Predictions of Vangi by the date of birth of a person table


Table of predictions from the famous blind provisions of the last century Vangi by date of birth is very popular with everyone who seeks to know their future. She is very easy to use that he adds to her success in humans.

The table is represented as a rectangle with laid numeric values ​​from one to forty, each of the numbers has its own defined value. According to the result, a peculiar assembly of tips and recommendations were published, as the most correct to act in life to achieve happiness and success.

Famous Wanga Photo

Rules for using Table Vangu

The famous Sviridian from Bulgaria saw people through, but understood that he would not be able to help absolutely everyone. It is for this reason that she decided to create a special table of the prediction of the future.

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It will be able to use it those people who appeared on the world from 1940 to 1995. Now not to establish why Vanga did not want to make a forecast for the future for those born outside of these time frames. It is likely that the woman simply did not have a sufficient number of time for this.

Using the table does not make it difficult - it will be necessary to find in the table in the table of the year on the light with the corresponding number. And then find out the value of this number from the list below.

Birthday Prediction Table from Vangi

Values ​​of numbers from one to twenty

  • Unit - foreshadows an incredibly happy life. The person will go through a smooth dear life and will be able to achieve everything that wishes;
  • Two - get what I want, you can only if you have help with influential people, and with a favorable situation of events. To become happy, you need to act, and not only dream;
  • Troika - you will constantly face various obstacles in your life and problems. The desired will become a reality only under the condition of very hard work;
  • Four - this figure will make a person happy smoothly as much as he is willing to work for this. Nothing in life will be easy to get so, but hard work will be rewarded;
  • Five - in this life for you the most important thing is to comply with knowledge, because the degree of happiness will be directly proportional to the experience gained and knowledge;
  • Sixer - you have all the chances to achieve happiness. You tend to act slowly, but confidently, patience is a valuable thing for you, which you need to stock larger and not take hasty decisions;
  • Seed - On the way, fortunately, you will have to face different difficulties and trials, but they are important for hardening your character and develop the devil necessary in it. Therefore, do not be afraid of falls, only in this case the goal will be achieved;
  • The eight - it is very important to have a unconditional faith in my senses, because uncertainty can knock you down from the right path. Therefore, be favorable, patient and smart to open doors fortunately;
  • Nine - you do not get patient. If you become more to wait, your life will change for the better. Do not act hastily, it will not bring you benefit;
  • Dozen - In this life, your main support is yours yourself. And on the help of foreign people you will only suffer;
  • Eleven - victory for you will be unexpected, life will give you a reward much earlier than you are counting on it;
  • Twelve - it is worth being more careful and judicious, as your fearlessness can pour out problems. You should not overestimate yourself;
  • Thirteen - an excessive desire to get the desired will only be disappointed and nervous shocks. Learn to rejoice even to small things in life;
  • Fourteen - you are not calm enough, you need to take control of your emotional sphere and anger so that he does not control you;
  • Fifteen - the incarnation of ideas will be quite problematic, you may encounter misunderstanding and loneliness;
  • Sixteen - such personalities it is important to act spontaneously, after all, they will be able to achieve success precisely thanks to unexpected decisions;
  • Seventeen - pay more attention to thinking about your actions. It is important enough time to spend alone with you and is enough to communicate with nature;
  • Eighteen - it will be more correct to wait for the problems than to try to eliminate them. A sufficient amount of patience will make you a truly happy person. Wait for favorable moments for action;
  • Nineteen - Be sure to use the chances provided by over. In your life there will be many happy randomness;
  • Twenty - little harmony in your life. It is important to learn how to build peace-loving relations with the surrounding people and the world. Remember that all sent by you returns back.

Life harmony is very important to you.

Numbers from twenty one to forty

  • Twenty-one - a rather rare implementation of plans and ideas, but also obtaining new unexpected possibilities;
  • Twenty-two - such people are extremely important to eliminate egoism and learn how to work in a team, as well as become more tactful, patient and diplomatic;
  • Twenty-three - you are almost constantly surrounded by people, you have some enemies, which is not accidental - the achievement of your goals benefits your surroundings;
  • Twenty-four - your most fantastic ideas can be realized in life, the main thing is to unconditionally believe in them and in yourself;
  • Twenty-five - not always you go faithful expensive, you need to learn to commit a faithful choice to protect yourself from failures;
  • Twenty-six - time spent with native people - invaluable. Probably, your family will be implemented in the family, and not in society;
  • Twenty-seven - to achieve success, do not stop self-improvement, constantly develop;
  • Twenty-eight - you are not optimistic enough, and pessimists suffer more often from failures. Try to change your angle of view, and everything will work out;
  • Twenty-nine - success will be achieved exclusively when friends or other people will help you. It is worth starting more connections;
  • Thirty - Learn to interact with others tactfully, even if it concerns your subordinates, it will bring you very favorable cooperation at one time;
  • Thirty One - you should stop pulling time. In general, Wang was very categorical in matters of time: I advised you never to waste it and find useful classes for my life every minute;
  • Thirty-two - success will be helped to get only radical changes. If you want some vital changes, accomplish active actions, and also eliminate your old fears and uncertainty;
  • Thirty-three - in your life you will often come across a stagnation. It is important for you to find a line between the gullibility and distrust, this will help you in the further growth;
  • Thirty-four - for you it is characteristic that you spend more energy for all things than you intend initially. In general, it is not bad, because still according to the result you achieve your goal;
  • Thirty-five - make sure that any contradictions and dual subtext leave your life;
  • Thirty-six - the surrounding often experience envy in relation to you, which often even gives you satisfaction, because you perceive others as losers. Other people can bring you trouble;
  • Thirty-seven - you need to take your financial sphere under strict control and not spend more laid;
  • Thirty-eight - if you want to advance in life, you need to be more initiative and independent if you stay in place, no changes will occur. Increase confidence and be more brave;
  • Thirty-nine - you often come across a deception from others. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, it is important to always check the receiving information very meticulously. Also try not to succumb to foreign gossip;
  • Forty - to gain the desired from you will need a considerable effort and spending a large number of time. Your success will be directly proportional to the efforts spent on it.

Many people who used Vangi's prediction table confirmed that it provides true information and meets the results of other divination techniques. In addition, statistics says that most of the predictions of the Bulgarian Clauds were carried out, even those that at first glance seemed very foggy and unexpected.

At the end of the article we advise you to watch an interesting video of Wange and her life:

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