What dreams of going to the cemetery for Miller's dreams, Eastern


Many people are afraid of cemeteries even in real life and will not go there just to be caught (unless, of course, they do not belong to the unification). What dreams of this sad place? What does the dream book say, is there really no good sleep?

At the cemetery

General interpretation of such Gothic sleep

  • The most frequent opinion of interpreters is such a dream talking about future changes in your life. It may change rather dramatically, divided into "to" and "after".
  • What dreams that you go around the cemetery, which does not cause any fear, no horror, nor even trembling? All changes in your destiny will be happy.
  • In a dream, from such a walk, you were scared before buming? The subconscious says that amoral thoughts visit your head, and it bothers you.

Who is the dreams?

  • Guy. For him, walk around the cemetery in a dream means that he has many faithful friends, rising friendship with him.
  • Married unconscious woman (possibly having children). For such a lady, the dream will be favorable, promising happiness and health of her relatives.
  • Widow. Sleep to the new marriage.
  • Retiree. Sleep foreshadows serious illness and even the fast transition to the world is different.
  • Child. In the case of children, the dreams of walking in the cemetery treats as a prediction of the future loss or other life test. Perhaps this case will make a dream adult until the term.
  • Teenager. The transitional age of such a person will be extremely difficult. Perhaps the case will even end depressions.
  • Lovers. It rarely happens that two people see a similar sleep, but it still happens. To see that you go around the cemetery along with the beloved (lover), it is a bad dream for your relationship. It means that you will part and you will not be together, and if you still get married to fate, you will be like this marriage.

What did you do there?


  • Just strolling. This is not a very good dream, it can mean misfortune or poverty.
  • Paid barefoot: health and longevity.
  • I was looking for a concrete grave and still could not find it. Your life will be filled with difficulties.
  • Read inscriptions on tombstones: There will be many comrades and friends in your life.
  • You did not go through the cemetery itself, but by him, and they tried not to look at him, lowered her head. Sleep says: unfinished things from the past brake you. Finish them and live calmly.

What was it?

  • Old, Old. To long, but lonely and unhappy life. The second interpretation that does not cancel the first: you can very well and quickly make a career.
  • Gloomy, gothic, mysterious: you are waiting for loss. Perhaps in a different world will go close to you.
  • Abandoned and very unclean. You feel that your life was wasting.
  • Well-groomed. Soon your life will change, and you are ready for this. If you or someone in your family sick, this dream promises recovery.
  • Pure. In your family, harmony reigns and peace.
  • Spring (all trees, bushes bloomed). The black stripe in your life finally ends.
  • Festive: All the tombstones someone decorated with balloons. To large but pleasant spending.
  • Autumn, in false foliage. Sleep promises emergency inheritance.
  • Winter: The graves were snowing snow. Bad changes in your life will make it difficult, entail a lack of money.
  • Rainy (or weather was foggy, cloudy). Sleep promises problems, perhaps on the love line. To deal with them, you need to clearly understand that you have left in the past, and what you are planning for the future.
  • Underwater. You have to "submarine" your home. Buy something new from the furniture, make repairs.
  • Nursery. If you quarreled with someone from your relatives, reconciliation will follow.
  • Rural. Soon your childhood will make you remember. Maybe you will meet an old friend, and maybe you will find a box with my first crafts.
  • With open coffins, and you have seen bones (human). Get ready - a black bar will begin in your life. It depends on your calm behavior, it will end so quickly.

What do famous interpreters write?

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In the dark in the cemetery

In contrast to the general interpretation, specific dreams can greatly adjust the decoding of certain circumstances of your night vision. Or maybe these interpretations will be more favorable for you?

Dream Miller

  1. Walk both in the cemetery and the court of church in winter - to poverty. However, if in a dream the snow began to melt a little, your life will be improved.
  2. See yourself with your girlfriend in the cemetery - you will not be able to get married, but you will see how your favorite (beloved) walks the wedding with another person.
  3. The most common interpretation of such sleep in Miller: He is favorable, promises a long life, filled with friendly participation and support for loved ones.

Eastern Dream

  1. The cemetery, according to which you caught, was tied, well-groomed. You will be returned to the thing lent a long time ago, and maybe you will learn about the recovery of a seriously ill relative.
  2. It was abandoned with high grass. You will survive all relatives, and in old age you will be patronized by people who are not relatives.
  3. You have seen yourself a bride going to the altar among the graves. If your spouse is traveling on a business trip, try not to let him go - he may not return.
  4. If an adult woman dreams that she carries a bouquet on the grave, sleep is good. It means: diseases will bypass your children.
  5. The cemetery is dreaming of widow (especially young) - to the fast Marsh Mendelssohn. If in a dream you are sad, the marriage will be unsuccessful.
  6. If the graves are shot by a grandpa or grandfather, sleep says that close people on the "that side" have already been released.
  7. If you walked around the cemetery and have seen how children play, sleep is not bad. He promises happiness and good changes in your life.

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