Meditation technique - Different techniques and nuances of application


If you are interested in which meditation technique is most effective for relaxation, you will not recognize the answer until you try. There are many different ways, each of which deserves attention. We will look at three simple techniques who are equally suitable and beginners, and "experienced users."

Technique number 1: Breathing "One-four or two"

This method is equally appropriate and beginners, and those who have already succeeded in meditations. It is important to work out the correct technique of breathing.

Meditation for beginners

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What do we have to do:

  • Lay the appropriate place in which you certainly will not disturb over 20 minutes.
  • Take a comfortable pose for you. You can lie down, sit on the chair, take the lotus position or yogan asana. It is only important that the back remains straight.
  • Close your eyes, put the hands on the knee cups so that the palms watched up.
  • During a couple of minutes, nothing needs to do, the subconscious is set. It is only necessary to concentrate on the respiratory process. Feel how the air penetrates into the lungs on the breath, and your body leaves in exhale.
  • With each exhalation, seek to relax the body. Feel how the tension goes, muscle blocks and clamps are removed.
  • After you understand that they relaxed, begin to concentrate on the breath in a certain way: at the expense of "times" to hold your breath for four seconds, to the "two" account - exhale.
  • Continue so breathing 10-15 minutes.

This meditation method is very simple and convenient. You can practice at any time convenient for you. Pleasant music will help to relax faster, pick up suitable melodies in advance.

Technique number 2: Candle meditation

This is more complex meditation. You need an empty room and several candles. It is better to use church, made from wax. But in the extreme case, any others will fit.

Methods of meditation

It is better to do in the evening, because in the room there should be a twilight. What do we have to do:

  • Disable lighting. If you are practiced during the day, close the window openings with dark dense curtains. Sit comfortably and straighten your back.
  • Light candles and arrange around yourself. One place right before your eyes at a distance of an elongated hand.
  • Start looking at the flame, trying not to blink, concentrate on fire all your attention. Eyes will disappear - nothing terrible.
  • Imagine how the fire fills the entire body, consciousness. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. If you fail and you start thinking about something, again switch attention to the flame and concentrate on it.
  • After some time, close your eyes, but imagine that you still observe fire. Clearly try to see how dancing and brightly flashed the flame.
  • After the visualization succeeds, open your eyes and extend. Make some deep breaths, slow exhalations.

This practice teaches liberating consciousness from all over and train the ability to concentrate on something one. This is not such a simple task, as it seems at first glance. Talking regularly, you will learn to completely immerse yourself in one process without being distracted anything too much.

Technique number 3: body awareness

We all live in our physical body. It is so habitual and of course that we have learned to notice and feel the signals that it sends us. The third method of meditation will help solve this problem.

Meditation technique

What do we have to do:

  • Take a comfortable body position. Be sure to follow the back to remain straight. Breathe deeply, feel how tension leaves your body. You relax and freed from extraneous thoughts.
  • Then concentrate on your fingers. Feel what sensations arise in them at this moment. Mentally direct your breath into this area, passing heat and energy with it.
  • After complete relaxation, move above, to the engines, and repeat the procedure. And so as long as you do not reach the top.

At the end of the meditation, you will feel the tide of energy and strength, notice how your body was filled with heat. Remember this feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You must have a positive attitude, which will accompany a long time.

Of the three listed techniques of meditation, the most difficult, perhaps, that with candles. It is not easy to concentrate on the flame for a long time and do not fall asleep. It is very important at the first signs of drowsiness to stop the session and return to meditation at another time.

This is absolutely normal, over time you will learn to concentrate and not fall asleep in the meditation process. The main thing is to do regularly.

Check out video with general meditation technique for beginners:

Rules and recommendations

The listed meditation methods are equally good. But it is worth using some recommendations so that the practice of practicing was high:

  1. Do regularly. Already one meditation session helps to relax and free consciousness from extraneous thoughts. But only permanent classes will bring a significant effect.
  2. Try different ways and methods to choose the most suitable for yourself. Every person is individual, therefore there is no universal technology, you must pick it up on your own.
  3. Find an experienced mentor who will advise and give an understanding how to act correctly.
  4. Make a playlist with music for meditation. Include pleasant calm melodies that do not irritate the rumor and are well suited for the background.
  5. Try to eat and give time to physical exercises. Along the meditations, it will help to achieve harmony between soul and body.

Try the technique described by us and write in the comments, which positive changes felt on themselves.

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