What dreams swarm of bees for dreams Miller, Freud, Vanga


The bee is the most famous "workaholik" from nature, but, on the other hand, the swarm of the bees are associated with a threat, because, by gathering together, these striped insects turn into weapons of mass lesion. What dreams loudly buzzing "Tuchka"? Will you please after the "bee" vision of the dream book or, on the contrary, will upset?

Many bees

General interpretation of this "buzzing" sleep

  • Roy bees in a dream, which buzzed at a distance from you, promises financial problems, unfulfilled dreams, minor troubles.
  • What insects consisted of swarm? Maybe it were "wrong bees"? Horshi will take off to the huge work that you spend on achieving conceived; Bumblebees - to the cash profit of unprecedented sizes; The wasps mean friends who betray you; Truta - to poverty that may come because of your laziness.

Have you been to the "spotlight"?

  • Bees circled around you: This is a good dream, he promises health, success at work, material well-being.
  • A lot of bees in a dream, which rushed at you, but neither one did not bite - to the successes on the Love Front. You will meet an ideal partner with which you can build a truly happy relationship ... But do not brag about it, otherwise there are many harmful enviousings.
  • They chased you: a terrible dream promises you great health. Even if a serious illness was tortured, she finally passed his position.
  • They chased not for you (or not only for you), but for your baby? Sleep's interpretation is the same, only now it applies to your son or daughter: the baby will not hurt.
  • What dreams the swarm of bees, who in a dream instilled you real horror? Surprise from insects, which you were afraid were afraid - this is a bad omen. Sleep says: Your dream is not destined to come true, and if you are planning something now, you can put a cross on these hopes.
  • To see a lot of bees, which are pioneering near you, - to unknown shopping and arrived. Money that fall into your hands, you are very successful.
  • Is this "crowd" thanked you? As the dream book says, a lot of bees aggressors hint at your boss, who uses your work, leaving you without a proper award. Or maybe you have long been working in your place and it's time to search a more suitable vacancy?
  • This sleep has a different interpretation: you are waiting for a painful conflict with a loved one (or a close relative).
  • You bicked, you saw it, but the pains did not feel: success awaits you. All you are doing now will bring long-awaited fruit.
  • Insects stamped you and fell dead? These are your competitors who are trying to harm you, but tolerate Fiasco. The main thing, do not lose the spirit of the Spirit, always insist on your own, and you will win them again and again.
  • Have you been the owner of the apiary, and little prestituts buzz around you? Excellent sleep, he promises success at work and (or) big things that you will be able to accomplish shortly.

Where did you meet the bees?

Beehive Bee.

  • In your home (apartment). How many insects flew around the rooms, so much trouble will soon fill this dwelling or have already been filled. Your subconscious reminds: in a household bustle you can forget about the main thing - your loved ones.
  • The second interpretation of this sleep: your home will soon fill guests. The meeting will be joyful, but, of course, very troublesome.
  • To see the swarm of bees, flying down the street, is a sign of successful cooperation, most likely with your colleagues. Together you can minim the mountains.
  • A lot of insects workers on the flowers covered in flowers or in the spring garden, says: Your economy is a great quality that the right road leads you to a wealthy life.
  • What dreams a lot of bees, offended buzzing over an empty field? Mednons, which could not find colors, warn: Your work will end with failure or simply will not bring profits. Perhaps you are to blame for this, initially without holding it with due diligence.
  • Swarm in the forest (wild, with a jack in Duples) dream of hard work. If you have seen some insects flew into our hive, collecting honey, dreaming means: you will diligently work in the team, and payment will be divided into all equally, not paying attention to the one who earned more, and who is less.
  • Finally, bee swings at the apiary, and even near honey poles and honeycombs - a symbol of a premium that the bosses will reward your honest work. Perhaps following a cash promotion, standing at the top will not be bored and at a higher position for you.
  • Frames, hives were empty? This dream, on the contrary, unlucky: he warns about material problems and (or) personal troubles.

And how do the bees see the most talented interpreters?

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The authors of the dreams, to which the whole world listens, sometimes almost shock us, giving the most bizarre decryptions of our dreams. Ready to surprise?

Dream Miller

Flying bees

  1. The bee is a symbol of a successful business deal, so similar dreams will most please the businessmen or trading workers.
  2. If the dreams are military, swarm bees means that its subordinates will be exemplary disciplined.
  3. Other people fading bees in a dream promise health revealed.
  4. If the inspirate is sophisticated you, this is a warning: a close friend is injured, offended.

Dream of Freud.

  1. For Professor Sigmund, a bee is a sign of a male genital organ, and her bite - sex.
  2. Bite "Polosatika" in a dream Women says: This lady with caution refers to sexual contacts with strangers. Who knows what they can end?
  3. Bee bite in a dream Men hints: Are you interested in your own sex, considering other men as sexual partners?
  4. It is not surprising that this dream book swarm is sees as a sexual life. And if you dream exactly a lot of bees, then you have been intimate life: it is saturated, interesting, diverse.

Dream Vangu

  1. For the Bulgarian Sviriditsa Roy is a sign of space. Perhaps very soon you will get a sign from above? If the swarm was huge, then you like none one with the mother-nature.
  2. If the insect bit you, it is not bad: you can get a news from another planet.

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