What dreams to walk through the snow barefoot for dreams and from the point of view of medicine


What does it mean by dreams to walk on the snow barefoot? Is it worth afraid of such sleep or need to urgently run to search for snow and walk barefoot, trying to understand sleep content. The snow is beautiful, if you look at it from the window of a warm, well heated room.

Direct skin contact with snow, especially prolonged, inevitably leads to strong hypothermia and health problems. For short walks or runs in the snow belong to extreme hardening methods.

Another thing is in a dream. In a dream, we can freely walk on water and clouds, and not just walk barefoot in the snow. What does such a dream mean? Your legs are so cold that the snow will not harm? The instinct of self-preservation turned off, and you still care what will happen to you? Sleep unusual, alarming. Perhaps it means the awakening of the creative principle and the need for change.


Main values

  • The main values ​​are two - hardening, element of entertainment, marriage games, when to run hot heels through the snow, and even after the bathhouse - one pleasure. The first meaning, if the barefoot walk gives you pleasure, is impunity and permissiveness. Create anything, and nothing for it will not. It should be treated with great care to any dreams promising permissiveness, and understand that permission to create anything is given for a short period of time. If you can play in the game "I can everything, because it is me," there is a possibility of obtaining serious injuries, handled health and a fairly retainable reputation.
  • The second value is directly the opposite meaning. This is hopeless despair, leaving property and even personal belongings and barefoot care in a life-threatening situation.

In the woods

Actual meanings

If your feet are graced, cache and as a result you dream that you go through the snow barefoot, you may have problems with the cardiovascular system. Blood does not reach the lower extremities, it is possible to stagnation, the formation of thrombas.

Feet are becoming icy with a strong physical or nervous exhaustion of the body.

In this case, walk through the snow barefoot in a dream - a sign that you need to seriously engage in your health. To begin with, buy good woolen socks and take care so that in the bedroom it was warm. You can start pouring the legs with cool water before bedtime. This will restore blood circulation. But it's not an extra step towards a doctor. The problem can be both in blood and nervous system. Try to walk more, spend the outdoor time.

In the children's and adolescence, walk through the snow barefoot in a dream means the desire to stand out, attract maximum attention. Do not doubt the child will definitely try to realize sleep in reality.

If you scold a child in advance or explain that you can still catch a cold, the child will make an unexpected conclusions for you and will certainly try to get sick. Just for the sake of the experiment or for the sake of benefit - skipping classes or control.

In addition, more attention is relying. This is also taken into account. You will have to look for an outdoor. Run with the baby on the snow barefoot after a good jogging in the park or after the Russian wage.


What does it mean to walk on the snow barefoot in dreams

  • If the snow is clean and white, caresses the legs, like the fluff, touching it is given extremely pleasant sensations, invigorating and affectionate, is a sign of purification. It is likely that you get rid of many health problems, frost will not be terrible. But do not rush to walk without scarf and hats in a strong cold. Especially take care that the legs are warm and dry. Catch the cold on the wave of Kuraza is simpler. Treat chronic diseases that are manifested when the legipulation of legs is especially unpleasant - these are cystitis, prostatitis, other unpleasant inflammation.
  • If the snow under his feet does not melt and is not remembered, it is quite possible, this is a sign of depression. You dream of yourself with an obsolete spirit that is not capable of feeling. Go to the doctor until they have done trouble. In such a state, people are often solved on extremes to awaken emotions. And you just need to stimulate the neurons of the brain. Head massage will help partly. Buy good perfume, look for reasons for joy. Spare people who forbid you to experience positive emotions that seem indecent and inappropriate your joy. It is not joke. Frozen state can hardly harm you. Although it may seem to you that you are protected from external influences. This is not true.
  • Dirty snow, iced road, puddles, patched with snow, clay - you neglect yourself and pull the strap for decades without the slightest appreciation from the outside. Select from this gauge.
  • The half-building snow - to the rupture of the relationship. Take care of yourself in advance, check the bills and cards, prepare the path to the retreat so as not to be barefoot on the ice road at the most inopportune moment.
  • Run or go barefoot in the snow to your huge love - you will become an object of ridicule. Your victims will not be assessed.

At the expensive


Walk barefoot in the snow - extreme lesson. Sleep shows a strong tension, even with the most positive values. Pay attention to yourself, leave the destructive relationship, break dependencies, you can cope. Contact your friends and relatives for help. Try to overturn inside yourself. Around exactly the same people as you yourself. Do not contact people as with objects and tools.

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