What dreams of sand in the dream of Miller, Freud, Tsvetkov


All children love this building material, a little hardworking, patience, perseverance - and ready luxury sandy lock. What dreams of sand, learn in proven dreams.

Sand is deprived of sight, sand helps to see

In fact, this name is not deprived of meaning. A storm in the desert is often able to blind inexperienced travelers, and contact lenses and glasses made from sand help to save vision from myopia and hyperopia. Little gradder, which annoys the mollusk fabric, becomes pearl. And the sanding sands are able to tighten even the ship in the abyss of the desert.

Sand personifies the beaches and flow, being a time symbol. For a dream, this can be a good sign that promises a successful confluence of circumstances, new features and unforeseen events that will open something interesting for you.

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Sand streams are forced to think about the guise of being, about the limited possibilities of human life, that you need to appreciate the moments spent with your loved ones, relatives, enjoy the beauty of the world, rejoice in good health and use your energy and power for the benefit of the creation of something beautiful and kind .

Slying sands in a dream personify the movement, the life rate, warning that you should not stay in one place for a long time, stop, you need to go to the end to the goal set, otherwise it is not to survive, do not take place that personality about which you dream.

Sand storms in a dream can hint that in your reality there is not enough dynamics, a flight of the soul and inspiration of the heart. Changes the uniform formula work-house, you will make the streams of a new positive energy that will be programmed to your success.

Hourglass is shot by those who are constantly rapidly running, warning that in an endless bustle, the desire to succeed, to get rich, you can miss the main thing - to be happy next to who sincerely loves you. Allow yourself to slow down and look like, perhaps this person is completely close to you.

Women from sand rope do not

Deserted dunes were dreamed - you tend to analyze everything that happened to you in the past, the present and what to expect from the future. You are often visited by thoughts about our own purpose on the scale of the universe. This period of reflection does not bode deep changes or unforeseen moments. Perhaps an interest in some kind of religions will arise, you will be drawn to the search for answers in the appropriate literature.

Water source

Men sand in the sea do not carry

Trying to dig away from the sandy vehicles - large financial profits are coming from the operations that you have done. It should be reserved in unnecessary spending and in time to invest money into a promising project. Otherwise, these revenues will also quickly leave, as they came.

The snow-white paradise beach was prompted - a romantic journey or a trip is expected in reality, in which you will definitely meet your second half. Clean and sincere relationships will make you make a serious step, offer your hand and heart choices. In another interpretation, such a dream means craving for spiritual development.

Author dreams

Miller's dense

He dreamed like sandy dust climbed her eyes, "obvious things stopped noticing, honestly to unreasonable actions. You have too positive opinion about a person who enjoys your kindness. You want to take care of him, be in all his mentor. It seems wrong that you are able to make a decent person from it. He simply uses you, scattering in flattery and compliments.

Going through the pure azure shore, feeling white grains under your feet, - such a dream comes to those who are too little appreciated. You are accustomed to work a lot, taking responsibility for others, solve difficult problems that concern you indirectly. Thus, it takes time, and the dream of vacation at the Mediterranean beach did not exercise. Take a truth in the eyes, youth will pass, beauty, health and will remain only memories - what will your own?


Sand in the palms of sand - to a series of small cases, troubles that will not bring money remuneration, but only distract from more important tasks. But it is worth not tightening with their implementation, until they have turned into large troubles, due to which you can incur damages or unforeseen expenses.

Paid hands in the sand - one to whom you sincerely trusted. Do not stand too much hopes for those who are looking for benefits in friendship with you. In business sphere, this can affect the career growth and authority among the manual. Trust your own intuition, experience, opinions - this will help avoid betrayal.

Golden grains remained on the palms - your work will get a worthy assessment and recognition. The project, over which worked hard and hard, may be very promising. Remuneration will be so generous that it will help you to reach a new level and social status. You will find yourself in the center of attention of the highest society.

Sigmund Freud

Enjoyed, sunbathing somewhere on the sandy beach - you are very sensitive and easily excited by nature. Sex for you is also natural as daily food or own hygiene procedures. You can easily find partners and are accustomed to getting as much pleasure from intimate intimacy with them. Without experiencing stiffness, grogging, you share with your second half harmony and a sense of infinite freedom.

Sleep, where you move the sand, hints at your uncertainty, insecurity, and perhaps, ignorance of feelings of measures in infinite sexual bonds. These contacts cause you more sports interest than noticeable affection. Such features are able to expose the body to overload and fail. It should be cooled and be prudent.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Get into the sandy storm and can be able to overcome the promise wealth and glory. Time works exclusively on you. Imagine the planned and do not be afraid to risk, compete with others and win. Thus, you will be able not only to raise your material status, but also to build a career without changing your lifestyle.

Slying sand in a dream personify the moment of human life. Such a vision makes think about the meaning of life, about eternity and the scale of the universe. The philosophical attitude will be wanted in this period, it will want to watch more, think, analyze. A favorable period to find answers to the main questions that will continue to affect the development of your fate.

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