Divination on loyalty on maps - tips and ways


You can pay for love and loyalty in different ways. Today we consider some options - fortune-telling on loyalty to the tarot, a playing deel, on a candle and a mirror. You can use any method to find out if the spouse changes or beloved?

fortune telling loyalty to tarot

Fortune telling loyalty to tarot

For this divination, you need to have a classic or love deck of tarot. To create an appropriate atmosphere and settings on a session, you can freeze the candle and incense with the smell of the sandale. Well helps adjusting the smell of anise or richness. No one should interfere, so the fortune telling is better to spend late in the evening.

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Stir Arkana, focusing on the question. Then begin to get from the deck of 8 arcanes, folding them in the following order:

  • The first Arcan is laying down in the center of the table;
  • under it lay out the second;
  • to the right of the second put the third Arcan;
  • Fourth Arcan put on the second and third;
  • Fifth - from the bottom from the fourth, perpendicular to it;
  • Sixstay posting under the fifth;
  • Seventh and eighth - under the sixth arcane.

The value of positions

  1. The first Arcan will show your feelings for a man, subconscious motifs. Sometimes a woman may not be aware of the attacks of a true attitude towards the partner, Tarot often makes it take over the unbiased from the side.
  2. The second Arcan will show the reason for suspected treason.
  3. The third Arcan describes the relationship between partners at the moment.
  4. The fourth Arcan shows the presence / absence of the fact of treason of spouse / beloved.
  5. The fifth Arcan will show the development of relations in the Union, if the fact of infidelity is confirmed by the fourth arkan.
  6. The sixth Arkan gives advice, how to keep love in the family. If the treason was not, Taro gives a prompt to prevent infidelity in the future.
  7. Seventh Arcan shows future relations between partners - are they possible at all? This position characterizes a woman.
  8. The eighth Arcan will show how your partner will relate to you in the future.

Open the interpreter and start interpreting the alignment. However, remember that the maps show the likelihood of developing events and never sign the sentence of relationships! Everything can be changed if desired.

Divination on a playing deck

For this, the new deck of playing cards of 36 sheets will be needed. For truthful divination, it is of great importance so that the deck is not played in a prime or fool, - the cards will not tell the truth.

So, you bought a new deck. It is necessary to guess in silence so that no one distract you and has not created interference. Configured to the prediction session, drag the deck. Belove to make the worm king. Lay out the cards on the table three in a row - only 9 cards. The diagram is shown in the picture.

divination for loyalty on playing cards

  1. The first card will tell about what the most worries you in relationships with your beloved.
  2. The second card will tell about your partner - its brief description.
  3. The third tells whether to trust the partner.
  4. The fourth shows the presence / absence of treason. If the ladmark dropped, there is infidelity. If the lady did not fall out, you can breathe calmly.
  5. The fifth card shows the presence / lack of interest of your favorite to other women. If a lady falls out, this interest is present.
  6. The sixth card will show who affects the opinion of your beloved. If the figure falls out, it means that someone strongly affects the thoughts and actions of the beloved.
  7. The seventh card will explain the cause, because of which the beloved began to change (or can go to it soon).
  8. The eighth card will predict the future perspective of your relationship, as you will treat your beloved.
  9. The ninth card will explain how the loved man will relate to you in the perspective.

To interpret the defold, take the classic interpreter for a playing deck. You can also make this alignment and tarot cards using an interpreter for questions about relationships.

Fortune telling loyalty to candles

Does the husband or loved change? Many women are worried about this question, but you can not always use cards. The fortune telling with the candle will help you know whether there is another woman with a loved one. To do this, buy a candle, preferably wax. At night, pour water from the crane in the saucer and put on the table.

Take a candle in your hands and hold for a while so that the wax absorbed information about you. Form your intention to see the mistress if it exists. Light a candle and slowly drive it over the water 12 times in a circle.

Now hide the candle and count the wax drops, frozen in the water. If it turned out an odd number of droplets, the husband is not true. An even number will confirm its loyalty.

The second option of fortune telling on candles

For this divination, you need to purchase two wax thin candles and install them in faceted glasses. Around the glasses with candles, you need to pour a circle of salt (better threatening) clockwise and say:

Divination on loyalty on maps - tips and ways 6495_3

Now burn candles from the match and wait for which one of them is the first fruit or will get out. Your candle is to the right of you, the candle of the alleged mistress - to the left of you. If your candle is surrounding the first, the beloved has a different woman.

The fortune telling needs to be carried out in a dark room, on the body to have a cross, hair covered with a handkerchief. Before fortunate and after it, you need to read our father 3 times.

divination on loyalty on the mirror

Divination on loyalty on the mirror

Salus contains all information about man like blood and hair. For this reliable divination, you need to stay alone, dissolve the hair and light the church candle in front of the mirror. Looking at your mirroring, tell me three times a plot:

Divination on loyalty on maps - tips and ways 6495_5

You need to read so that saliva accumulates in the mouth - do not swallow it. After pronouncing the final words, spit on the mirror surface. If your saliva began to flow on the mirror surface, there is a rival. If part of the saliva fixed on the surface, and the second part began to spread, the husband will soon begin to change. If saliva did not flow, he is faithful.


Should I believe fortune telling on treason? If you notice that your man cool or behaves unusual, it always points to the influence of another woman or his interest in it. In this case, the divination can confirm the fact of treason. But if you do not notice the change in the relationship of your beloved man, do not guess for his loyalty - it is bad sign. Thus, you can attract misfortune into your life.

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