Morning Meditation by Silva Method - Application


Meditation by the method of Silva is very popular. This is one of the techniques of working with thinking, which helps to get rid of negative installations in the subconscious and replace them with positive. The author, José Silva, was convinced that it was our thoughts to form life, so it is so important to change them to positive.

Description of the method

According to the author of meditation, in order to become a successful person, you need to learn how to feel satisfaction not only from achieving the goal, but also from the process itself. And most of this is affected by premonitions and creative abilities. If you develop intuition and imagination, you can achieve success absolutely in everything.

Meditation Jose Silva

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The Silva Method is for those people who dream of changing their lives for the better, gain harmony and happiness. Apply techniques obtained in the process of practice can be practically in any field of life. You will learn to solve completely any problems using the strength of thought. Let's refuse to fight and enjoy life.

Features of the equipment are as follows:

  1. You develop intuition, which helps to notice the signs that send the universe to your subconscious.
  2. You get rid of everything that prevents living happily, successfully and achieve goals.
  3. You will receive answers to you exciting questions, improve yourself, develop internally.
  4. You activate the energy potential of my own personality and send the energy of thought to achieve the goals.

Immersing at a certain level of consciousness, we affect the installation and beliefs laid in it. This allows you to remove negative beliefs and form a truly positive thinking, sincere, not bypass.

Creative thinking and intuition are the main factors of success.


Jose Silva believed that human power was laid in his imagination. It is thanks to he can manage absolutely all events occurring in life. And because the imagination is unthinkable without creativity, the left hemisphere of the brain must be involved in his meditation, which is responsible for creativity.

Method Silva Meditation

The basis of technology is the entry into the alpha condition of consciousness. To do this, you will need morning meditation:

  • As soon as you woke up, disconnect the alarm clock and go to the bathroom.
  • After the necessary morning procedures, go back to bed and place alarm clock through an interval of 15 minutes.
  • Cut comfortably, close your eyes. Try to raise the eyeballs for twenty degrees and start counting to one hundred.
  • After the end of the account "Catch" a sense of success. Try to fully experience this condition, filled with them from the tips of the fingertips to the top of them. At the same time, color associations should occur, you will also feel the smells that are associated with your success.
  • Then open your eyes and count to five. This meditation is considered to be finished.

After the Morning Meditation by José Silva Method, you will feel excellently and charge the condition of success for the rest of the day. All problems will seem solved, all goals will be on the shoulder.

The universe itself will guide you and your thoughts on the right track. With this simple meditation, you activate the strength of your own subconscious and configure a positive wave of success.

What gives the condition of alpha

Entry into the state of alpha is a necessary condition for meditation. It is at this level that the desired visualization is carried out. Practicing meditation daily, you will learn to recreate in the subconscious image of what you dream that you want to get from life.

This allows you to achieve goals with the shortest paths. You develop creative potential, learn to think outlessly, find original ways to solve problems.

For a clearer understanding of the meditation technique, look at the learning video with its foundations:

Complex level

Meditation technique, which we described above, is the highest level of complexity. When you learn to enter the alpha condition in the morning, you can try to do it at any other time.

Phased appliances:

  • Sit on the chair so that the back remains smooth, and the feet rested in the floor. Alternative - Lotus Pose. But use it only if you feel comfortable.
  • Hands put on her knees, relax the palms. Try to keep your head straight, it should not fall down.
  • Close your eyes and like the side begin to look at your body. Concentrate on each of its plot - from feet feet to the top of the top. When internal eyes go through a certain part of the body, mentally relax her.
  • Then imagine that there is a glowing point in front of your eyes, focus all the attention on it. You must feel how extraneous thoughts leave your consciousness, and the eyelids become heavy.
  • Start the countdown from a hundred to one. At the end you will enter alpha condition and be able to proceed to visualization.

Gradually, you will learn to reduce the number of accounts. The highest pilot cattle is the ability to enter the alpha condition for five bills. The main thing is to practice regularly.


The entry into the alpha state is necessary in order to then recreate the images of the desired. To do this, learn to visualize. Not everyone immediately turns out to include imagination. Learn to help simple techniques:

  1. Imagine what you see lemon. You will immediately begin to actively allocate saliva as if you tasted the citrus.
  2. Then imagine a black screen and draw a mental picture mentally on it.
  3. Try not only to see it, but also see in the colors, feel associative smells, hear sounds.

Happened? So you have achieved success and you can visualize anything, without difficulty. Gradually learn to draw in the imagination more complex pictures. With regular practice, success is inevitable.

How can I use it in practice? Very simple. For example, you can find a lost thing. Just enter the alpha condition, and then imagine yourself with this thing in your hands. The subconscious will tell you where it is now.

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