What dreams of Freud's dream books, Miller


Noise, gams, abundance of goods - or emptiness and destruction ... What kind of market you dreamed and what is this dream? How does the dream dream dream in which you went to rejoicing?

On the market

General interpretation of "bazaar" sleep

  • The market is not so many products as communication. Often, he appears in the dreams of people who are destined to go to the conference, where they will communicate with a large number of listeners. It is not excluded that you have a noisy celebration ahead - for example, a wedding, corporate party or meeting of classmates.
  • Another popular interpretation of this dream: "Market" dream foreshadows some incident. Moreover, it can be both positive and negative.
  • If you caught raining (or he drove you to the market), you are a trans. You need to do something!
  • Did you trade in warm, clear weather? Sleep promises you a good, favorable purchase.

What was this market?

  • With new rows, beautiful awning: you have a good "business band", so if you dream to open your business, dare!
  • Old, Old, many trays are broken: do not start anything new, do not buy expensive things and in no case take loans. You are waiting for damages.
  • Empty: you are threatened with difficult times in the financial plan. You will not starve, but the condition of your wallet will be extremely unstable.
  • The goods were, there were no people: sleep foreshadows loneliness.
  • He was locked: something prevents you from working or make plans.
  • He was small: spending await you, but small.
  • Open rows (seen sky): Friends and family are honest with you. Rows were closed? So you are cheating, and even with envy.

There traded products?


  • Yes, and this market in a dream you have seen in good weather: to profits. Maybe at work you will premie or favorite will give something.
  • Good grade goods, order on the counters, polite sellers: Fortunately in personal life. If you are a young girl, sleep means that you will be married or you will eat from your parents.
  • On the contrary, spoiled products, broken counters - to a family quarrel.
  • You bought excellent products, then took them out of my bag, and they turned out to be a rot? Your partners swear that things go to the mountain, and in fact the business is almost in decline.
  • Have you spoiled the product market by keeping your husband's hand (wife)? Soon you buy your first housing.
  • You bought everything on the list: in life you are great planning your budget, the routine of the day, work. In general, moving in the right direction!

Fish Market

  • Female Son. . See the market where you bought fish - you are internally ready to become a mother. You were looking for a separate variety of fish for the exquisite Kushan: Finally, you can manifest yourself at work or in the family. Choosing a fish, you checked it on freshness: you are considered an authority in your business. You sold fish (shrimps, mussels ...): If you have invested your money in some reason, be prepared to lose these means.
  • Male Son. . You are waiting for a monetary offer. If you bought fish, then the offer you will take and work well on it. If you sold it, sleep to a loss.

Or maybe it was a worn market?

  • If there was a lot of clothes, sleep says your desire to escape from the crowd, make up dozens of new acquaintances.
  • Bright, catchy things, beautifully lying on the shelves, - to interesting events, bright emotions.

Female Son.

  • In the dream of a young girl to buy everything in a row: you are windy, so you cannot create a long-term relationship.
  • What does the market dream where you chose things? At work you will be entrusted with an important thing for which you will increase later.
  • Bright dresses that you tried and bought: Friends will be invited to relax together, you will spend more time.
  • You wanted to buy something ugly, or bought a good thing, and she turned out to be "Neither to the village, nor to the city": Your new friend is lying.
  • You have seen yourself a merchant: at your real work you barely cope. However, if it's good to "straight", you will get enough experience to start your own business.
  • Have you been a merchant who lost your workplace? The subconscious talks about your inner search for yourself. You may want to get on the unloved work for the sake of high salary. In vain: It is better to become a pros in the fact that you love - worthy payment will not make long wait.

Male Son.

  • You got on the market: new business dating.
  • Tried clothing: you will be in demand, you will choose to taste. From what happened, did you like everything? On which sentence "in real life" would neither stopped, it will bring success and excellent income.
  • You did not buy anything, you only met someone on the market: to establish communication with partners will be difficult.
  • You were a merchant, sold clothes: you will be invited to a business event, maybe they will be asked to become a speaker. Was it underwear? You will reach gossip about relatives, and even about you.
  • Have you just packed in the rows, admiring beautifully laid things? In real life behind your back successful, cash work. But you do not need to think that it will always be so, and in no case take loans.

What did you do in a dream?

  • I cleared all my money or bought something very expensive: in real life you can get caught in the "paws" of a fraudster.
  • You went to the market in another city: Sleep Sleep Far Travel.
  • You sold our own things: to poverty.
  • See rows with pile of raw meat: to the disease.
  • In the seller you found out a relative or friend: in real life you will meet a person with whom we have not seen a hundred years.
  • They proved something clearing, tried to bring down the price: you are self-confident. If you "include" this property at work, you will go far.

Interpretation of copyright dreams

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For comparison, we propose to find out how experienced psychoanalysts look at your sleep. They do not believe in esoteric or magic, only in science and analysis. What will they tell about "market" dreams?

Sigmund Freud is confident ...

The market may make a quarrel in the family. Moreover, its reason will be the most banal - domestic troubles. So that this quarrel did not exceed the big scandal, you need to admit yourself: small inconveniences were, there will be. They do not stand to spoil because of them life and near.

Miller wrote ...

  1. A man, at night, "I was chosen" to the market, an economomen is very active in real life.
  2. Trays and rows turned out to be empty? You will have to deal with failure in affairs and even internal humiliation.
  3. In addition, Miller's dream market filled with spoiled food products, considers the symbol of failed transactions, material losses.
  4. If the dreams are a girl, the market prophesies good events in her life.

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