What dreams of a bonfire in dreams of Freud, Vangi, Tsvetkov, and Miller


What dream of a bonfire? Dream interpreters recommend to start to remember the whole dream to the smallest details and collect them into a single image so that you can make final conclusions. Remember the place, the size of the fire itself, the company with which you sat in front of the fire, and other details.

Dream Interpretation: Bonfire - General Interpretation of Dream

A place

An important role is played by exactly the place where the actions of the dream occur. It is from this that the general image of a dream begins to take shape:

  • Bonfire on the banks of the river, which you are inflated to incite, marks the fire in reality. It should be extremely careful with fire and electrical appliances at home.
  • Like a fire near his home - to failures. For some time you will not get anything, for whatever you take. This black strip simply needs to be survived and, if possible, correct all the errors that were allowed in this period.
  • Bonfire in the forest in a dream - to the campaign. It is possible for you a simple order at work will appear, but its implementation will be difficult.
  • If the fire is glowing right in your apartment is a good sign. Such a dream marks good luck in all matters.
  • Many dreams believe that the fire in the field is to natural disasters or even to war.

Bonfire in Lake


  • See a bonfire in a dream with his second half - to a strong love connection. Your relationship will be full of happy moments, mutual understanding and promising plans.
  • To breed a fire with a large company of friends - only the most faithful people surround you. All joint plans will be implemented.

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Bonfire in the forest


  • Just watching fire - you will have a quiet life. The dream family will not attend big problems. Also, such a dream comes to people before they receive pleasant news on work.
  • If in a dream you are dancing around the fire, then you need to stop angry with people surrounding you. It is necessary to release all insidious thoughts and gloating.
  • In a dream to extinguish the fire - the dreams subconsciously wants to stop communicating with some people, throw bad habits, start fighting with their passions and more. Such a dream literally personifies a personal war.
  • Heat around the fire in strong cold - a sign of the ambulance with old friends.
  • But look for a fire to warm up, symbolizes the search for yourself in the world. Fatigue and overwork plays their role in this. Try to change the scope of activities or relax abroad.
  • Fry food - By moving to another city or country.
  • Burn on the fire - this is not a very pleasant feeling, even if it is in a dream. Such a dream comes when a person is very emotional in reality. But to burn someone - it will be necessary to abandon some of the principles and beliefs, no matter how hard it is to do.
  • If in a dream you are trying to ignite the fire, but it does not work, Introduces it marks unsuccessful endeavors. Your new affairs are not crowned with success. And there will also be a lot of homemade hassle on you.

Through the bonfire

Color of fire

The color of fire in the fire plays a big role for interpretation of dreams. Many dreams symbolize the color of fire with diseases, with whom the dream will have to face:

  • Yellow color - to diseases of the digestion system.
  • Red fire marks skin disease and bones.
  • Orange - Soon you can start problems with the liver.
  • Diseases of the heart and lungs are waiting for a dream who saw the green color of the flame in a dream.
  • If you see the blue color, then the throat will hurt.
  • Purple - to mental illness.
  • Blue color marks the disease of the nervous system.

Blue and red fire

Capacity condition

  • The fading fire will dream of a short love novel.
  • Bonfire Tleet - You have been trying to suppress passionate desire for a long time.
  • The huge fireplace is a symbol of mutual and strong love.

High fire

What dreams of a fire - interpretation according to famous dreams

Interpretation of Miller

  • See the bonfire is a sign of pleasant gatherings with friends. Also possible pleasant surprises from loved ones.
  • The burning of the fire in a dream leads an unpleasant meeting. You may find your enemy who will try to harm your kind one. In addition, such a dream is a symbol of a quarrel. For some time it is necessary to be more consistent and compliant with your loved ones.
  • Stew fire - you can easily find a common language with any person. This quality will help you easily avoid quarrels and scandals.

Dream Vangu

  • Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that a small bonfire in a dream marks the big fire to the appearance. Such a fire can bring a great harm to property or even lifetime the dream of a dream.
  • The bonfire, from which the unpleasant smell emanates is a symbol of what your enemies will go to the offensive. It is necessary to be extremely careful not to make their dirty plans.
  • If the dreams are heated near the fire, in real life he is happy. You need to appreciate your loved ones and every instant spent with them.

Dream Interpretation by Dreamnote Freud

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believes that the temperature and size of the fire flame in a dream directly depend on the strength of the love relationships of people. The more bonfire in a dream, the greater the passion and the desire of a person in love revealed. If the bonfire almost degenerated, then, like the fire, he will soon burn and in love.

Dream of flowers

The bonfire in a dream personifies the fact that the dream will not be able to fulfill its plans and goals. If at the same time he got a burn from the fire, then he saw such a dream awaits a bad reputation. In any case, the fire in a dream will not bring anything good in real life. To prevent this, it is necessary to observe personal care and better plan your actions.

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