Fortune telling on tarot - how to get prediction


Tarot cards - a way to get a prediction when you do not know how to do what to expect from the future and how to solve the problem situation. Let's talk about the methods of working with cards.

Rules for fortifications on tarot cards

Before you begin to dive into the Magic World of Tarot, you need to learn the basic rules of work with cards. This is necessary in order for your predictions to be accurate.

Divorcing tarot

Basic recommendations:

  1. Choose the alignment that is most suitable for your situation. It is necessary to accurately determine the purpose of divination and formulate their own expectations.
  2. The most favorable time in order to guess, - from seven in the morning until eleven in the evening. You should not get the card late at night - this is not the best period in which Taro is unlikely to tell you the truth.
  3. Sundays and church holidays are also not suitable for magging rituals. Set the card to a more favorable moment.
  4. Prerequisite - clear weather on the street. In the rain and fog should not be guess, it will reduce the chances of getting a reliable prediction.
  5. One question is one alignment. Do not try to guess several times in a row on the same problem. The most faithful prediction is the first.
  6. It is advisable to guess in a good mood and without unnecessary emotions. It is very important that negative feelings do not interfere with you.
  7. The maximum concentration is important for divination. It is advisable to relax consciousness before the layout. This can be done with meditation and other spiritual practices.

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These are the most important rules, observing which you will get a reliable and accurate prediction. Keep in mind that if the forecast of the cards are unfavorable, it is not necessary to despair. In your power, change the course of events for the better. To do this, listen to the advice of Arkanov and follow them.

The meaning of the senior arkanov

You need to study the interpretation of all tarot cards. Regular realization of fortune telling will help make it faster. Gradually, the importance of Arkanov is imprinted in your memory, and do not have to constantly use the prompts.

Tarot prediction

Brief cheat sheet for the values ​​of senior arcanes:

  1. The jester is the inexperience and naivety, the state of the child, some stupidity, infantility, unwillingness to take responsibility. Also a symbol for the beginning of a human life path.
  2. Magic - personifies active actions, unshakable willpower, achieving creative goals, vital energy.
  3. The Supreme Priestess is a symbol of paranormal abilities, intuition, internal voices to which it is necessary to listen.
  4. Empress is a material world. Maternity and fertility. The symbol of the roots established by the defold life.
  5. Emperor - rationalism, analysis of events with cold reason, abstraction from unnecessary emotions, focusing on the result.
  6. Supreme Priest - carnal desires that man suppresses. The process of seduction, flirting, game, laundering of love relationships.
  7. Lovers - a choice between conscience and benefits, the inevitability of some events.
  8. Chariot - entry into a new life stage, discoveries, active activities, long-awaited success.
  9. Justice is a symbol of a mature person with great life experience. Sometimes it personifies the law and any kind of interaction with him.
  10. Hermit in fortunate on tarot is a deep wisdom, a symbol of the infinite knowledge of yourself and the surrounding world, a lot of experience.
  11. Fortune Wheel - Cardinal changes in all spheres of life, published and inevitable stroke of things.
  12. Power is an impassable faith in itself and their own strength, successful overcoming difficulties and obstacles in the life path.
  13. Having isolated - search for his purpose and meaning of life. In a negative meaning - losses and difficulties, forced refusal of material benefits.
  14. Death is the completion of something unnecessary, who has learned, and access to a new, happier and harmonious life stage.
  15. Abstinence is the desire for harmony and equilibrium, balanced, happy and quiet life surrounded by favorite people.
  16. The devil is the personification of all vicious. This is a dependence on anything, pride, thirst for fame, permanent risk. Negative Arcan.
  17. Tower - symbol of unjustified hopes, disappointment, loss and disorder. Sulit serious problems in life.
  18. Star - unexpected assistance from a stranger, light at the end of the tunnel, a new happy life.
  19. The moon is a creative crisis, no inspiration and vital energy, lack of results from rapid activities.
  20. The sun is the most favorable Arcan, who promises happiness in everything, success, fulfillment of desires and the implementation of goals.
  21. The court is energy fullness, literally - awakening from sleep. Pleasant surprises and favorable changes in life.
  22. The world - a person joined a new happy life, in which all wishes are executed, and the goals are easily achieved.

Look at the video on how to learn to guess the Tarot maps:

Simple alignment for three cards

Only three cards will give prediction about your present, past and future. This simple alignment will help learn to guess the tarot and faster remember the meaning and the values ​​of all arcanes.

Three Cards Prediction Real Past Future

How to guess:

  • Word the question you want to get the answer. Mentally visualize the problem and ask for help cards.
  • Drag the deck and arbitrarily get three cards. Spread them on the table in a row.
  • Then proceed to interpretation.

Deciphering cards by position:

  • Arkan in the first place is your past. The map will tell about what actions, thoughts and emotions have become a source of problems and influenced the current course of events.
  • The second Arkan is the present. Reflects the real state of things and helps to look at the situation as it is, without unnecessary emotions and notorious "pink glasses."
  • The third Arcan is the future. How events will develop if nothing to do is. The most likely results option.

Additionally, you can get the fourth card - this is the Tarot Board, how to do that the situation is allowed to be favorable for you and did not hurt the rest of the events.

It is important to remember that the prediction is not a one hundred percent outcome of the case. In your power to change everything, because you will build your destiny yourself. Pay attention to Tarotov tips and follow them so that the situation is resolved the most favorable way.

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