What dreams of theft of Miller's dream book, Vanga, Freud


Encourse on your property, property, personal belongings always cause a storm of negative emotions, a sense of indignation and hatred for the robber. What dreams of theft will find out in proven dreams.

Who stole the egg, steals and chicken

Successful theft in dreams can cause pleasant feelings, probably, only in a person who actually climbs illegal. To decent people, such moments want to quickly delete from memory. And in vain, since such a dream can tell a little bit, to warn about failures or prevent a dangerous situation.

Basically such dreams describe the state of the dream soul, character traits that need to be adjusted or change. To observe how the crime is happening, and not even call the police - such a dream hints a dream about his small, indifferent and useless existence. He is used to only consume without giving anything in return. Use all the benefits, love of loved ones, care, care, but not to show activity, will and character in order to change something in your life.

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Trying to catch up with the thief - it means to independently influence fate, not giving circumstances and difficulties to gain top of you. You are full of optimism and strength to cope with all adversity and help others do not get away from the distance.


See the robbery attack with the participation of many persons - to experience a shortage of communication and friendship with decent people. You often betray and deceive, looking straight into the eyes. From this there is a panic distrust and suspicion of people.

Honest women's eyes in the side do not look

The girl dreamed that her clock was stolen, "the time to lose time, and with him beauty and youth on someone will never be yours. He is simply not created for family life, and therefore, it is not ready to make you a happy wife, mother and hostess of your own house. You are experiencing illusions and tremble yourself with the hope that everything is formed. It's time to remove pink glasses and draw your gaze on other fans.

If they have stolen the clock, your durability and a bench there are no equal. You are my own mistress of your happiness, believe the female intuition, which will be the right companion to you.

The woman was stolen by an old wallet with an insignificant amount of money - a good sign. In the near future, you decide all material problems due to resourcefulness and smelting. A happy incident can work in gambling, promises good luck and big win.

In a bag

Losing a handbag with documents and money - to experience the problems on the career path. Obstacles can be expected from colleagues or colleagues who do not want to increase your increasing. The financial situation will also be desired.

A man is speaking, yes in hand is unclean

Theft of a mobile phone has dreamed - someone is trying to upset your partnerships and contacts established by successful joint activities and a decent attitude towards each other.

Made an old purse, and returned the wallet, full of money, - do not miss a profitable case to be solved in the near future. The earlier you begin to act, the faster will find financial independence and freedom of action. Your risk is justified.

Your wedding ring steal - the passion and temptation will be experienced, from which it is possible to lose his head and forget about the responsibility and obligations to the family. If you do not stop in time, destroy idyll and happiness tested for years.

Painted piglets in the ears squeal. Author's dream book

Sigmund Freud

Theft symbolizes a secret intimate relationship that you do not seek to announce and keep secret from others. Perhaps this is a relationship with a married lady or special on which you have no serious plans.

To steal the bag

He dreamed that they had robbed you, "hence, your beloved had a new subject of adoration, and you moved to the background, and most likely the interest in you will disappear.

You are trying to steal something in a dream - you want a close relationship with the one that is inseparable for you. Forbidden fruit is always sweet, and in your case, this sexual experience is more than dangerous, you should think before trying to accomplish it.


Stolen the harvest from your garden and at the same time all the flowers were wound up - someone tries to encroach on the most holy that you have: family values, relationships with loved ones, traditions, knowledge and family secrets that are moving from generation to generation.

A dream in which they themselves have made theft, warns of illness or serious illness. It was possible to prevent major theft - to get an unexpected inheritance, to preserve and increase which will be able only if part of the disadvantaged and needy.

Miller's dense

To see the theft or robbers and not confront the incident - shows your infantility, brazing and weakness. Such people are not able to think independently, to declare themselves, fight for their rights. They partly sail along the river to the unknown and emptiness.

Being the accused - in reality to get into the ridiculous situation, from which it will be difficult to get lost, but will save a happy case and the misunderstanding will be resolved.

Make theft of cutlery silver - sleep shows your petty and stubbornness. You are picky and restrained for gifts close and relatives. From this your close environment suffers and is distinguished from you.

You accuse someone in theft, not having evidence - hurry with conclusions and bad characteristic about a person who is barely know. Your mistaken opinion will make you then reassure, but it will be late to return your lost credibility and recognition in you the leader.

David Lof.

To see himself in the role of a thief means in real life to have a need for something, a shortage of resources, opportunities, an unfair distribution of common benefits. Such a dream indicates the loss of the former status, significance in certain circles and popularity. Now in your soul resentment, doubts and bitterness of loss.

Sometimes stealing something of the essential items is a hint of the lack of choice in real life. The deadlock in which you are, gives you an emotional state and mind, it is difficult for you to make a right solution and resolve the problem.

They saw himself as a victim of robbery - to experience the depressive state from the loss of something valuable for you. It is due to something that is not related to material values, property and cash bills. It will affect your soul and consciousness.

But if you remember what we were specifically stolen in a dream, you can determine the area of ​​life in which they try to break the boundaries of your existence.

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