What dreams of pregnancy in dreams of psychologists, other authors


Immersed in human sleep Subconscious surprises from time to time strange dreams of dreams. Sometimes frames fold in real one-piece plots, sometimes the puzzles of illusion seem ridiculous. Deciphering images offered dream interpreters, which often the same event interpret ambiguously. What dream of pregnancy? The value of this vision should be interpreted, guided by the details, as well as emotions and feelings of a dream.

General patterns of interpretation of dream

Benegories consider night paintings by the messages of fate, but the versions of decrypting the pregnancy so much that the authors of sleepy treatises decided to divide them into several groups. However, in general, the prevailing interesting position is considered a psychological symbol, a warning about the emergence of something new.


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Night script should not be identified with a hint on the fact of genuine pregnancy. According to the Jewish wise men, this is a signal about future concerns, and for the feminine - about successful childbirth.

In-depth night image symbolism

  1. Own position. For a young girl, even not giving birth, to see pregnancy in night gold is considered a threat to the poverty and gossip. Moreover, the misunderstandings of the surrounding will express the back of the dreams. A middle-aged woman of dreams foreshadow the troubles imposed by relatives, care for health.
  2. An interesting position of another person. If such a picture is dreaming, a sleep contemplator is waiting for a great success and wealth. For the correct interpretation of the subconscious signal, it should be remembered, whom the dreams have seen pregnant. Pregnancy girlfriend warns a dream of an opponent. Pregnant daughter in the dream of mothers - a message about the future success of the daughter in reality.
  3. Fantasmagoria with a pregnant man. An unusual situation can warn the dream of problems with playback function. If a man, in the course of the night scenario, feels joy and calm, his pregnancy in a dream is sulling significant progress in business in reality. Feeling insecurity, doubts will turn into a real life of the instability of the financial situation.
Interesting the role of the news of the pregnancy in a dream. The feelings that sleep people will be reflected in the coming reality.

Stormy emotions with fear, confusion with depression are interpreted as the anticipation of the stressful situation before the appearance of a new goal. Calm adoption of illusory news foreshadows a positive solution to any problems of real life.

Interpretation of an unusual image in dreams of psychologist scientists

David Loft Dream

According to Loffe, dreams are a subjective picture of the real world, contemplated through the prism of his perception by a separate person. What dream of pregnancy? The author interprets it as a step of growing up. For a girl, this is a signal of readiness for the continuation of the genus, mature women, such a picture warns about the reality of married treason. Illusory pregnancy Men points to dissatisfaction with its activity in reality.

Dream Interpretation Gustav Miller

According to the interpretation of Miller, the possibility of future motherhood dreams of a woman as a warning about unfortunate marriage. The lady will be dissatisfied with her husband, the external data of his children. With a dream, really waiting for the baby, night dreams foreshadow rapid birth without excitement, the appearance of a healthy child.

Abreed abdomen

Dream Sigmund Freud.

Night vision with an interesting position Psychologist refers to the signals of the subconscious, symbolizing not only the desire to acquire a child, but also a readiness for a joyful event. Why, according to Freud, the pregnancy is dreaming, which may indicate a phantasmagoria:
  • for unfulfilled hopes, unfulfilled sexual plans;
  • on the existing fertilization that a woman does not suspect;
  • Often a repeated image of a dream reflects the desire for motherhood.

By Maya's dream book, an unusual image of the night scenario has two meanings. Waiting for the birth of a girl in reality will turn a pleasant surprise. In modern interpretation, the wait of the boy foreshadows the dream high likelihood of incoming an accident.

How to explain the dream Other treatises

  • According to the dream of the great predictor of Vanga, the nightly scenario of the expectation of the offspring warns the married lady about the birth of twins. Seen in a dream Pregnancy for unmarried Maiden Dream interpretation treats as a caution about the dishonesty of her young man, he is a real liar.
  • According to the sleepy Treatise of Esoteric Tsvetkova, the illusion of an interesting position prophesate to the girl (virgin) deception, but for a mature woman, an unusual dream will be wrapped in joy in reality. A man similar a picture of sleep warns of the courage of his future plans, but to see the future mother from the side - a signal of increasing problems.
  • White magician Yuri Longo considers an image of a landmark for a man if his wife is pregnant. Stroller Longo will read the dream profit. However, to gain success will have to make a lot of effort to implement a new idea. For a girl, a similar illusion is a hint that she is ready for motherhood.
  • By winter dreams, the pregnancy disintended in winter predicts a dream disorder of health. If a unfamiliar woman was a pregnant woman in a pregnant scenario, we should expect weaken in reality. Seeing his own daughter in a dream on the eve of motherhood, prepare for a quarrel in real life.
  • The authors of the XXI century dream interpretation are interpreted unusual illusion as a sign of material well-being for men. Giving a woman in a dream of a man promises difficulties in affairs, but in a dream about pregnant is interpreted as a signal about the pleasant hopes for a dream. Women promise similar paintings to joy and wealth, girls - deception.

An interesting interpretation is offered snorkelors of night Gresses, in which the pregnancy itself has happened, and the test for its confirmation. Positive result - to important events, life change.

Two strips

A married dream, a dream about a positive test prevents family problems, and for an elderly lady becomes a sign of ambulance, even death. To decipher the sealing events, an important role is played by the day of the week, on the eve of which the subconsciously broadcast an interesting image. As a rule, dream intercoms contain information on this topic.

Sunday Fiction Magoria is usually solar and bright, since the day patronizes the sun. If the pregnancy in your dream did not cause admiration, but was gloomy, you should think about your dreams right.

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