Why dream of a betrayal of the basic values ​​and interpretations of dream books


We will understand what it means betrayal of the dream, what dreams betrayal dream books. First of all, it is necessary to establish that such a betrayal.

Betrayal - infringement, hacking your personal space on the inside, creating a vulnerability. Betrayal can realize only close person who found benefit in spreading your secrets, or considered it necessary to report your behavior to higher bodies. It is not always due to the betrayal of a lie, but always entails a conflict of interest, separation and the danger of retaliation.


What do you mean false and a betrayal of basic values

Battered women take allegations of beatings by a spouse as an appeal for the protection of the family from the inside outward is considered a betrayal. Depersonalized interaction within the family, it is not a conflict between two people with different views, but some internal process. Handling outside jeopardizes the existence of the family as a community. But her husband had broken his oath of marriage before, when he began to harm family members.

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Members of various sects suffer humiliating techniques and do not dare to complain or to escape - a betrayal that can create vulnerability for the whole group. But society itself, instead of prosperity satisfied hell than violate their own vows. Response is considered to be a violation of false betrayal. you do not have to follow the rules and take care of the health and character of those who have been deceived.

Betrayal - a betrayal of the oath. A married, state, friendship oath, military, corporate, community vows professional oath.

  • Adultery is a dream - unquestionable betrayal. Perhaps you are afraid of betrayal, assuming the implementation of the most terrible nightmare. Most likely, the family is really hanging by a thread.
  • Corporate betrayal, violation of internal secrets. While you are bypassing the service instructions are measured by salaries in a smoking room - these are small internal disorders. But if you dream that you are opening a safe of the board, take away the constituent documents, patents, design schemes and bank documents and go to competitors, is a betrayal. Talk to journalists the pure truth about the frauds in their office is a betrayal. First, disagree and leave the community, and then proceed to crushing exposures. By the way, the blackmail of his own leadership and the threat of exposure is not betrayal, but a clear hint of his opportunity. If you see in a dream, the betrayal of your company in which you serve do not hurry to run to the security service. It will be enough if you strengthen control on your site.
  • A friend betrayal in a dream can have a variety of forms. From a sexual connection with your own partner before the spread of discarding rumors or unnecessarily frank truthful stories about children's leproses. Disclosure of secrecy is an unconditional betrayal. Probably, in a dream, you will experience bitterness and disappointment. If you understand that such a scenario is quite possible in reality, try to explain to a friend the importance of saving secrets and revelations. If this fails, your concerns were justified.

Between two men

Values ​​of betrayal in a dream on authoritative sources

  • According to Loffa's dream, if you dream that you are in the process of married treason and betrayal, your behavior in real life contradicts recognized standards. Perhaps you went to the venos. If you see that you are deceived, it is very likely that it is worth the gullibility.
  • Female dream book warns against the visions of treacherous treason with friends and colleagues of the spouse. The betrayal in a dream means cooling of the relationship, the search and selection of the new partner among the available targets. It is worth changing the circle of communication so as not to be tempted.
  • Miller's dream book explains the betrayal of friends in a dream by rivalry, the desire to self-esteem for someone else's account. It is possible that the dream has a real basis. In any case, the old revelations will soon cease to work, do not allow missing and adhere to neutral the conversations. Speak about football or manicure, new films. It is not worth telling the story of his life even in the highest trust. You are not fully entitled to count on it.
  • The betrayal of loved ones, family members is typical for adolescent protest age. If you are insulting and betraying parents in a dream, you may have a pity, depression, despair, require attention to yourself by means. As an adult, you can solve this problem. Buy hotels and go to visit your parents, spend the evening together.

At the lesson


The betrayal, real or in a dream, always reserves the plume of complex emotions. Difference, the joy that it is only a dream, fear, doubt, disappointment, insult - everything is mixed into a single cocktail. Perhaps a dream of a dream is your own suspicion or excessive talkativeness.

Maybe your consciousness is searched by vulnerability so that you can protect yourself. But it is possible that small observations were in a slim picture that you saw in a dream. See a dream with betrayal - an alarming mark, and you should pay attention to him.

Reduce the degree of gullibility, check the facts, do not invent excuses for other people, protect your secrets. Think over the information you provide other people. With the help of truthful stories, you can apply no less harm than when hacking a bank cell. Speak about the weather, about theatrical innovations, read books and curious magazine notes. You will become a pleasant interlocutor without disclosing the identity of the person.

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