What dreams former beloved by Nostradamus's dreams, Freud, Hasse and other authors


Not everyone sleeps can remember the images of dreams. But the female half of humanity often happens to see in the dream of the former lover. To figure out what a similar vision is dreaming, the smallest details should be restored. Only after that you can look into the dream book to clarify the signs of the night painting.

In white bed

General aspects of the interpretation of a night image

The nature of dreams remains beyond the cognition of official science. Psychologists consider the images of the night illusions by breakthrough into the world of the unexplored and mysterious, the opportunity to realize the past and look into the future. In general, a sleepy scenario, in which a woman had a chance to see her former beloved, is considered a sign of nostalgia on past relationships. Feelings have not yet been faded, heartings did not overgrown, leaving unresolved questions in the shower.

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An unambiguous response confirming the reality of the prophetic dreams does not exist. Night script with a former man can be considered a warning sign if the picture came on the eve of an important event.

The importance of setting details

Dream interpreters interpret such a scenario in different ways, relying on the actions of the Newestness itself and her boyfriend:

  • Parting with the former chosen one will dream of a loss of something or someone important in reality;
  • An illusion with a kiss of the ex-boyfriend dreams to surprise in reality, or this is a prevention of a future quarrel with the current beloved;
  • Sleep, where the former guy has a new passion, indicates the moral readiness of parting with him;
  • The arms of the former beloved in a dream signals the need for a disinterest of moral support and protection.

According to modern psychologists, the sleepy illusions, the subconscious is manifesting important questions for a person, trying to give a hint that should be changed in real life. Excuse the unauthorized dream image will help the treatises of famous interpreters of dreams. If the sleepy vision becomes intrusive, you will have to turn to a psychologist.

On the background of the moon

Interpretation Interpretation Options

For many girls, parting with the chosen one becomes a cruel blow, which is reflected in the state of mental health. A series of memories, collaborative plans for the future for a long time remains a link with the past. The feeling of innocence turns into a desire to bring order in his own feelings, which leads to the appearance in the dream of the former beloved.

Tip: Contemplator of a sleepy vision should be distracted from obsessive thoughts about the former guy. Having plunged into the whirlpool of new classes or interesting hobbies, you can find a rusty of bright emotions that can eclipse former love.

Dream Nostradamusa

According to the interpretation of the famous prophet, a dream with a former bridegroom warns of the ban on appealing for help to sorcerers. The sign is especially relevant, if it crushed out that the former boyfriend pushed again to the dream of the former passion. A girl cannot be applied to any magic techniques. Perhaps her former chosen one is trying to return it to the witchcraft charms.

Dream of Freud.

Great psychoanalyst paid great attention to the analysis and interpretation of dreams, considering their manifestations of the unconscious, the result of the interaction of the subconscious consciousness. What dreams former beloved, according to Freuda:
  • The illusion is not considered a sign, if the parting happened recently, it is the echo of the usual once lifestyle;
  • If the sleepy vision comes against the backdrop of new relations, this is a harbinger of a quarrel with the current beloved;
  • Sometimes such a dream warns a woman that new relationships can be destroyed because of the same mistakes.

The founder of psychoanalysis advises the dreams to pay attention to the trifles, analyze the current connection. If a woman mentally compares the advantages of both men, one should not share their conclusions with the current companion, such a "excursion" in your past will be unpleasant.

Dream Khasse

The appearance of such a phantasmagoria should be considered a call to change, since a woman has a change of priorities, she strives for something new. The author of Dream, the medium of the last century, proposes to hold an inner "revision" after parting with the former beloved.

Dream of flowers

The esoteric treatise of the modern scientist and the occultist uses women in particular popularity. The most voluminous foliance today offers two directions of dream interpretation depending on the status of the dreams:
  • For an unmarried girl, the night Guest with the former is considered a sign of a fast frivolous act in real life;
  • For a woman, a married or divorced sleepy picture becomes a signal about the appearance of unpleasant problems of personal or financial plan.

Interestingly, the authors of the English dreams are solidar with Nostradamus on the issue of decryption sleep. The nightly scenario, in which the lady had the opportunity to see her former lover, foreshadows the magical impact on a woman from the man from whom he had a chance to part.

Esoteric dream book

The snorker provides a rather detailed dream interpretation.

  • The illusory meeting with the former chosen one indicates the echoes of the wrong decisions of the past, which are reflected in today's situation.
  • If Snovidice happened to make love with a man from the past, in reality she should wait for the exacerbation of the long-standing conflict.
  • After a strong quarrel in a dream with a former beloved, it should be expecting pleasant changes in his personal life.


Dream Interpretation Loffa

The symbolism of the author's treatise is based on the spiritual perception of events and phenomena. The collection will not proper, but helps in the light of sleep images correctly build real life. If the dream is dreaming that the ex-spouse married it again, revealing should be waiting for negative circumstances. What dreams of the death of the former lover? Such a turn of the script foreshadows wealth and well-being in reality, the ambiguous marriage and the appearance of the Sibling

Dream Vangu

  • If the dream has happened to see in a dream former love, it means that she craves the return of relationships.
  • The continuation of the lovelines for a sleepy scenario indicates that the previous feelings managed to overcome.
  • If the ex-boyfriend was drunk along the dream of a dream, then in real life he misses the lady, who saw sleep, waiting for her support.

For a divorced woman, the snorker prepared an additional version of the decoding of a dream. If the Pantheon of the Night Dream Images complements the former mother-in-law, the situation indicates the fact of its regrets about your parting with her son.

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