What dreams of Miller, Freud and Vangi dream books


The trial is an unpleasant process that is accompanied by a large loss of time and nerve cells. And what dreams - Dream interpretation clears.

What dreams of the court is a general interpretation of a dream

Such an image in a dream can talk about the inner depression of the dream. Perhaps it condemns the society for any misdeed. To cope with all the problems, you need helping friends.

But for a more accurate prediction, you need to remember the dream in all details, but only then look for answers in snorkelors.

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You will give little little if in the morning the day off to you will knock on the door and will be awarded a summons. If in a dream you got such a "letter of happiness", then there are big unrest and unparalleled events that are waiting for you. How long they will continue, will depend only on you. The emergence of a strong competitor on your way.

If businessmen saw this image, it means that the increased interest of the tax and higher officials will soon get to your company.

Stand in front of the court

You need to develop extracts and leadership qualities. Only so you can achieve your goals.

Be late

Your nepunctuality in real life will soon play a bad joke with you. It is also worth more responsible about cases, otherwise you are waiting for big disappointments related to loss of work.


  • If you are accused of murder in a dream, but you defend your innocence, then in real life you will be waiting for a long war with enemies and enemies. You can not do in this battle without your faithful friends.
  • If you did not manage to defend your innocence in the dream and the court sentenced you to prison, Introduce you to find a common language with my own "I". This symbol personifies the internal struggle of the dream with himself.
  • To be justified by the court - your ill-wishers and enemies will be forced to recognize their defeat.
  • Act a prosecutor or a witness - all your serious misconduct will soon be known to the public. You may have to incur deserved punishment for it.

Give a testimony against oneself

If you read the testimony against yourself, then the relationship with your beloved person has completely cooled. There will be no continuation of such a union.

The same interpretation for a dream, when you see yourself from the dock on the bench.

God's court in a dream

This is a very strange image. But you should not be afraid, it does not marvel anything bad. This is a warning that you should start changing your behavior and lifestyle. But if this is not done, then it can be incurred by heavier consequences. This image is the subconscious desire for the dream itself to change.

See the trick

The dreams goes on the wrong way, because of this succeed so hard. It is necessary to change the scope of activities or your action plan. Also, this image indicates the hypocrisy of sleeping, which will soon play a very bad joke with him. This image is enhanced if the dream is judged.

Judicial proceedings over people who are no longer alive

If you have seen the proceedings over the late familiar man, I will soon have to pay bitterly for the perfect misconduct, which are not yet known to the public. Only sincerity and repentance will help to avoid terrible punishment.

Scales of the court

Interpretation of the image according to famous interpreters

Dream Miller

  • You are a participant in the trial - to the emergence of serious enemies and ill-wishers on the life path. They can spoil your reputation very much, thereby set up the public against you.
  • Consider the verdict unfair. This image marks that one of your surroundings dismisses gossip and builds a goat behind his back. Your intuition will help to figure it out in this situation.
  • Go to court to the trial - you should review your behavior to surrounding people and lifestyle.
  • Stand before building a court. This image speaks of your determination and internal energy, which is also ready to break out.

Interpretation of dreams in the dream of Freud

  • To see a trial - you have a reason to condemn. Recently, you have committed a lot of mistakes and misses. It is possible to think and analyze your actions.
  • Win it. The dreams subconsciously wants to throw his family for love joy. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud recommends not to lose your head for one-time entertainment. In the future you will edit yourself for such misconduct.
  • Play business. You regret and feel very worried that you can't deliver enough pleasure to your sexual partner. Also, this image marks the speed breaking of the relationship.
  • To be as a judge - you are too biased to your partner in sexual terms. Perhaps this is associated with the inexperience of the elect.

Decryption of the image across the accelerator Vanga

  • Perform the role of the judge in its night fantasies. This is a very favorable symbol. He marks success in all financial affairs. Soon you will receive a well-deserved increase in position at work.
  • If you win the case in a dream, I will be able to win in an important dispute.
  • Play case - unfavorable sign. You will soon be seriously punished with fate for your inaction and negligent attitude to the case.

In the courtroom

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