Meditation before bed - for what is needed, effective techniques


Meditation before bedtime will allow abstract from problems and tasks experienced during the day, and free consciousness from extraneous thoughts. It will help you quickly and easily fall asleep, see beautiful dreams, and wake up full energy and strength.

Why do you need meditation?

"Presenter" meditation helps to relax as much as possible and free from all secondary, superfluous, which is no longer important. It is useful for sleep - you improve its quality, get rid of nightmares.

Meditation before bed

The regular practice of meditations helps to easily fall asleep, overcome stress and depression, make harmony and happiness in the surrounding space, and waking up happy in the morning.

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Two important meditation tasks:

  1. Stop the flow of obsessive negative thoughts.
  2. Release the consciousness from the informational day stream.

Meditating overnight, you heal insomnia, learn to enter the relaxing state without stress, relax the muscles and restore your breath. Turn it into a useful habit, and very soon begin to feel better.

BEST MEDITATION Before SHO: Effective techniques

These methods are equally well suited for women, and for men. They are also suitable for beginners, and for those who have long come to the path of spiritual self-development.

Simple meditation before bed

Meditation number 1:

  • Lie into bed, relax and make sure you do not interfere with extraneous noise.
  • Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the most comfortable place for you. Where would you dream of getting? For someone, this is the beach by the sea, someone will be in a quiet forest, and someone mentally moves to the top of the mountain.
  • Try to hear what sounds are heard in an imaginary space. Singing birds, noise waves, grass rustling, river murmuring? Listen and enjoy the sounds of Nature completely.
  • Do not forget to keep track of your breath. It must be smooth, calm and relaxed. Concentrating on inhales and exhalations, you can most abstract from extraneous thoughts.
  • Try to understand what you feel in your imaginary world. Loneliness? Harmony? Decience? Or anxiety? Full your condition. If it is negative, try to let go of emotions and mentally replace them with something pleasant. If positive - take energy from the surrounding space and fill it with each cell of your body.
  • Widow in enjoyment, return to reality. Continue keeping breathing.

Gradually, you immerse yourself in a deep and calm dream, and in the morning you will be happy with a completely happy person.

Meditation No. 2 will help cope with insomnia. What do we have to do:

  • You must accept the so-called "dreamer's posture." To do this, imagine that learn on the grass, on the lawn, flooded with sunlight. Relax and laid your hands behind the head, pull the body. You must feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Imagine how your whole body blows the breeze. The sun is warm and illuminated all around, birds sing, slander grass.
  • Then start imagining how all the surrounding space is immersed in sleep. The sun is hidden behind the horizon, twilight comes, the wind stops blowing. You continue to lie safely and do not rush anywhere while enjoying the surrounding environment.
  • Feel that your body is completely relaxed, you enjoy what is happening in the moment, but you are not trying to fall asleep.

It is the fact that you stop trying to fall asleep, in the end and helps you fully relax and get rid of the boring insomnia. Practice This meditation option is regularly, and learn how quickly and easily fall asleep.

Best meditation before bed

Respiratory meditation for deep fallback is another way to quickly sleep. What do we have to do:

  • First, fulfill all your usual evening manipulations: Ship the bed, clean your teeth, ventilate the room, put on pajamas.
  • Disconnect the light or leave the night light with a soft muted light near the bed.
  • Take a comfortable posture. The best lotus posture is best suited for this meditation, but if you are uncomfortable, you can choose any other. It is only important that the back is completely straight and you could breathe deeply.
  • Within five minutes, just follow the breathing, concentrate on inhales and exhalations. Imagine how the air fills your lungs, and then completely leaves the body.
  • Gradually, you will feel how the body relaxed, after that feel drowsiness. Then immediately go to bed.

Thanks to the concentration of breathing, you will learn to easily fall asleep and see pleasant dreams, and in the morning waking up full strength and energy. But do not meditate for longer than twenty minutes.

And you can listen to this meditation online:

Another technique is mediath-autotraining. It helps not only relax, but also to work out positive attitudes that will improve the quality of your life.

What do we have to do:

  • Take a comfortable posture and start relaxing. Do it gradually, starting from the toes.
  • Imagine that learn on the seashore, and your legs lie towards water. Then start representing how the waves gradually reach your body. First, they cover the feet, then get to the legs, rise higher.
  • Imagine how water flows are flushed with negative energy from your body, carrying out tension and fatigue with you.
  • After you feel that the beginning of a clone into sleep, stop the meditation immediately and put it on to sleep.

Try different meditations and track their effectiveness. This will help choose the optimal way of relaxation. Regular practice will teach you to control the flood process.

It is in a dream that your subconscious mind rests, so it is important to give the body and reason a state of relaxation and harmony, for which meditation is used.

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