Natalia's affirmations Pravdina: how to make a positive statement


Natalia Predina proposed affirmations that help people achieve success in all spheres of life. Consider the most popular and effective positive statements to work with the subconscious.

How to work affirmations

Affirmations are competently formulated positive statements that are used to work with the subconscious. It is believed that, replacing negative thoughts on positive, you can change the reality around you more favorable.

Affirmations of Natalia Pravdina for every day

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Natalia Predina believes that the surrounding space is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. What you radiate, then you get. Therefore, it is so important to strive to exclude negative installations from the subconscious and add positive.

How to use the affirmations of Natalia Pravdina

There are certain recommendations that need to follow to get the result. Excellent if you yourself learn how to make the right affirmations, but not everyone is obtained from the first attempt. Therefore, you can for starters to work out ready-made allegations of Pravdina.

Affirmations Natalia Pravdina

The author advises:

  1. Waking up in the morning, you can arbitrarily take any affirmation - it will become your motto for the entire subsequent day. Read the text thoughtfully and carefully, reflect why the choice stopped on this statement. Perhaps the highest forces want to give you some kind of signal.
  2. Also read the appropriation suitable for your situation before bedtime. Loud or about yourself - it does not matter. The main thing is that you fully focused on thoughts, filled her consciousness, believed in the magical force of our own subconscious.
  3. After repeating affirmations, close your eyes and proceed to visualization: draw in the imagination of the picture of a happy future, about which color. Imagine that happy events are already taking place in your life.

After that, you can fit sleep. Reading affirmations before bedtime will fill you with positive energy, you will get a huge reserve of forces that will be needed to solve the problems of the next day. The quality of sleep will increase.

Examples of positive statements

In his book, Natalia Poddina told about 48 affirmations that are suitable for all occasions.

Natalia Predifina Affiliation

Here is some of them:

  • To gain self-confidence: "I believe in my senses, in my abilities and in the powerful force of my thoughts. This daily helps me get the desired and seek goals. "
  • To call for the help of the Higher Forces: "I believe that my guardian angel always protects, protects me, helps in all endeavors, fills with love and faith."
  • To fill in life forces and energy: "My power grows with every day. I attract love and good luck. I accept and give love to everyone who inhabits this planet. "
  • To create a positive energy radiation around himself: "I fill the space around me with good. I get smooth as much as I give. I love people, and they answer me reciprocity. "
  • To attract divine help: "I believe that God is inside me. He is always with me, he directs me on the right path, I found my destination, and my happy star protects me. "
  • To fulfill desires: "All my desires are easy for my and universal good. I know what I want, and I get it in simple ways. "
  • To change the attitude towards everything happening in life (change of negativity to positive, out of the role of the victim): "I always have time for important things for me. I have clear goals and desires that meet the needs of my soul. Everything in my life takes place in time. "
  • For spiritual growth and harmony: "I'm growing and developing, becoming stronger spiritually every day. My thoughts are free from limiting beliefs. I am an example of inner strength and harmony for those around people. "
  • To gain happiness: "People rejoice at my appearance. When I in the world, everything around blooms and is filled with light. I radiate happiness and harmony and share them with the surrounding people. "
  • To search for the purpose and life mission: "My highest goal in front of me, and I do everything possible to achieve it. I know what I want, and I go to this step by step. "
  • To gain youth, health and beauty: "I am young every day, my skin is smoothed, health is becoming better and better, I get more attractive and look fresh."
  • For forgivenessing yourself and offenders: "I am free from offense, I sincerely forgive everyone, all my negative thoughts dissolve in the light stream. I and the surrounding people are one whole in the world of Divine Truth. I can forgive and do it constantly. "

Check out the video on how to make your own affirmation:

How to make a positive approval on your own

After you are sufficiently fit on ready-made examples, you can proceed with the preparation of your own affirmations.

This is simple, compliance with the recommendations:

  1. The proposal must be drawn up in the present time in the affirmative form.
  2. Only in a positive key - you cannot desire badly or someone from your surroundings.
  3. Avoid denials and negative wording.
  4. Your desire must be truly yours, ask only what you want, do not try to meet the expectations of other people (moms, boss, husband or children).
  5. Start with simple - first ask for the universe of small, and then increase the "difficulty level".
  6. Repeat statements regularly. It is advisable to pay time for practicing at least 10-15 minutes a day.
  7. Ensuls the effectiveness of working with thoughts. Pleasant music, which will relax your consciousness and allow you to completely concentrate.

You can use affirmations for meditation. In a state of meditative trance and relaxation, the subconsciousness is most susceptible to everything that you want to invest in it.

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