Pose for meditation - how to sit right during practice


Of great interest in meditations are caused by the effectiveness of spiritual practices around the world. Through meditation, many problems of spiritual and physical nature can be solved, because the subconscious is managing everything. What posture for meditations is considered correct? Do I need to sit down in the lotus position so that the meditation goes successfully? Consider the question in the article.

Pose for meditations

Basics of meditation technique

With the word meditation, everyone has an image of yoga sitting in the lotus position. This is the best pose for spiritual practices. According to Vedic teaching, the PRESS of the practitioner decides everything, because it reflects the condition and direction of thinking. If the practitioner consciously chooses a posture for meditation, the course of his thoughts also takes the right direction.

However, adopt a lotus posture and be at all not easy to stay in it. What to do? It is necessary to gradually teach the body to this position, and first use another body position for the practice. It is permissible and justified. What postures exist for spiritual practices? There are many of them, and you can even meditate lying and while walking. However, the classic is considered to be sedentary poses. About them and talk.

How to choose the right pose

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The main thing in meditation is the convenience of body position. Not only is the pose must be appropriate - you need to feel comfort so that the inconvenience does not distract from thought. Poor, if during your practice you will drop your legs or will hurt! It is unacceptable. Therefore, at the very beginning, choose the optimal posture in order not to suffer during meditation.

Basic requirements for the post meditating:

  • smooth spine;
  • deployed shoulders;
  • straight neck;
  • Relaxed muscles.

Here, perhaps, the most basic, which must be adhered to in meditations. The smooth spine is necessary, because space energies are undergoing through it during practice - from the top of the cocho. If you sludge, then the spine will not be able to carry out lifeling energies.

Lack and deflection of backs in meditations

What is a stuff? These are the fasten muscles of the back, which is difficult to hold the spine in the literal position. Over time, the muscles will strengthen, and you will not be difficult to sit with a straight back. Use a high pillow, and it will be easier for you to keep your back in a straight position.

Relaxed muscles talk about the mental comfort of the practitioner - it is very important during meditation. If the thoughts of a person are circling around the household problem, spasm or the tension of the muscles of the body arises - it is unacceptable. So that the muscles relax, you need to throw out interfering thoughts from the head.

Sometimes newcomers may allow one more emboss due to excessive hard effort to keep the back straight - bend the spine forward. It is unacceptable. Such a pose is unnatural for the body and will lead to painful sensations.

Some meditations can be spent by sitting on a chair, but this is an exception. Basically, yoga indicate the need to touch the gender knees. This can be achieved only with time. A beginner will not be able to do this, as no bundles stretched - it will hurt. Therefore, the use of special pillows is allowed.

Important! In Turkish, it is impossible to sit in meditations - the course of energy flows through the spine is disturbed.

Seven right meditation poses

Yoga offer the following poses for practical:

  1. Siddhasana;
  2. lotus;
  3. semi-speed;
  4. Sukhasana;
  5. Virasan;
  6. Vajrasan;
  7. Sitting on a chair.

Poses for meditating

These postures are distinguished by the position of the buttocks - when the practitioner applies to them by sex or their feet (heels). Poses of Virasan and Vajrasan - a practitioner sits on his knees. Siddhasana's postures, Sukhasan and two lotus - practitioner sits on the buttocks. Try all the postures to choose the appropriate to start.

Siddhasana - This is the stars posture. It is considered perfect, and the task of each practitioner is to master it over time. The practitioner must put the heel of the right leg to the right of the anus, and the heel left is left. You do not need to sit on the right heel, she simply touches the hip leg. To master the pose, you need to watch the video. In addition to the spiritual effect, Siddhasana is healing the body of the practitioner.

Lotus - This is the second desired pose for practice. The difference from Siddhasana - the feet lie on the hips, and do not cover the genitals. In order to sit in the lotus position, you need to have flexible joints and ligaments. Do not strive to immediately master this body position, just train the joints - we will sit with time.

Semi-costume Do if it is impossible to sit in the lotus position. In this case, both legs are not on the hips - one feet lies on the ground (floor), and the second is located on the thigh of another leg. Comfortable and practical posture for beginners.

Sukhasana - Pose with crossed limbs. Yoga consider it better for beginners to master practices. This posture helps strengthen the muscles to master more complex Asan.

Two poses on the knees - Vajrasan and Virasana . Difference poses -

In Virasan, the practitioner sits on the floor on the floor, and in Vajrasan - on the heels. Vajrasana's development improves digestion. Virasana (Hero's posture) is complex in development, as it is difficult for newcomers to be in this position for a long time - legs are pushing.

Pose on stool It is suitable for those who are not able to stay in any of the listed pos. Why exactly chair? Because the sofa or chair is not suitable for the collide of thoughts in meditation - the body by habit wants more comfort than the seat with a straight back, and can fall asleep.

You need to sit on the edge of the chair, the spine pull up the shoulders to straighten and slightly lower down. If it is difficult to hold your back in a straight position for a long time, you can lean to the back of the chair, but there is a risk of falling. Over time, involve yourself not to be leaning.

What pillows can be used in meditations? The pillow should not be very big and soft - buy in the store a comfortable pad to fit the buttocks on it. If there are no pillows, you can minimize the blanket or plaid several times - it will also fit. Gradually get to the right postures, it is impossible to restrict themselves in comfort - the whole body will overtake.

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