What dreams of water on the floor in a dream in various dreams.


You dreamed pretty non-standard sleep - water on the floor. As a rule, a dream with a similar plot visits impulsive people who want a huge range of emotions, and they often stand before choosing, listening to their heart or come correctly. So what does water dream in a dream?

A water solution in your dream appears on the reference point, which is trying to resolve your dilemma, to help with the choice of life path. It is necessary to listen to a dream and express sleep as much detail as possible, for this you need to free up all the creative being of a dream, remember all the facts from an interesting dream.


Interpretation of dreams on a certain plot - wipe water, drop a bucket with dirty water, flood the room

The reader needs to concentrate, understand that the dream can argue all the points over "and". To see the water on the floor in his fest can mean everything from a quarrel with close to marriage. Nevertheless, it is impossible to be limited only to the vague interpretation, remember the circumstances of sleep, as this driver participated in your dream.

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If you have turned out and all the puzzles of this puzzle rose to their places, prepare, and we can start interpretation of the dream at home. Our site provided you necessary for interpretation information, you should only take advantage of it:

  • You wip out water. You will be able to restore a long-stacked reputation, your dream will come true, people will stop counting you with another person only because of the bad event that happened once in your life. You can find a like-minded person from among colleagues and together will be doing business that you are interested in both.
  • You could not fully wipe the trace, you only slightly shoved him with a cloth or foot. In the near future you or your surroundings will strike a terrible disease, infection. It is necessary to apply a visit to the doctor and engage in prevention, health is above all, it is given to us over, you should not neglect them.
  • Just sat in this little puddle and sat. Even for a dream, this is a strange and unusual act, and it symbolizes a betrayal in real life, which can proceed from both of you and from another, seemingly loved by a person. You need to see your surroundings for the presence of parasites and energy.
  • They did not carry out any actions, crossed the puddle and continued to do their own business. Harves symbolize indifference and resentment in real life, you will have to face misunderstandings. You may have a brazen envious or an ardent ill-wisher who will be happy to poison your life, if only you won't be alert.
  • You fell into this puddle. Unexpected emotions suddenly survive, your life will be filled with bright frames, it will be possible to fully use your abilities, get support of friends and loved ones, luck and success will contribute to any endeavor of about a week after this dream.
  • Water trail was on your carpet. An annoying, but such a dream promises her husband or a simple quarrel. Scandal with loved ones, relatives, classmates or colleagues are not excluded. Your bad mood will not give rest to the surroundings, and over time they can turn away from you if you do not take yourself in hand.
  • On the floor in the kitchen was Nalita. Sleep must be projected - the kitchen will provide you with all the abundance of products, it is possible to visit to the road restaurant or dinner in a cafe. If you are on vacation, today you will be lucky to taste the sophisticated dishes, the cost of which will be included.
  • You wip away the water next to the stove. In real life, you are waiting for a family feast, which will determine the focus of your relationship. The day will be on the whole world, most relatives will come to you, and you can discuss your questions.
  • If you wipe water in the bathroom. Most dream books foreshadow the following - the addition of finance should not even be conceived. This dream symbolizes your financial inconsistency, recently it is very difficult for you to live, you need to think about marriage or joint living with the second half, if you wish.
  • You wip away the liquid from the floor with a pad of your dress. Non-standard sleep, but it symbolizes a pleasant future - you have to conclude a financial and profitable deal, your activity will increase the material wealth of the family, your reputation will not be stained, and in the endeavors will be accompanied by success.
  • Sleep, in which your apartment turned out to be completely flooded. The effect that this dream will have on your life completely depends on the dirty water or clean. Dirty water promises bad events in your life, to fall into terribly shameful situations, be not in its plate, clean - to happy change, more often for vacation.
  • If you rub the dirty water on the carpet. In the near future, your relationship with friends will be very busy, your ambitions and pride will not allow you to live well, it is recommended to abandon such a pompous behavior and take a more favorable course for our livelihoods, otherwise the dreams risks left without friends.
  • After such as the floor washed, the bucket of dirty water was overturned directly to the same floor. The dream explicitly predicts - you will have to face disadvantaged in real life, but you should not despair, you can adequate all the blows of fate, if you do not really relax. Perhaps your second half knows about treason.


Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities and dreams - Zhou Gong, Small Veles Dream Interpretation and Miller, Interpretation of a dream

  1. Esoteric dream book. This type of dream book can not interpret the data of the horses unambiguously, if you behave correctly in a certain situation, you can improve your life if you can't cope with you, then worsen your position several times.
  2. Prince Zhou Gong. You will be able to avoid big trouble, catastrophe, and it will not cost you anything. This dream of a kind of charm, who will save you from unforeseen life situations, is expressed by Zhou Gong.
  3. Psychologist Miller. A dynamologist speaks positively regarding a dream with a similar plot - pleasant emotions and events will be swept away, however, if the water was dirty, then wait for diseases and betrayal from loved ones.
  4. On a small veleskoy dream book. According to this dream, water on the floor foreshadows misfortunes and failures in family life and in the workplace.


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