Tarot card layouts: 3 cards, thoughts, feelings


Explore Tarot cards on the relationship - only 3 cards will indicate the thoughts and feelings of your chosen one. This fortune telling is devoted to even beginners who have just begun to study the magical world of Tarology.

How to guess for love for three cards?

To find out what is happening in the one's thoughts in relation to you, make a simple alignment.

Tarot Cards for 3 Cards Thoughts Feelings

What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare tarot deck. It is better to use classic. It is necessary that it is personally yours - no one should touch it. Keep the cards in a secluded place so that other people do not find.
  2. Make sure no one hits you. It follows in a silent relaxing room, where noise sources do not penetrate. Muffle the light. You can light the candle - the energy of the fire will increase the magic power of cards.
  3. Sit at the table and drag the deck, thinking about your chosen one. Mentally imagine its image in your imagination. What thoughts and feelings arise in your subconscious?
  4. Arbitraly get three cards from the deck and spread them on the table in a row.

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Then proceed to the interpretation:

  1. The first card is your past. She will tell about what actions and events affect the current course of events. These are your fears, thoughts, desire, installations in the subconscious. The first Arkan will help to figure out what needs to work so that in this relationship to be prosperous and did not bring disappointment.
  2. The second card is the present. Its decoding will open what your chosen one is thinking about you. You will learn what the state of affairs in the relationship is now, what thoughts and feelings in your head from your beloved.
  3. The third card is the future. She will tell that it is waiting for your relationship, what they will lead to. By speeding up or, on the contrary, to a long and happy union.

Important: If the fortune telling gave a negative prediction, you should not despair. In any case, the responsibility for the relationship lies with you. In your power, change the course of events in the right direction. And Arkana Tarot advise that it is necessary to take.

In addition to divination on three cards, there are other, more detailed layouts.

Single "Thoughts"

The purpose of this scenario is to get advice as you should behave in a relationship so that they are prosperous.

We will need only senior arcanes. The rest get out of the deck and set aside. You need to guess the same as in the previous method. Only on the table is laid out not three, but four cards. So, as shown in Figure:

Self Pyramid Love

Decoding Scenario:

  1. The first card symbolizes you. She will tell about what qualities of the personality and character traits most of all affect the relationship with the opposite sex in general and with your beloved in particular.
  2. Second map - the attitude of a man to you. This Arcan says that he feels and how affects your worldview, self-esteem. Pay attention to the position of the arcana: if it falls out the inverted, the value changes to the negative one.
  3. The third card is the personification of your relationship. Reflects the true picture of what is happening and helps to draw conclusions. Pay attention to the Arkana Council, and then follow it. It will help to send attitudes to the key you need.
  4. The fourth card is the future of your union. You will learn how long your relationship will continue, which will lead to the very near future.

The prediction may be negative - for example, the maps will tell about speeding. But you must remember that everything is changed in your power. Taro gives only the most likely forecast, but there is always a chance to turn the course of events to the other side.

This layout can be used only once. You can repeat only if there were some fundamental changes in your relationship with a man.

Self "feelings"

This is even more detailed divination. Use this alignment if you are with a man already together. If you are only in love, but do not know that the chosen one does, try other options for layouts on tarot.

Look at the video on how to make a simple alignment on relationships and love:

Thinking about the lover, drag the deck and decompose the cards in the order shown in the picture:

Singing seven stars


  1. The first card is the prospect of your relationship. What are the chances to break up, get the proposal of the hands and hearts, get married. Perhaps the Arcan will present surprises, and the prediction will be completely unexpected for you.
  2. The second is everything that prevents your relationship to move on and develop. These are all sorts of problems that should immediately start deciding. Conflicts in which you need to find a compromise. External circumstances negatively affecting your pair.
  3. The third is your thoughts and feelings in relation to the chosen one. Also, this Arkan helps to check whether the cards say the truth at the moment. If the prediction coincided with your real emotions, continue to fortune telling. If not, wait for a more favorable moment.
  4. The fourth is the near future. Events that will occur from day to day and will affect the relationship.
  5. The fifth is the true intentions and feelings of a man in relation to you. You may make an important discovery for yourself.
  6. Sixth - Tarot Council about how to behave so that the feelings flared up every day, and the union was becoming more durable. But the prediction can be negative: for example, maps will say that the chosen is not your fate, it is worth searching for another.
  7. The seventh is all secret that at the moment you are hidden. It can be some past sins of your man, about which he is silent, his carefully hidden thoughts and desires. You can not watch the interchange of this arcana if you are afraid to learn the secrets that will disappoint you in your loved one.

This alignment should not be done too often. Surge it in the most extreme cases.

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