What dreams of a garden in the dream book Miller, Freud, Vanga, Nostradamus


Not one rural, a rustic resident does not cost without a garden. How much work, forces and creativity is invested in a few square meters of land, where, then with the joy and sense of satisfaction, gathering a rich harvest. What dreams of the garden will know, learn in famous dreams.

The world is that the garden: everything grows in it

Most of the interpreters the garden is associated with the urgent cases of sleeping, its plans, goals for the future, experiences, unrest and anxieties associated with the implementation of their capabilities.

The external state of the plot is the indicator of the current state of the dream, its current errors, possible consequences. Such a dream can suggest sleeping, in which direction to move to achieve your goals. Well-groomed garden, correctly and neatly arranged bushes, seedlings on the site indicate that there is no reason for anxiety. Your way of development is promising, and solutions are correct and accurate.

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Vegetable garden at home

An even greater confidence in the future can give a dream where the collection of a good harvest was hardened - it foreshadows a lot of prospect, decent profit for stubborn labor and the talent of the dream.

Choose a wife not in the dance, but in the garden

For a woman, the land on the plot plays an important role of such a dream. As one of the foundations of the universe, she personifies the feminine beginning. Chernozem expresses the ability of a woman to fertility, fertility, pregnancy, all family joys and faces.

A good sign is to water the land or see how the rain pours to your site. Moisture, patted with chernozem, gives life to germinating shoots and seeds, personifying what all the conditions have been created for you to become a mother, a good period for conception and pregnancy. Maternity at this time foreshadows to be especially happy and successful.

A man does not throw ash on the road, and wears a gram of gram

For a man, plow the earth on his own garden in a dream marked more with erotic start, symbolizing your participation in the continuation of the kind of human. To carefully plant seedlings, watering and fertilizing them, - in reality to be ready for a serious relationship. You have achieved that feature when your sex maturity is equal to your wisdom and life experience. Understanding its goals and defining future achievements, you have a desire to gain a strong family, children and rejoice in a home hearth in a circle of loved ones.

In your garden of pebbles - Copyright Dreams

Sigmund Freud

Everything that is connected with the elements of the Earth bears the feminine. Activities on their own garden plot are associated with experiences in family, intimate life, relationships with children, parents. Pump something shovel, loosen the earth for a woman symbolizes its ability to childbear and is associated with future pregnancy.

Well-groomed vegetable garden

The nestness of the site, the sluggish and rotten fruits hints a dream on the problems that are coming to your relatives. For a woman, this can mean health problems, the emergence of difficulties with the conception of a child.

For a man, overgrown with grass, the vegetable garden expresses sexual problems, low potency or indifference to the opposite sex. A married person is such a dream talking about the lack of interest in his wife, your indifference and coldness that can lead to a broken-produced process.

Miller's dense

Represents a negative interpretation of sleep, in which the garden has brewed. For men, he personifies heavy ungrateful work for which it is not worth waiting for a big honors and generous remuneration. Most likely, your merits will not be appreciated, and the fact that it would seem to have happened thanks to you will be taken to the will of a happy occasion.

The unpacking virgin of your phasenda was dreamed - in reality to provide minimal wealth of the family, you will have to work more than one year, raising professional skills and gaining experience. Perhaps it is just not the case that will make a profit will make your life stable and happy. On time, the decision can change the life of your and your family.

For a woman, work on its own plot of land is dreaming of daily care, small hassle, which are capable of tiring and derive from equilibrium. Dry cracks under the legs are a sure sign of failures and brewing problems.

Weeding and watering seedlings personify changes for the better due to your perseverance, perseverance and faith in good. The fruits are growing and sleeping vegetables - in reality you are close to victory, goals will soon be achieved, and your maximum efforts will bring financial receipts.

Water by high water pressure - get large dividends from a promising project. Intuition did not let you down, you proudly and the recognition of others get everything that you should have.

Insect invasions on a crop in a dream speaks of the growth of the negative impact of competitors to your business. The struggle against pests means that you are able to suppress enemies and envious with rigid authority and reputation in your circles.


Engage in vegetables, especially potatoes, is a very positive sign for sleeping. You have worked from childhood from childhood, so whatever the situation has been in the country, you are not afraid of a financial crisis, unemployment. You have a clear understanding of how you can provide a family, and you are able to solve any problem.


Juicy greenery, adorning your garden, hints at a comfortable life for many years ahead. You should not be afraid of old age, since your reserves are enough for a long forthy life of the whole family.

To see an empty land, fenced with a fence - a symbol of heavy times. You are exhausted and pessimistic, closed in yourself, unable to solve current accumulated problems. Without outside interference, you can not do. Only influence and help relatives are able to raise you on the previous level and return faith in your own strength.

Huge failures in Earth were dreamed of the foreigners of global disaster, natural disasters and cataclysms. Property should be insured, real estate from fires, floods and various unforeseen disasters. Income during this period can fall sharply, therefore it is not necessary to waste funds for excess and entertainment, they will be very useful to you in the future.


A positive sense carries a sleep interpretation where you are engaged in agriculture on our own garden. The garden, full of colors, fruitful trees and bushes, rehabilizes a long and peaceful life. You can safely be accepted for any business, Fortune on your side. Your ideas, strength, energy and perseverance, with which you quickly embody all the conceived, are able to make happy not only you, but also around people.

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