The consequences of the attitude for the customer and the victim


Love love spells in my practice occupy one of the key positions. Customers who address me with a request to make this kind of magical impact, are almost always interested in whether a spell will have made any consequences and how they will affect the relationship of acting persons of the ritual. Therefore, we will detect this article to the consequences of the love spell for the customer and the victim.


Why are the consequences of the love spell?

Any spell implies an impact on the energy and consciousness of the person being trained. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this impact comes against the will of the object. The emotions and feelings are alien to him are imposed, they are forced to make any deeds who are unknown to him - in one word, there is an all suppression of his personality.

This fact causes an internal confrontation of the victim, a constant struggle that takes a lot of energy and strength. The result of the internal conflict is just the so-called consequences of a love ritual.

What is dangerous white love spell for customer and victim

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It is believed that there are no negative effects from the Arsenal of White Magic. In fact, this opinion is a bit mistaken. White love spell is different from black in that it has a milder effect on the awesome: he seems to push it to the manifestation of response feelings and actions.

After performing white love spell, the object of the ritual will feel some changes in feelings. From his part will increase the power of love attraction to the customer of the attitude, but not more. Walking, if desired, can control new emotions and suppress them.

Girl and boy

White spell is most often carried out when the victims are already there are feelings for the customer, but their strengthening is required, which is achieved due to the rite. The consequences of its commission are still available, but they do not differ in great force, are weakly sprinkled, therefore the customer, and the victim may not be noticed by adopting for banal life circumstances.

How does a black spell acting on a man

Another thing is black love spells. The main feature is the presence of a violent component. The black ritual is forced. He makes it awesome, regardless of his desire, submit to new emotions, love and sexual attachment. As a result, the struggle between the magical rite and the psyche of the victim begins.

The spell almost affects the consciousness and subconscious of the object, causes an internal confrontation to a permanent request to be near the customer of the ritual, to raise it. There is a certain obsession, which is obvious to relatives and close to the awesome, but it is categorically denied themselves.

As a result, the violent pressure that the psyche is experiencing victims leads to the strongest nervous experiences and shocks that negatively affect the state of the whole organism. Immunity is weakening, declare diseases chronic and nervous soil can develop new ones.

The black spell is sometimes considered as a damage, because the "side effects", which it causes, in many people similar to the same phenomena arising from damage. And some black love rituals (with menstrual blood, a doll voodoo, in the cemetery) are characterized by such a devastating effect that the slightest error in their execution causes a powerful rollback, which will certainly affect all participants in the magical rite and will lead to very deprecious, and sometimes even tragic consequences .

Therefore, I categorically do not advise you to engage yourself like similar rituals, if you do not want the entire negative in full complete set. Many people referring to black repraints simply do not imagine what they are connected with and what danger is subject to themselves. And eventually pay all their lives.

Watch the video about how to survive the consequences of the attitude:

The consequences of the attitude for the awesome

The impact of any love spell applies most to the victim of the ritual. The spell can be dangerous by the following manifestations:

  • deterioration of health: exhaustion of the body, chronic fatigue, insomnia, headaches, problems with a childbearing function;
  • psychological problems: poor mood, depression, dissatisfaction with their own life, depression;
  • Changes in character: nervousness, irritability, aggression, syradiability, scandals for any minor occasion.

Derpessia after Privota

If Walking is under the influence of black ligament, his condition can be exacerbated:

  • Serious diseases (oncology, infertility, impotence),
  • Heavy depression (with thoughts about suicide),
  • Loss of reason (madness),
  • addiction to alcohol or drug,
  • full collapse of social life.

Consequences for customer ritual

Even if the spell is performed by a professional magician, its direct participants are the awesome and the customer of the ritual. A competent magician to protect yourself, always puts protection when performing a love spell.

But the customer of the rite of the consequences of the attitude of the party does not bypass and can show themselves as Psychological fatigue and Filkness.

Much more serious damage causes a black spell. He can call Full energy exhaustion Since the customer becomes a kind of energy donor for Walking. Also from the craving can begin Problems with sleep (nightmares) and psyche (Depression, paranoia). One of the frequent consequences - Serious diseases , Up to death.

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