What dreams of a husband's mistress dream: interpretation in various dreams


Muga's mistress in most cases dreams of divorce, blocking bank accounts and credit cards, lawyer expenditures and shared property. You are jealous and do not trust your husband, suspect it in treasures, and you have reason to think so.

Exceptions are possible if the husband occupies a prominent position and the deceived wife sees more benefits in the position, let him be deceived, but the existing wife than the ex-spouse and free in his choice of a woman.

Of course, the rejection of freedom and the willingness to endure the treason for the sake of dependence - financial or spiritual, destructively and hardly affects the psyche, health, self-esteem. Let's try to figure out what a lover of her husband is dreaming on leading dreams.


The actual value of sleep

Muga's mistress in a dream does not always mean the presence of a real mistress or temporary friend. To see the mistress of her husband in a dream and in reality - different things. But such a dream always becomes a reflection of doubts about the loyalty of the spouse, its attractiveness. Doubts rarely manifest themselves just like that.

What if you see such dreams? The full answer you will give a psychologist. You can only give a simple advice to pre-give - pay attention to your husband. Do not impose. Just attend. Everything happens, and the reason for the distance is unknown to you. Catch the mood, understand how to enter the desired rut, tune in to it.

Probably, it is worth reminding modern women about tolerance. The dream of her husband's mistress is not the most terrible. A dream about his lover can deliver much more excitement. The situation with the mistress in reality or in the imagination was able to solve many women. The situation with the lover has no reverse.


Main values

Main importance is extremely unpleasant for a dream. You understand that marriage exists exclusively fictitiously, you are not the most favorite for your husband and free to look for someone else, as before meeting with your husband. But then the whole segment of life becomes incomprehensible. If you love your husband, a resentment and vulnerable pride is added to bewilderment.

Sleep may be a warning, not a fact.

If in a dream you see your husband's mistress and beat it, you have a good chance to return control. Another question is whether you need such family happiness? Are you ready to kill all women to become the only one?

Pregnant Muscale Lover - Serious Family Threat. The dream clearly shows that the husband has a serious passion on the side. Maybe this is not a woman. It can be a gaming game, roulette, a secret drug addiction. Take care of the safety of family and personal assets until you find yourself in the apartment sold for debts.

A terrible sleep with her husband's mistress still has a positive value. In the event that in your dream you will find a husband with a mistress, you understand everything, she also understands everything and clearly you sympathize - everything is fine. The second woman is also you. You are very similar. Perhaps further in your dream you will go to drink tea or have fun together. At the same time, the mistress of her husband is clearly more interesting to her husband himself. Despite the light narcissistic disorder, as evidenced by the fact that the mirror version you like most in the world, you are fine in marriage. You save love for yourself. Nevertheless makes sense to go to a psychologist. The basic distrust that the dream talks to the husband's mistress, needs professional attention.

In bed

Authoritative values

Female dream book recommends not to sink a husband with reproach and do not demonstrate paranoid complexes. If the dream with his husband's mistress is true, not in his interest, and he will get angry. If not - the husband will be treated from unfair accusations. In any case, you will lose if you begin overwhelmed conversation, relying on the dreams.

The English dream book believes that such a dream hints on debts and vicious passions of your husband, which you do not know about. An attempt of a frank conversation will not give positive results. If the news of debt, gaming addiction, mistress is true, do not forget to secure your own property. But if a mistress in a dream is your friend, a friend, you are talking lively with her, sleep means only what you moved away from the family. Your friend in your dream is another version of you.

If you see your husband's mistress, but at the same time your husband in a dream is a completely different person, in the family lacks understanding. But with a well-known effort from both sides, you will be able to overcome the crisis.

Freud's dream book directly reports that to see the husband's mistress in a dream - think about treason and take care of justification in advance. Sleep creates a false excuse for treason. You attribute to your husband a dece, which or committed, or plan. In family life, there is any, it is better not to hurry with no conclusions or with rapid actions.

Fighting guy


To see a husband's mistress in a dream - in most cases sign of collapse of the family, the distance of the spouses, the extinction of feelings, jealousy. It is worth noting that your dream is your own visions, and it is possible that the mistress exists only in your imagination. But maybe sleep is a reflection of reality. If the dream worries, it is better to turn to a psychologist and try to find out the reasons.

The most important thing is not to panic, do not imagine yourself, do not reproach your husband in the fact that you saw a strange sleep, if you do not have other grounds for discontent. First you need to think about everything, and not in the company of girlfriends who will support any of your decision, but with psychologists and lawyers.

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