Mercaba Meditation - what it is and how it is right


Mercaba Meditation is one of the most oldest. She used more priests of ancient Egypt in their spiritual practices. Literal translation of the name is the rotating light that transfers the spirit and body into a parallel world.

What is Mercaba?

The ancient meditation of Merkaba is used in spiritual practices to enter a special trance state. It is believed that with the help of this fashion shower and body can travel through different worlds.

Mercaba Meditation - what it is and how it is right 6589_1

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The name of the meditation consists of three syllables:

  1. Measures - symbol of light. But not stationary, but what is in constant rotation.
  2. Ka - the personification of the human soul and all its components.
  3. Ba - the physical body of a person. It is also a vessel in which human experience is living - the soul. Symbol of real and material.

The main function of meditation is to move the soul and body to the next world. It is hardly possible to use this spiritual practice to fully use only people with paranormal abilities.

It is believed that in the state of Mercaba, a person is able to change the nature of his own soul and change the energy radiation to any necessary to him. Therefore, this practice is one of the most powerful to work with the subconscious.

How to meditate

Despite the fact that Mercaba is one of the most complex meditations, you can try its technique. Even minor first attempts to enter trance will bring the effect and will help work out negative installations in the subconscious, contact "Higher I".

Meditation Merkaba

Before the start of the practice, prepare a suitable place. It is desirable that in your home there is a corner for meditation. No nobody to enter it should not. From there all objects and to upset space should be removed.

In the extreme case, highlight the place in the bedroom, where you put the pillows or put a soft chair. You will also need a musical player and candles. Practice meditation need every day.

Preparation for meditation and customizing consciousness

What do we have to do:
  • Take a convenient pose in which you feel as comfortable as possible. Make sure the legs will not be covered with a fixed position. Turn on the relaxing music and burn the candles, close your eyes and prepare for meditation.
  • First concentrate on breathing. It must be smooth and not very deep. Watch that the duration of breaths and exhalations is equal.
  • Remove all the negative thoughts and the problems that you encountered during the day from the subconscious. A complete concentration on breathing will also get rid of thoughts.
  • After it is possible to concentrate on breathing and your own feelings, clean the consciousness from thoughts and emotions, you must feel complete relaxation. This state without tension, peace and peace.
  • At this moment the time comes when you must pay all your attention to the so-called "Chakru of Christ." It is located in the heart area. Imagine your heart opens towards God, and you are filled with love. To myself, to the world, people and everything alive.

This is completed on this process to meditate, and you become ready for a session.

Meditation technique

Mercaba meditation includes several stages.


The first stage is six breaths. They are needed in order to bring the body and body into equilibrium:

  • The breath of the heart fills the unconditional and comprehensive love to everything alive, cleans from negative and fills the energy.
  • Breathing of the mind - imagine that your body is enclosed in a bright light shell, which flickers like flashes of lightning. The top of the shell is located behind you.
  • Breathing Body - Connect the index and thumbs up, lift the palm up.
  • Breathe nose, make full breaths and exhalations, concentrate. Feel like the air moves from the abdomen to the diaphragm, and then follows the chest. So that the breath was correct, try to completely relax the stomach, and the thoracic muscles, on the contrary, strain.

Next should contact with your inner Ya. If meditation passes correctly, you will feel the moment in which the unity will take place. If it does not work, then repeat six breaths. Gradually, you will learn to relax completely and enter the correct condition.

Try to meditate with this video:

The described meditation stages are only part of it. But you should start with this. Only having mastered the first six breaths, you can go to other stages. The process is unprecedented and will take quite a large amount of time. It is important to do daily, not missing a day.

Objectives and benefits of Mercaba meditation

Before doing meditation, you must understand why you need it. The benefits are as follows:

  • You literally "set up" in your soul love to everything alive, and she will be with you constantly. This will help easier to treat life, get rid of the negative and easy to get the desired.
  • Energy flows in your body will increase, so you will always have enough strength to solve any problems and achieve even the global goals.
  • You remember about the Divine Start, which is in every person, and learn to contact him.
  • You can track your emotions and feelings, control them, not allowing you to lead you and your life.
  • You can develop intuition and march signs that may affect the events of your life.
  • It will achieve a stable psycho-emotional state, get rid of stress.
  • Eliminate the psychosomatic causes of diseases, literally learn how to heal yourself.
  • Reliable relationships not only with your own I, but also with the surrounding people.

Meditation Merkaba is very complex and has many nuances, so practicing better under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

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