Layout for the future on tarot - decoding and tips for use


Self for the future on tarot is an easy way to find out what is waiting for you soon. Maps will tell about the most important, will help to analyze their own life and understand, in which direction to move on. We share ways of simple ghosts.

Singing three cards for the future with a man

This simple way of divination will help to learn what to expect in the future from relationships with a beloved man.

Future alignment on tarot

What you have to do:

  1. Get ready for fortunening, sit at the table and take your personal deal of Tarot. It is better to use the classic option, because it is the most versatile.
  2. Drag a deck. During the shuffling mentally, imagine your man, remember the time spent together, some lucky moments of your relationship.
  3. Contact Tarot with a question - what should I wait for this union?
  4. Arbitrarily get three cards and lay them on the table.

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Then you can proceed to decoding:

  1. The first card is your past. Arkan will tell about what your relationship is based, why are you together. What actions and actions led to the current situation in a pair.
  2. The second card is the present. What feelings for you are experiencing a man how comfortable next to you, what plans he builds and is serious about it.
  3. Last, third card - forecast for the future. What awaits your pair: parting with a lot of negative consequences or a long and happy union, marriage, the birth of common children.

At the end of the divination, you can get another arcane from the deer. The map will give advice on how you better behave that your feelings are always strong, and the relationship is strong.

Self "serene days"

This gadas gives a detailed analysis of your life through the characteristics of the energies affecting your destiny. You will receive some tips on how to act, what to leave in the past so that the future is easy and cloudless for you.

Spread the cards according to the diagram shown in the figure.

Self-sessive days

Decoding Scenario:

  • 1 - a brief description of your life. How much is currently doing. Your main energy that affects everything that happens especially strongly. Also, the analysis of how past actions and thoughts affect the present.
  • 2 - what needs to be left in the past. It may be people, feelings, thoughts, things, work or something else. All factors that slow down the development and make you stagger in place, destroying the chances of success.
  • 3 - negative events from the recent past, which gave you invaluable experience. It is necessary to free themselves from the negative and understand that everything that happens was an important lesson that you must learn for development.
  • 4 - positive factors that need to capture with them to be cloudless. What favorably affects you contributes to the development and self-realization.
  • 5 - the possibility that destiny will send you soon. Remember this prediction so as not to miss good luck - it will multiply at least your chances of success and fulfilling cherished desires.
  • 6 - the most difficult circumstances with which will be faced in the future. Forewarned is forearmed. Get ready to solve problems to free your life from negative.
  • 7 - Tarot Message, which will bring you on thinking on the rest of the year. This is a very important message, do not ignore it.

With this divination, you will not get an accurate prediction about what awaits you in the near and distant future. But you can analyze everything that happens around you, to understand what is important, and what is not very. All this will help to put the right goals and follow the short ways to them, without excessive waste of energy potential.

Divination "Birthday"

You can guess this way either on your birthday, or within a few days after it is offensive. With the help of a simple defold, you will understand how long it is better to send your energy, on solving what problems you need to concentrate. Full and detailed features of your personality.

Scenario Scheme:

Single birthday.


  • 1 - who you are at the moment. Your position in society and life. Key traits of character that most common to the future. Strong and weaknesses that are most bright.
  • 2 - Your knowledge and experience accumulated last year. Important lessons you should have learned from significant situations. The factors most influencing your life at the moment.
  • 3 - that from the past will remain with you in the coming year. People, events, achievements and all other space around you. Positive and not very. Thanks to the interpretation of this card, you will understand that it helps you develop, and what pulls down.
  • 4 - Features that will open up before you next year. What chances will send fate to achieve success and happiness. Remember this prediction - it will help not miss anything important.
  • 5 - Important tasks requiring decisions until the next birth. They should pay special attention and put primarily in the list of cases and goals.
  • 6 - Tarot Council for the coming year for you. As it follows himself, so that everything worries well and does not disappoint the future.
  • 7 is a particularly significant goal or a cherished desire that you will fulfill the entire afternoon birthday.

Tarot prediction will help discard everything too much and focus on truly important and meaningful purposes.

These are universal layouts that give the most comprehensive answers to questions about the future. But remember that you yourself create your destiny, so any, even the most negative prediction, can always be changed. Listen to Tarotov's advice and self-soul signals.

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