Prophecies about the new leader of Russia - what can happen


Prophecies about the new leader of Russia gave many wells and clairvoyant. Their predictions promise the coming to power of a strong ruler, the "new king", which will lead the country to a new bright future.


Paracels - pseudonym of the German philosopher, alchemist and physician Philip Aureol Theofrast Bombaster von Hohenheima. He was considered the greatest occult of his time, so his predictions can be trusted.

What did Paracels say about the "New Russian Tsar"?

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He did not mention a specific person, but he believed that after a terrible decline, the catastrophe and disasters of the inhabitants of Russia is waiting for a great future. In the 21st century, at about 20140, flourishing will come. The country will affect many material goods, will strengthen spiritually and will reach a new level of development.

Edgar Casey

Edgar Casey is an American self-proclaimed healer, a medium and a mystic. During his lifetime, he made several thousand answers to human questions. In his "readings" there are prophecies regarding the fate of our country and its rulers.

Prophecies about the new leader of Russia

What said Casey:

  • Until the end of the 20th century, the communist structure in Russia will fail. The country expects a long period of destroying, restoration and development, which will last until 2010.
  • After that, the revival of civilization on the planet will be gradually, which Russia will be headed, and Siberia will be the center of the world. It is our country to give the world to the hope of justice and the revival of spirituality. The principle will be restored: "It's not selfish, but for the sake of your neighbor."
  • Previously, no one known person will become a strong leader of Russia and lead the inhabitants of the state. His power will be incredibly strong, no one can withstand such power.
  • Casey believed that the new leader would subsequently become the real Lord of the world and humanity as a whole. His laws will suffer light and well-being for the entire population of the planet.
  • The ruler is unusually intellectual, thanks to him, scientists will invent many unique and very powerful technologies. He will revive not only science, but also religion, culture, will create a new race and civilization.

Casey argued that the power, intelligence and the strength of the new ruler and his associates will make them almost immortal and allow to manage all humanity for a very long time.


Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga does not need a view in the presentation: everyone knows about her. Her prophecies are exciting the consciousness of those interested. And she also did not disregard Russia and its alleged ruler.

prophecies in the new Russian king


  • She believed that a person who had a certain secret teaching would come to the Russian silent and would take the brazards of the board to his hands. He will distribute his ancient knowledge, because of what all religions in the world will disappear, only the philosophy that he preached.
  • Vanga believed that all Slavic states will be returned to the authority of the Russian ruler, which were previously separated.
  • Socialism will rule in the country. Cooperatives and collective agriculture will return. The USSR will return, but in a fundamentally new form.
  • The positions of the country with the new ruler will grow and grow tremendously. No one can withstand our state, it will become a full and indispensable "owner of the whole world." America will be longer to fight, but it will be finally surrendered by 2030.

Given that most Predictions of Vanga Negative, it remains only to rejoice as an optimistic forecast.

Max Gendel

Max Handel is a native of America, Esoteric, clairvoyant, mystic, astrologer and an occultist. Thanks to his works, you can learn a lot about the future of the world.

Its prophecies speak of the greatest dedicated, who will suddenly appear at the end of the era. He will take the Brazda of the Board in his hands when the state will be in a distress.

People willingly go after him and will take His power as due. This is exactly the leader they were waiting for. His reign will lead to fundamental changes, creating a new race, and all of humanity will unite in spiritual brotherhood.

Sergey Popov

Astrophysician scholar Sergey Borisovich Popov also did not leave attention in his predictions of the new Russian leader.

According to his astrological calculations, in 2011-12, new people will come to the Russian authorities who will radically affect the situation in the country. Sergey believed that the ruling top fully meets the needs of the country. They are smart enough and patriotic to direct the state into a happy future.

Over time, the situation in the country will become better, sooner or later Russia will become the center of world politics and will turn into a powerful superpower equal to which there will be no more.

Check the video on the topic:

Maria Duval

Maria Duval - pseudonym of the Italian Independent and Astrologer Carolina Maria Gambia. Its forecast is as optimistic as other wells.

She believed that against the background of the universal oppressive global environment, it was Russia the first step in towards a happy bright future. And this will be a merit of a new leader who can put the state on the path of development.

Thanks to the wise internal policy and competent work with the foreign policy, the standard of living will increase significantly, such a phenomenon like poverty will disappear. But, unlike all other clairvoyant, Duval believed that the welfare would have to pay the war.

Predictions about the new Russian king

We summarize: almost all the priests speak of a certain superhuman, a strong spiritual leader who will turn Russia into a powerful state. And then he will lead people from all over the world and will become the ruler of the Earth.

It is especially noted by its exceptional intellectual abilities, high morality and possession of some spiritual knowledge, philosophy, which will become the only world religion.

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