What dreams of the funeral for dreams and basic interpretations


Funeral in a dream - usually a painful sight, especially if you consider the logic of sleep, according to which a variety of activities can be included in the script. The thought of death is usually drowning by a person during life, long-term reflections on mortality and traffic police are necessarily leading to depression, despondency.

To see the funeral - a bad sight, but in some cases necessary to understand yourself and find answers to forbidden awkward questions. The real meaning of the dream is positive, you forgive and part with something unnecessary and ready to start a new life. Do not be afraid, try to figure out what the funeral is shot.

Carry wreath

The main values ​​of the funeral in a dream

  • Funeral in a dream can have three main values ​​with various interpretations. The first, actual value can be the echo memories of the real funeral, which you had to visit. In this case, you will experience approximately the same feelings as the last time, the sadness of parting, awkwardness, shame from trying to hide reflections and joy about the inheritance, the set depends on the relationships that bind you to the late and with others. It makes sense to think, for which you needed to experience this memory again, what exactly you strive to remember, pay attention to the details.
  • The second value is based on the subconscious fears of man, fear of death. You dream of someone close and dear in the coffin. Or, you yourself suddenly find yourself on the site of the deceased and disturbingly listening like the housekeeping of the ground drumat on the lid of the coffin. Fortunately, such nightmares do not last long, you will wake up in an ice sweat, swallow water in the kitchen and light again.
  • The third value of the funeral in a dream is the strongest, but the most interesting. You have no idea who they bury, but you know exactly what you have the most direct attitude. You must keep wreaths, then carry a coffin cover, take care of a banquet, to conduct an anti-funeral orchestra. Such a dream means that you parted with some part of yourself, bury the dream or idea, past or future, refuse to be significant for yourself and vital in the past moments.
  • Not at all in vain, army elders arrange the solemn funeral cigarette, bottles. These seemingly meaningless, annoying and mockery actions are of serious importance for the formation of the failure of habits.
  • Score nails into the cover of the coffin - to refuse habits that began to bring harm to you.
  • Take a coffin or pretend to be carrying, - it is quite possible, you are experiencing a strong sense of guilt and would like to change something, abandon a number of actions. Get rid of shame secrets, namely, you do in a dream, is a great idea. If you do not do this, all the remaining life you will have to stand at the edge of an imaginary grave, feeling the severity of a non-existent coffin on the shoulders. Whatever you do, this hell, to which many people sense themselves in life - excessive and wrong punishment. Get out of paralysis. If you still feel guilty, do good deeds. Go to the Hospice volunteer, go to treat dangerous diseases to another mainland. All this is better than hanging in a ridiculous guilty monument.

Funeral wreaths

Tangled plots with funeral

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Since the funeral in a dream is often closely related to the fault complex in reality - did not have time, did wrong, they did not manage to take care of the most well, rejoiced to the liberated apartment and inheritment, the plot could be confusing.

If you dream that you bury the knowingly deceased person, and it turns out, alive and waiting for you at home or even please treat at your own funeral, in this dream you are finalizing your fault complex. In a dream, you can take care, help, reassure in premature joy, make up. Upon completion of sleep, the died with pleasure returns to the grave, and the feeling of guilt is no longer disturbing.

If the dead swears, demanding, returns again and again with terrible damage, it means that you have a very deep guilt. Perhaps you really are to blame. But this is not a reason to get silent and dedicated to the rest of the life of repentance. Distribute alms from churches, buy an sporting form of a school football team, do something good and useful. When the feeling of guilt passes, terrible dreams will stop.


The value of the funeral in a dream by authoritative interpretation

  • Wang's dream book especially closely relates to his own funeral and considers them an excellent sign of future wealth and prosperity, excellent health, and possibly the coming wedding. If you saw a grave plate with your name, this is a faithful longevity sign. Some people knowing about this take, specially knock their name on the family gravestone in reality. It is usually accompanied by a habit of negligent relatives who cannot be able to take care of themselves alone. The grill is needed to cause the maximum bewilderment that blocks the understanding of what is happening.
  • An empty coffin without a body means that you are experiencing an internal emptiness and deep loneliness. You would like to part with this emptiness.
  • Miller's dream book considers funeral in a dream with a good sign, provided good weather. The better the weather in a dream, the more positive you will be able to refer to changes in your life. Modest funeral means future success. Magnificent funerals, reminiscent of the holiday, are not good. Serious family quarrels are possible.
  • Tsvetkova's dream book claims that the funeral in a dream means a possible ambulance wedding. Indeed, burying old problems, and in your dream you buried them, you get a chance to develop new relationships.

At the funeral

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