Love spell on the cemetery - Methods, reviews, consequences


One of their strongest tools of love magic is a spell in the cemetery. This ominous rite will decide to make not every girl. And if you risked to resort to this method to attract your loved one, it is important to know how to correctly implement.

cemetery spell who made reviews

Love spell on the cemetery: ways

The cemetery spell - the ritual is quite sinister. It refers exclusively to black magic, so it is important to make a report on the consequences. What is threatened by such a rite, consider below, and first let's talk about the methods and techniques of fulfilling the cemetery loving dust.

Important : A similar spell is very dangerous. It not only completely blocks the consciousness of the awesome, but also negatively affects his health. In order to avoid bad effects, respect the rite rules thoroughly.

Spell on the cemetery

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To fulfill such a rite, you will have to spend enough long time from ominous graveyard. If it is morally difficult for you and lack the Spirit to decide, use Light versions of the rite, for which it is enough to take things from the cemetery or purchase cemetery attributes.

To commit the ritual you will need:

  1. Clear and high-quality selected one. In the photo, a man must be alone. It is desirable that eyes are clearly visible.
  2. Personal item one. It can be a piece of clothing, a diary or something else. Ideally, it should be a jewelry or a watch that a man wears with him constantly.
  3. Red towel. Be sure to buy a new towel, which has not yet enjoyed.
  4. A piece of animal meat. It should be fresh. Ideally, the rite uses the flesh of the animal, died on the day before in the morning.

Prepare everything you need and go to the graveyard. Lay the graves are quite old. It is desirable that they be abandoned and negride. The deceased should be the namesque of your chosen one.

Under the photograph of the deceased post a photo of your chosen one, and next to the piece of meat. Then stand up opposite the grave and, looking into the eyes of a man in the photo, say the words of the probation:

Love spell on the cemetery

Conspiracy must be accepted clearly, clearly and without a stick, mentally presenting the emission of the one in his imagination.

After the chute you need to lay the cross over the grave of the deceased towel. Near the burial, scream the decoration or personal thing of your beloved man.

After that, go home immediately. Do not look around and do not take anything with you.

This version of the cemetery love spell is the strongest and most effective existing ones. But you must give yourself a complete report on the consequences of such an act.

Cemetery Length: Consequences

Reviews of those who did a cemetery spell, very disappointing. Yes, love magic is valid, and very quickly. But the consequences are manifested in this way:
  • The girl begins to torment constant nightmares - Infernal pictures are not allowed to sleep peacefully, often in night visions is the dead man, whose could have been disturbed.
  • There is also a permanent uncontrolled fear of death, which goes only in the presence of a loved one.
  • It comes to understand that the feelings for the chosen one were contrived and false, I would like to cancel the spell, but it is impossible to get rid of the obsessions of the once beloved man.

Similar consequences are not always manifested - if you are a person with a sufficiently strong energy, hardly to feel something like that. But inspired and impressionable girls after the perfect rite live in constant irrational fear and shudder from any row.

For an awesome man, the consequences arise almost always. They can manifest themselves in the following:

  • Selected will begin to experience permanent apathy and weakness. Without visible reasons, the head often hurts.
  • If you are mistaken and fulfilled the rite incorrectly, the consequence may be the death of a beloved man.
  • A man can fall dependent on drugs and alcohol, because his consciousness and will weakened. He is not able to control himself and quickly fades, leaving for bad habits.
  • In the awesome can detect an incurable disease.
  • There are problems with the psyche that may end up with mental illnesses and a permanent "registration" in a mental hospital.
  • The behavior of the awesome becomes inadequate: it is extremely aggressive, irritable, malicious and unfair.

Watch the video on how to make a spell right in the cemetery:

How to remove the cemetery love spell?

Often, the girl on emotions enjoys black lovely love magic, then he gets consequences, frightens and wants to cancel everything that has done. Remove the spell, perfect in the cemetery, is quite difficult. But you can try to make such a rite.

Come to church and confess. Order three prayers in different temples. After they are completed, prepare the aircraft, pancakes and kissel. Take the grave of the deceased, from which you did a rite.

Put the cooked food at the grave and say prayer:

Cemetery Length

One time is not limited to. You need to repeat the ritual to the ninth and fortieth day. And then how lucky - either the spell will be removed, or traces of black magic will remain forever. It happens that the consequences are manifested by the descendants of the one that he decided to the ominous rite - right up to the seventh knee.

The cemetery spell is a very strong and efficient thing, but also enough dangerous. If you are afraid and not sure that you can do everything right, better contact white love magic. It is less strong, but does not harm your soul and does not affect negatively on the chosen.

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