cannot be heard from ordinary speakers.
  • Take a comfortable posture, make sure that you can stay in it enough for a long time. The perfect option is a lotus position, but if it is not easy for you, just sit down or lie. Mandatory condition - the back should be straight.
  • Close your eyes, concentrate on breathing and focus on your feelings.
  • Try to fully immerse yourself in the sounds of music, watch the voice recorder. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, abstract from unnecessary emotions.
  • Feel what you were as if inside the music. Repeat the speaker of the word meditation out loud. Do not forget to follow your sensations and emotions.

After a session of meditation you can do our usual affairs. Repeat the practice daily. It is better to do it before bedtime.

It is best to meditate under the sounds of a specially designed video:

Other ways of cleaning from entities

In addition to meditation, there are other techniques that allow you to clear the aura from the influence of entities.

What can you do:

  1. Express a clear intention to free yourself from contact with "dark" entities and terminate energy binding. This can be done with affirmations or visualization. The wording: "I reject all the activities of the darkness", "I cancel and cancel all contracts and treaties with darkness."
  2. Develop awareness: I remember every minute of your life that only you are the topper of your destiny, and the responsibility for the whole negative lies with you. Install the mental barrier around itself, through which evil does not penetrate.
  3. Gradually, get rid of negative thoughts, feelings, actions and actions. Work with positive thinking techniques.
  4. Increase your energy vibrations. To do this, use meditation, prayers, creative classes, singing, dancing, yoga, mantras and other spiritual techniques.
  5. Contact the highest forces and your guardian angel with a call to save you from the influence of dark entities.

After freeing my consciousness from all negative, stopping to make bad actions and configuring thinking to a positive wave, you install a powerful energy barrier. Thanks to him, you will be unavailable for foreign interference from the side, protect yourself from damage, evil eye and influence of entities.

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