What dreams of a rabbit in the dreams of Freud, Miller, Vanga, Tsvetkov


Rabbit is a very prolific animal. Thanks to the dual uterus, rabbies are able to endure two offspring at once, conceived at different times and from different males. What dreams this animal will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

The rabbit is a promising sign that carries mostly positive moments in the life of a dream. As a symbol of love and fertility, he often comes in a dream to young couples, personifying the conception of the child. Women this animal will bring everyday wisdom, agility, modesty, timidity. And male rabbit can point to high vigilance, agility, smelting. For guys who adhere to free morals, it hints on an empty amount of love links to the detriment of the quality of sexual experience gained.

A flock of rabbits

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In the Slavic mythology, the rabbit endowed with negative features, considering it by a cheater, egoist and dexter. For Sleeping, this means that it relies no longer on moral and physical strength, but on a cynical seamless, trick and deception.

In Christianity, the hare personified lust, lust, adultery. But the White Rabbit, lying at the Naga Mary, meant victory over lust. Easter rabbit is a very favorable symbol of spring, fertility, family well-being and happiness.

In the philosophy, Feng Shui rabbit is a mystical animal that helps to attract a mass of positive energy, bringing good luck, strengthening family bonds, improving financial well-being and endowing peace of mind. Mature people such a sign promises longevity, revival, insight, sensitivity, spiritual growth and abundance.

For the Chinese, the hare is a patron of a lunar calendar who knew the secret of the elixir of immortality. He can go to self-sacrifice for the sake of others, to be devoted and loyal to the one who trusts him and believes. He is betrayed by mythical connection with the otherworldly world, the moor of the lunar hare.

White Rabbit

Therefore, for the sleeping to see such an eared beast - it means to prepare for decisive changes in your life. Details can only tell the dream details.

Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

Rabbit symbolizes man's timid start. Man is an animal indicates its uncertainty, stiffness, false modesty and inexperience. But, despite this, it describes sleep as a jealous and eccentric nature. To overcome fear, you need to dispel internal self-doubt, of insincerity partner that you do not match each other.

Before doing extraordinary conclusions, you need to relax and try to enjoy intimacy with a woman, by sexual partners without thinking of the fashionable postures and techniques. Give your will of passion, desire, and you will see how to begin to unfold your inner masculine potential. Trust yourself and your soulmate, and you get a lot of fun.

For women, this dream - a sign of pregnancy or desire to have a future offspring of a particular man, whom you have already met. If you try not to startle his companion perseverance and desire to bond relationships in marriage, a dream promises a lot of positive emotions from the future with this man.

Miller's dense

A positive interpretation predicts that sign. Rabbit - a symbol of happiness and prosperity. After such a vision should expect substantial welfare gains. Since rabbits - are social animals, living in a big litter and supporting each other, incomes will increase not only you but your family as a whole.

White animal - good luck for the newlyweds. This symbol of loyalty again and again make you believe in devotion to each other and sincere love. Dreamed rabbit with offspring - wait addition to the family.


White Rabbit prophetess gives a positive sign. It is a symbol of a happy marriage and birth of children. Black rabbit - an echo of the underworld kingdom, predicting all sorts of ailments, diseases, energy depletion, and general fatigue. After such a vision can be expected monetary losses, quarrels, clarify the relationship with relatives, divorces and all kinds of disorders.

Black Rabbit

A bad sign - to take a black rabbit in his arms. The beast in this case, represents death. Thus the dream warns that you come near it themselves with their reckless and risky behavior, playing and provoking.

Unprecedented color hare could spell unpredictable events, the consequences of which will leave a big mark in your mind. If the animal you are not scared and did not push his view, the future is not scary, but rather a bright and fruitful for you.

Yuri Longo

Catch the rabbit in a dream means that I will try to overcome your cowardice, timidity, modesty, shyness. The fight against the hare will personify the attempt to raise the best qualities that glorify a person as a smart, bold and strong world. You are trying to reveal your potential, tempering character, will decisive actions and actions. But do not overload the stick, the rapidness and spontaneity of solutions can lead to unexpected consequences.

Home hare may seem to those who should expect good news from close friends. These news may be associated with your further move, change the place of residence, the device for a new job or the opening of your own business.

If the animal runoffs from you, do not impose high hopes for the coming perspectives. Most likely, your plans are not destined to come true. Either the goals set were too high and unrealized, or you did not have enough strength, perseverance, talent and patience for the successful completion of the event.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

The interpreter is convinced that the rabbit warns about the impending danger. I had to hunt a hare - the period will be saturated with situations in which it will have to be pretty accounted for, showing incontinence and aggression. Eat rabbit meat in a dream - to the development of chronic diseases or pathologies.

Faced behind the running hare - it means to lose something valuable in life and expensive to her heart. Running animal on large snowdrifts is a sign that there are difficult times, when your financial situation, family happiness and stability of calm prosperous life can be shaken at any time.

Kill the rabbit in a dream - it means to lose independence, good luck in business, success and influence among colleagues, friends, relatives. As a result, disappointment may arise, stress and subsequent depression. You can avoid troubles, leaving for temporary lull.

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