What dreams of late to the bus on the dreams of Freud, Miller


Most likely, emotions in your dream dominated not the best - insult, anger, disappointment ... Is this sleep really not good? According to Dreamniest: what is the dream of a delay in urban or long-distance wheeled transport?

Riding bus

General interpretation of this offensive dream

  • As almost every dream book says, be late for the bus in a dream means: you are a very responsible person. Or, perhaps at work (at the Institute), you require high accuracy, do not forgive mistakes.
  • If I reveal you are preparing to an important meeting, or you will take an exam and see in a dream you see how to travel for transport, fearing to be late for this event, - sleep does not foreshadow nothing but your fear "fall".
  • Many interpreters assure: the bus is our routine, usual life or work (study). If the circumstances of sleep were rainbow, it means that you see and your life. Conversely, if you fled under a torrential rain or someone nahamil you, all laughed because of your late: it's bad, you go to depression. Maybe it will be worthwhile to change the situation or find a good psychologist.

Where were you going to go?

  • You know for sure the route of the trip - say, to the same work or to your beloved person, relative? Your subconscious says: it's time to pay attention to the work or this person.
  • In addition, not having time in a dream to study (work), do not hurry to worry: sleep says that the problems will be applied there. But, of course, with your active assistance!
  • Why dream that you are late for a bus along with colleagues? Such a dream has two interpretations. First, he can fill a quarrel with the director (or another boss) until dismissal; Urgently get to work and stop being late! Secondly, it may mean: in the team from you they hide something.
  • Your colleagues (and maybe one-laugure) managed, and you stayed at the bus stop? If you study 1-4 year or working, sleep says: you do not want to cooperate with you, you hide something from you, and it will come to you "sideways."
  • Are you studying on the 5th year? Sleep says: You understand that you will soon part with friends, and do not want it. Or maybe you are afraid that they are better arranged in life after release?

What was the weather?

  • Sunny day: you are an optimist, luck will smile.
  • Tightening the sky, rain, frost: you are bad, and to support you no one. Perhaps you ourselves miss the opportunity to change your life for the better.

It was not a routine trip?

After shopping

  • A familiar bus was caught on an unknown street, or was the stop was somehow not so? Or maybe he was fabulous, unusual? In a dream, there is a desire for change in you.
  • Transportation drove absolutely empty? You dream of finding a new team or go on vacation (but not to the cottage). However, something inside does not allow you to let these changes in your life.
  • Have you seen yourself in the village or in the country, and you drew a minibus from you, going to the city? Sleep promises problems. You will fall into a situation in which you just integrate with your hands and you will feel wrong.
  • To see that you were late for a bus, leaving from your city, to a quarrel with a close friend or even a loved one.
  • There is another interpretation: you miss your chance. Which one? It depends on the details of sleep, that is, the goals of this trip.

Interpretation of popular sonnikov

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Since the first buses appeared at the end of the 19th century, the famous psychoanalysts had enough time to explore why their customers chase in a dream behind this transport. And that's what they write ...

Opinion Father Psychoanalysis Freud

  • Waiting for the bus is to wait for your beloved (beloved). And you crave not only spiritual intimacy, but also bright sexual experiences.
  • Fake a bus in a dream: you are unhappy with your intimate life. Maybe a favorite cannot satisfy you, or your frigidity (real or imaginary) is to blame; Or maybe your chosen as a lover is not bad, but there is no spiritual kinship in your pair.
  • If you have waited for another bus and sat down in it, sleep means: you meet Ababi with whom, just to be alone (one).
  • Go on the bus: In the current relationship you are satisfied with all, but not sex. However, do not rush to break them: really good, faithful, good people "scatter" are not necessary, and Intimate is the case "hijling".

What does Miller say?

At the stop

  1. The lateness, and also the second one (for example, the bus showed you the "tail", or the doors shut literally before your nose) indicates a disappointment with the rejection. You may have missed a favorable opportunity.
  2. Sometimes such dreams see a man standing at the crossroads. Before him there were three (four, five) ways to solve the problem. He chose one, and the subconscious through the dream says that the choice is incorrect.
  3. Finally, sleep can remind: reaping the decent fruits of their works hinders a banal overwork. Do not constantly drive yourself at work, you are not a row horse!

New family dream book argues ...

  • Go to the bus - to failure.
  • Do not get into this vehicle, as it was scored: you will have to "strad up" your own, and not only at work, but also in personal relationships.
  • You fled on the transport, jumped into it and suddenly see that you are not going there: your subconscious says that you do not live like that, not the path chose. It is not too late to turn in the right direction!

And how does this dream of Lofoff sees?

  1. Ride the bus means: you consider your material position with a shaky, low (because they could not buy a car or spend on a taxi).
  2. In a dream, wait for a long-distance trailer or finally go to it and at the same time get acquainted with other passengers: there are always friends around you, you are sociable, easily start taking connection.

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