What is the dream of a knife in a dream - Vangi dreambooks, Miller, Z. Freud


Each time, falling asleep, we go on a journey through the mysterious and mysterious worlds of night dreams, where we find a lot of characters, hints and tips. And if it is correct to express this many signs, you can warn yourself from a serious danger or see your near future.

Knife - if he dreams, it becomes clear that it does not foreshadow anything good. However, it really really will understand.

What dreams of a knife in the dreams of the proportion of Vanga

  • If in the night vision you see a stitching subject, the Council is: you should look at the circle of your communication. Probably among them there are quite a few traitors and enemies.
  • During the preparation of a family dinner, you were hurt by the tips of the knife - characterizes you as a violent and uncontrolled person. Native to take action to temper your dust. However, this will all fall into a serious family conflict.
  • If in the dream you drop with a stitching weapon from the hands, wait for the guests, allegedly a strong sex representative.
  • In a dream, you suddenly apply knives - this is a warning dream. You need to be on guard, since it threatens a serious danger. Your rivals are ready to apply an unexpected and furious blow.
  • An unfamiliar man attacked you, while applying a knife wound, is the foresight of serious change in personal life.
  • In a night vision, you yourself got hands with blood, applying a deadly wound to the victim, - this suggests that you have dirty thoughts. That is why there will be a misfortune for a long time to walk for you on the heels. You can escape from this fate only when your life will be given to serving people.
  • Present someone as a gift knife - this means you will be a victim of cruel deception. It will happen because of your gullibility and inattention, because you are so easy to "break around the finger."

Apple and knife

Dream "Knife" from a psychologist Miller

  • See the knife in night goldes - an unfavorable sign. He promises a fierce conflict, long separation with close friends and relatives, serious losses in the professional sphere.
  • In the dream in the hands you hold the rusted stuffing item - this means that you are not satisfied with the position of family affairs. Perhaps this displeasure is connected with your connections on the side.
  • In a dream, you see a sharp knife - a period of anxiety and regret will come in your life.
  • Bend-bounted items - this means that all expectations, dreams and plans are collapsed at one moment. The saddest thing you can not affect this situation, you will have to observe from the side, folded hands.
  • In a dream, you received a deep knife wound - it foreshadows serious family problems or goats from the enemies. For idle men, such a dream is dishonor.
  • You yourself inflicted with these cold weapons the wounded sacrifice - it characterizes you as a small and selfish person. You will need a lot of time and effort to grow in yourself a sense of dignity and justice.

As a night vision interpretation of winter spouses

  • The knife in a dream is the personification of coldness, hardness and cruelty. Such dreams most often fierce clashes, which will arise as a result of your incontinence and dislike for certain people.
  • If in the night vision, the stinging weapon is hidden into the sheath, this suggests that, despite the external calm, you are always ready to make a "lunge" towards the opponent.
  • In your hands, you have a broken knife - you are always ready to rush to the "attack", but it will not help solve the difficult situation, but only aggravate the state of affairs.
  • Knife with rust - Soon old resentment or quarrels will again "pop up up", which will bring you many more troubles.
  • Keep the table knife in a dream - you probably expect problems that will arise as a result of the division of property.
  • If in the night vision you purchase a stitching subject in the store, you should hire your dust, otherwise you will wait for some losses and serious losses.

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Two knives

What does Dream Sigmund Freud says

  • The knife resembling his dagger appearance is a symbol of male dignity.
  • If you cut something in a dream, this suggests that soon you will have the opportunity to enter into sexual contact with the desired partner.
  • If the knife has a beautiful curved form, this is a symbol of a healthy erection, and such a dream foreshadows exquisite and unusual sex.
  • Bunk or rusted knife in your hands means that you need to see the doctor. You probably have a serious illness associated with the genitals.
  • To break the knife in a dream - it promises a man inability to reproduce sexual intercourse.
  • To see the whole mountain of the knives in front of them - it means that you are prone to the presence of a variety of sexual partners or to an orgia class.
  • If a man in night vision receives a knife wound, it speaks of its compactance and self-satisfaction in sexual relations, as he considers his dignity less than the required.
  • In a dream, the representative of a strong sex suits a fight on the knives - perhaps it has a predisposition to homosexuality.
  • A man in a dream puts cold weapons into the sheath - it speaks of his passionate desire to make love with the beloved.
  • In a night vision, the knife holds a representative of the weak floor - it means it is close to the bisexuality.
  • If in a dream, a woman holds with the help of a knife, probably, it is more attracted by same-sex relationships.

Knife on blue background

Chinese dream book

  • Receive as a gift from someone a knife - it means that you are waiting for a career staircase.
  • If in the dream you draw a knife, take bets, buy lottery tickets. Now the likelihood of your winnings is greater than ever, because luck fell on your tail.
  • To see how the cringers falls into the river, - this dream foreshadows the death of a loved one.
  • If in the night vision knife is always at your hand, it means that soon you will have a favorable offer that will bring large income.
  • The loss of the knife is promulit the collapse of your activity and the loss of the main source of money.
  • If in a dream you give a knife to a mysterious person, in your life a period of doubts and trouble will come, and it will seem to you by eternity. However, it is not necessary to fall the Spirit, the black strip is always in a hurry white.

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