What dreams of a kitten in dreams of Miller, Robinson, Nancy Vagayman


This little creature is considered the best example of the dignity. But according to the dream book: what does one kitten or a whole "bouquet" of fluffy?

General interpretation of such sleep

The most popular decoding: a dream to trouble, but small; If you dreamed of a fur chick, living in your apartment, trouble will begin there. But, as always, it all depends on the entourage!

Cute kitten

How many animals come to you?

  • Two. Favorite (beloved) soon grieves you.
  • Three. There is some kind of person who is trying to "crawl" into your family or a couple.
  • A whole "Oakcha". Sleep is interpreted traditionally: soon you are grieved.
  • Catics were with a mother-cat. Because of the trial of the unkind "friend", your life will be much complicated.
  • Cat and dog (puppy) - troubles because of a friend.

What color was your night guest?

  • White kitten in a dream - to the meanness of a close friend.
  • Black or black and white - the envious will put you stick in the wheels.
  • Redhead (sometimes red). Favorite will upset you.
  • Gray - you are waiting for a strip of a bad mood.
  • Striped - to failures.
  • Three-color. Unknown will be plotted against you, but you will not harm these "horseshrum".
  • Blue (smoky) - to "oblast": your hopes will remain unstable.
  • Pink: Interpretation is very similar. You live in dreams, and the subconscious simply shouts: grow up, finally!
  • Multicolored kittens: to deception. And it's not a fact that you "clutch" a fraudster, - a dream can mean and destructive self-deception.

Well maintained or not?

  • See the kitten of a beautiful, fluffy - to the appearance of a "Trojan horse" in your life. Remember: not all that is gold, which shines!
  • Blochest. Small problems just torture you.
  • Homeless, neglected. Soon the situation will come in which you simply dig hands and you will not know how to do.
  • Wounded (patient): This is your enemy, he is bad now.
  • Dead. This is a good dream, he promises good luck in business.
  • Blind (just born): You were too trusting or inattentive, so you will have to "fly up" problems because of this.
  • Aggressive: Someone told you a sharp word or made evil, since you got to him "at hand." Having cooled and tapping, he can still come to put up.

What did he do?

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Black cat

  • Slept. You can deal boldly - your enemies are engaged in solving their own problems and will not interfere.
  • Meow to you (especially if he was in the crowd of "relatives"): your "sworn friends" actively took out the outline of your name.
  • Spoke. The kitten is small, his life has not seen, the smart board will not give - this is exactly what your inner voice goes now. Do not listen to him, select the adviser from friends or family, which trust more than yourself.
  • Born in a cat. The enemies will repeat you to interfere. Cat also fed babies? So, there are also unacceptable rumors about you.
  • Scratched, bite. Soon the petty trouble would happen, which will be very offended (or affect your destiny). You will remember for a long time.
  • Died. Now you make a problem, but soon she will disappear.

What did you do?

  • Kid saved. Soon you will have the opportunity to express yourself with the best, noble side before a long-time offender.
  • Killed him in any way. Your subconscious mind speaks of aspirations as soon as possible to clear your life from problems.
  • Received a cat as a gift. Some person, not wanting to you evil, will hurt you.
  • Fed. As Dream Interpretation says, the kitten, which you "slept" with milk, - to the gossip or your actions from the category "I wanted it better, it turned out as always."
  • They fed like a baby, their own breasts: stop patronizing others, it only annoys them. Give birth to kittens instead of children in a dream: Your work on achieving a large-scale goal will turn minor inconsistencies.
  • Catching: I will "pull out" problems.
  • They kept on their hands, stroked: you will smooth all the "corners" in your life.
  • Played with a cat: you are a positive person, an optimist and even annoying mistakes meet easily, with a joke.
  • Found, picked up. The problem will soon say: "You did not wait, and we came!"
  • Bought: Familiar will condemn your act. If in a dream you only chose a kitten, choose well in real life what to talk and how to do. Having made / saying something wrong, you can spoil your good name.
  • Battle of the animal: You can fix your life.
What dreams of a kitten to a small child? Interpretations from sleep two. Or he visited his deceased relative, or the baby is worth waiting for the appearance of a brother / sister. In any case, sleep does not promise the child evil.

A married lady or a girl, consisting of a relationship, a cat dreams to two stripes on the test. But to see him before the wedding - bad sign, meaning not quite a light family life.

Interpretation of famous dreams

Three cats

Popular authors like Freud or Loff wrote about cats in dreams, but the topic of kittens did not pay due attention. However, these dreams studied in detail other interpreters.

Psychologist Miller writes about female dreams

  1. You dreamed of white, just the milestly "gun": there are lies' networks arrange around you with the aim of providing on you. On time "including" logic and common sense, you will not get on this fishing rod.
  2. Non-dimensional kittens (thin or very dirty): a fraudster will be able to let me dust into the eyes.
  3. You killed a kitten with my own hand: the problems will overcome you, but you will be able to stop the black stripe.
  4. If a kite ruffles in a dream, a snake will destroy (teach or strangle): enemies, inventing your ruisings' plans, "flap" to death.

Stewart Robinson

  1. What was the color of the kitten? Redhead - to the money, gray (smoky) - to home comfort, white - a good acquaintance (perhaps on work - a person will be influential), black - the execution of your dreams will hurt something.
  2. Unusual coloring plus smooth wool - to home well-being.
  3. You took the best creation as a gift, and after sleep only positive emotions remained: you will have good troubles associated with a person from a close environment.
  4. You fed the cat: friends consider you a very faithful friend and value by your relationship.
  5. In a dream, you knocked the kitten of the car - in real life, in front of difficulties.

Nancy Vagaymen.

  1. Fluffy: to "Baryrsham" or good.
  2. Black: wait for the problems.
  3. Patient Animal: You may be deceived, it is quite possible that for money.
  4. If the animal dreamed and you could not help you: you have a dream (one or more), which will not be executed.
  5. You bought a cat, laying out a fabulous amount: when dealing with real estate, be extremely careful.
  6. The whole basket, the full hands of the cats - numerous worries and troubles. If you are in love, sleep may mean that the feelings will weaken or someone will let someone let the unpleasant gossip.

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