Why dreamed urine: how to properly decipher


If you saw human excrement in the dream, or rather, urine, it is worth expecting great happiness in real life. It may not only be spiritual, but also material. However, this dream has an unfavorable interpretation, which prevents vulnerability to the aggression of society. To find out exactly what the urine is dreaming, more than one dream book will have to open.

General interpretation

Many authors of dreams associate this phenomenon with the manifestation of your opposite and dark essence. If the dream had a vision, as he copes the need for the toilet, - this speaks of his spiritual harmony with the world and his body. And if the sleeping man in a dream was urinated in an unidentified place, it is worth thinking about the establishment of contact with others and himself.

Also urine in a dream means that it is time to get rid of all too much, which burdens a dream. It can be like an old furniture that has not fit into the interior for a long time, but you continue to keep it as a memory. Or these are old contacts and connections that do not bring any pleasure. The dream will get rid of all over in his life, and it will be easier for him to continue his way.

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Over the toilet

Sleeping person can be dreamed not only how he emptles the bladder, but also:

  • How he drinks her. This phenomenon prophesies a long and routine work that will not benefit and will not give any results. But if you drank urine for medicinal purposes, long and happy life is provided.
  • See a pets of a pet. If you dreamed like a pet-made pet, this is a warning about the emergence of new worries and problems that will create an surrounding person who dreamed of sleep, malicious people. Or friends who pursue hidden motifs.
  • Dreamed how little child copes his need? This is a disturbing sign. You should pay more attention and take care of your child.
  • If in a dream you have been losing this unpleasant fluid, it warns the dream of a deterioration in the state of health. If a healthy man was poured in a dream, be prepared for the disease. But if the dreams are already sick and at least a drop of urine came to him, this is an omen promising an ambulance amendment.
  • Skinny smell of urine in a dream? It is worth alerting and be prepared for a meeting with a fraudster or an unreliable person. Soon, he will appear on your life path and wants to take advantage of you not in good goals.

Other interpretations

If the sleeping person in night vision observed urine with blood or I took urine to research, it can mean experience for close relatives, friends or for your own body's own state. If in a dream, a easily recognizable jar for a laboratory study was visible, in the near future will have to be searched at home and cheat a little.

In a dream, the dreams visits the public restroom, but the floor in it was not clean, it would give you a quick financial takeoff in all endeavors. It is also worth drawing their attention to other dreams: such a vision is also extricted as a warning about possible risks in the career and other financial affairs. It is worth extremely gently approaching important solutions and think about everything to the smallest detail so as not to accomplish an irreparable error.


Dream Vangu

If the urine is located in the tank, but the dreams managed to get dirty, is a bad sign: it is necessary to prepare for life difficulties and negative views from unfamiliar people. Wang's dream book also interprets a dream, in which it happened in a dream, as problems in family life and quarrel with a loved one. If in the night vision you wondered how you or an animal, baby, straighten, be prepared for difficulties with your half.

Dream Longo

See your pissing baby - an alarming mark. It is worth checking the child for the presence of nervous ailments and think about possible prerequisites for the development of these diseases.

If dreams urinate in a dream - this is a favorable sign: soon your life will become easier than it was before that vision. The dreams guided his need for a public toilet - a omen, which speaks of the soon resolution of vital difficulties. If the dreams urinated on the road or in an inappropriate place, in reality, you neglect the tranquility of society for their hobbies.

In hand

Islamic dream book

See yourself voiced in a dream - a controversial sign. For a person with problems, he promises liberation from them, but if the dreams are rich, he can become arrogant. It is possible to deteriorate in a dream with blood with blood - the sign is not favorable: intimate relationships with a breeded wife or relative are possible, but the dreams will not suspect about it. Perved in a home focus or camp - a warning that entails a quick marriage.

If the dreams remarked that he was overwhelmed more laid, or stained clothes, or the urine gave a silent smell, as well as the dreams made his need for everyone in sight, is an ominous sign, breaking the haleals in your life and malicious people. Because of them, in a short time, your reputation will go to the decline, and you are picked up shame. A dream in which urine has been tastefully tasted, urges to think about how honest your financial income or wealth appears.

Dream of Freud.

According to Sigmund Freud written by Sigmund, a dream book, urine in a dream with your naked body shows your sexual power. And if in a dream you had the pleasure, then you get rid of all extra complexes that have long made you.

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