Cigarette spell - Methods and recommendations


The spell on the cigarette is one of the easiest ways to get the attention of the lover. But despite the simplicity, the ritual can be quite effective. The main thing is to do everything right. Share "recipes" of such love spells.

Why spell on cigarette is effective?

The power of the probationary rite, which is performed on a cigarette, is due to such factors:

  • Tobacco, which filled with a cigarette, has energy properties. No wonder the ancient shamans and priests during the magical rites lit up the phone.
  • The fire, which is created during the cigarette cigarette, also has a powerful energy. The flame is associated with the energy of passion and love.

A spell on the cigarette can be read anyone. But it acts not always. If a man has a very powerful energy, it will create an invisible barrier, through which no love spells can penetrate.

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Love spell on cigarette

But if the rite gives the desired effect, a wary man will only think about you, it will begin to pull to you with a terrible force. Only you will be perceived as a sexual object, and all other women will turn into an insensitive creatures.

The easiest spell on cigarette

Only smoking person can make such a rite. Therefore, if you are not dependent on nicotine, use other ways. It is also desirable that your chosen one has been smoking.

This rite is directed not only to the creation of love, but also on the birth of strong friendly relations between you and the chosen one. To make a spell, it is necessary to "complain" a cigarette, soak tobacco with his blood, then dry in the sun, and then fall asleep the powder back.

This chigarette should be treated your chosen one, so choose those stamps of tobacco products that he prefers. From the moment the man will reveal a cigarette, the spell will enter into its strength.

Spell on cigarette and gift

This option will suit you if you are with a chosen one - good friends, but you are experiencing romantic feelings and want to translate attitudes to another level.

spell on cigarette read

Wait for Fridays at that time when the moon goes into growth. Buy a pleasant present for your buddy. Choose a gift carefully - he must like the chosen one.

Next, do the following:

  1. Pour tobacco from a cigarette.
  2. Mix tobacco with a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar.
  3. Getting a mixture back into the cigarette.

After that, dried by the window, speak a cigarette that you use for the attitude. Make three tightening and say the words of the probation:

"Our love will grow up like a cigarette from this fire. Sugar will make our love sweet, and salt is strong. May it be so".

Then you need to document the cigarette to the end. Tightening until the light is completely walked.

Important: Before making a rite, you need to tune in to a positive way. Forget about negative emotions - offended, angry, disappointment and others. Mentally thank your friend for all the good things happened between you. Imagine how happily and harmoniously develop your future relationship.

It is advisable not to do a spell on the cigarette when you are in a quarrel - everyone who has made a rite in such situations, leave extremely negative reviews. The mindset of goodness and faith by virtue of the attitude is the key to your success.

Powerful love spell on a cigarette

Unlike most love spells, which is recommended to do on a growing moon, this option can be used in any time period. The only wishes are the rite on Friday. On this day of the week, he will have a maximum force.

The spell can be done either in the morning - from five to six o'clock in the morning, or at lunch - from twelve to one hour or after the sunset occurs - from nineteen to twenty hours.

spell on cigarette who made reviews

Go to the room where you will make a ritual. It is very important that it was quiet, pure and calm. Make sure that no one hurts you - households or domestic animals will not explore the sudden phone call.

Write a black handle or pencil on the cigarette the name of your beloved. Then stole the needle a finger and the blood next to write your name. Sit down the window, concentrate all thoughts on the chosen and smoke the cigarette in full silence.

Important : You must make the maximum number of tightening. Smoke until the cigarette does not go out.

The ashes during smoking need to shake into the left hand, and at the end of the ritual dispel the wind with such words:

"While all the ashes do not collect, you will think about me."

There is a small feature: if the cigarette suddenly falls in the middle, then the spell will not work. Most likely, you and a man do not fit each other. Better pay attention to someone else.

Watch the video about how to make a spell on a cigarette:

In what cases the spell does not work

Love magic has sufficient strength, but does not always give the desired result. The spell may not affect the following cases:

  1. You are not hard to believe in a love spell. Only sincere and unconditional faith can "activate" magic and send it to the key you need. Therefore, forget about doubts and do not try to find a logical explanation by manipulation.
  2. You touched someone about your intention to make a rite. No one, especially the man himself, should not know about the spell.
  3. A traveled man is already in love with another girl. In this case, love magic does not work - you first need to make a county rite.
  4. The chosen one has already brought someone. In this case, the rite to do is quite dangerous - the imposition of two privots on each other threatens with serious health problems of men.

And remember - the spell is not able to create true love. Selected Will experience only sexual attraction for you. If you want sincere feelings, forget about magic and pay attention to those men who are not indifferent to you on your own will.

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