What dreams of bruises on the face and body on the main values


The bruise or hematoma is formed at the place of a strong impact or physical damage to the vessels. Bluebirds can have both external and internal cause, and this is an important point that needs to be considered when a sleep interpretation.

Of course, inside your sleep, all bruises have an internal reason because they are solely before your inner eyes. Imaginary external cause of blood flow shows mental injuries, the result of communication with other people, which you thought for myself injured.

Any bruises in a dream - the result of the internal struggle and testify to the presence of serious problems. In fact, you are cruel and mercilessly fight with you. Finding in the traumatic situation - also your choice.

Some people have such tender vessels that the bruises appear as it were from anywhere - as a result of imperceptible influences or internal reasons. In this case, attention should be paid to health, mental and physical. Bruises under the eyes appear from strong fatigue, as a result of tissue edema. We'll figure it out what dream of bruises or bruises.

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Blue Circles

What do the bruises mean on themselves

  • As bruises in a dream are the fruit of your imagination, injuries are a consequence of the inner struggle. Your main enemy - you yourself, no matter how sad it is to admit it. Self-destruction is a bad habit and a sign of deep stress. If the dreams are repeated, be sure to consult psychologists for help.
  • Bloodstocks on the face as a result of physical exposure - you think that your shame is visible. No, not visible, if you do not have the habit too much to chat and start in frankness with strangers and familiar people. Expand or change the circle of communication. Stay alone and try to sort yourself up.
  • Broken forehead - you took the case for which you did not have enough competence or experience. Take advantage of the failure calmly. Experience is being studied in this way. The next time you will succeed much better.
  • An interrupted nose - yes you need to be filmed in "uncontrollable." You seem to be the ridge yourself are ready to reverse, and everything because of your own stubbornness. Disgrace you - the case is unsuccessful and ungrateful. But maybe you slightly slow the pace? Give yourself a time per hand. Try to switch thoughts for a while. If you want it and it will still be relevant, then return to your plans.
  • Bruises on the legs mean that someone puts you the steps. Threat to your professional growth. Perhaps someone marks in your place.

Bruisies on the leg

  • If you have seen bruises in a dream once - it does not mean anything. A brief period of internal struggle and doubt is quite normal. Although unpleasant.
  • Usually bruises in a dream mean extreme fatigue, exhaustion. Perhaps you feel no matter physically and morally and hide it. Maybe you think that your actions are so terrible that you deserve harsh punishment. It is even strange that no one guessed to instruct the bruises. So often people who have had a hard childhood with cruel and highly oral parents.
  • It is likely that you are afraid of the punishment, but partly and wish her - the pain is needed to drown out the suffering and feeling of guilt. Throw. There are many more pleasant ways to get rid of suffering. Needlework, drawing, muscy, boxing. You can make small crafts and give friends and acquaintances to see how they rejoice. Most likely, you are artistic. Sign up in the theater circle and will soon become a local star, learn how to applause and thanks for an excellent game.

Under eye

What does it mean to see bruises on other people

A man with bruising on his face was most likely received by merit. At least you think so.

Damage in the hands and on the legs - someone is trying to appeal to your fault. Do not believe the word and do not rush to the rescue.

Unhappy beaten children and animals - a sign of aggression and feelings of guilt, your fears. It is possible, manipulation. It can be your own manipulation.

Bruisies in a dream mean cruelty, borderline, reaction to a serious aggressive impact.

What are the bruises in dreams

  • Freud's dream book says that bruises on her face in a dream show that you do not believe in love and kindness. You may have been disappointed in love.
  • Bruisies on other people show your unkind attitude. You would like to instruct bruises.
  • Women's dream book pays special attention to the bruises on the nose - this is a sign that you better revise the intentions about the help of another person.
  • Werez's dream book is considering bruises as a sign of the transjurry and doubt for wastefulness.
  • Vanga examines bruises on her neck as a sense of guilt. If you see bruises on the body, ask for helping friends.
  • Dream interpreters of travelers advise to cancel a trip or travel if you have a bruise on the limbs.



To see bruises on the body, with their own or someone else - this is a pronounced warning. You are injured. You really need to stop waging a war with you. Perhaps it seems to you that you make yourself become better and found an effective technique to squeeze the maximum from your body. Find a way to negotiate with yourself. Children who are brought up in cruel families can grow and leave. You can't get away from ourselves.

Therefore, you must stop injured and punish yourself. No, you are not a superman. You are the same person as people around you. If you were inspired by the biographies of famous people and admired their ability to work, and now you want to achieve the same from ourselves. - You bought on a cheap deception. Most celebrities loosely assigned to themselves other people's works and achievements.

If you do not stop mocking yourself, real bipolar disorder can develop, you will receive disability and will not seriously be able to work or creativity.

If you think that you do not need to live and there is no one who you need, get the dog. Or cat. You will have the duties that you cannot ignore. As for the bruises - sign up for boxing or on the struggle and splashing steam, aggression, rage in training. Feel free to ask for help from loved ones. Do not push friends wishing to help.

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