Instant alignment for Zen Taro Osho - What is the essence, important moments


Let's talk about how to make an instant alignment for Zen Taro Osho. This deck is quite unusual, so fortune-telling on it has its own characteristics. Only 78 cards with 22 senior arcans and 56 younger four texts. If you are interested in self-knowledge, choose this deck.

What is the essence of instant scenario on the maps Tarot Osho

The essence of the defold is not to get a clear answer: "Yes" or "no" on the question of interest. On the contrary, ask open questions, and the cards will give a very complete prediction that can surprise you.

Zen Taro Osho Instant

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What is the features of fortune telling on this unusual deck:

  • Maps will not be predict the future. They will help to sort out themselves and understand what your thoughts, feelings and acts have become a source of problems and situations requiring permission.
  • Osho believed that the truth was "in the moment", and the future man is building himself. Therefore, the cards will indicate in which direction to move, what to pay attention to to develop awareness.
  • Maps will tell all about the mental state of the fortune-seeking, imbued into the essence of the unconscious, literally "will open" everything that prevents you to achieve success and move forward.

Osho's deck is a tool for those who seek self-knowledge and believes that thoughts and feelings lead to everything that happens in life.

Example of scenario

Suppose you pulled the "Experitance" card when you made an instant alignment.

Zorba Buddha Osho Zen Tarot

What does it mean:

  • According to the name of the map, the current point of time is not in its best mental condition. He is worried, it literally covers emotions, he is unable to get rid of the experiences that prevent him from evaluating the situation rationally.
  • Council Arkana: Abstract from sad thoughts and learn to enjoy the moment, draw happiness in the present.
  • You should learn to fill yourself only with positive experiences. Pay attention to the beauty of the surrounding world, draw energy from the forces of nature. This will help properly approach the solution of negative situations.
  • Stop and think what brings you happiness. Take a look into the eyes of a child who loves you, Men, Mother, Friend. Just touch the ground, water, wood. God is love, find it, and get the strength to move on.

The alignment on one card is always quite difficult to interpret. Therefore, if the prediction seems ambiguous, get out of the deck another arcan - it will complement the interpretation and help it better to figure it out.

Important moments

In order for the prediction and tips of Arkanov, pay attention to some details.

Instant alignment on tarot Osho

In the description of the values ​​of Arkanov, you will definitely meet some images, symbols, incomprehensible words. How to interpret them:

  • Zorba Buddha in Osho Zen Tarot is a symbol of perfection, self-knowledge, awareness, realization, calm, wisdom and, especially important, compassion.
  • Mantis - the personification of playfulness. The state in which your inner child is included. It is in this state that a person falls in love, playing, dreaming, comes up with ways to implement the most, at first glance, unrealized purposes.
  • No head - a state outside of the mind. This is the moment in which you turn off the brain and start listening to the signals of your own soul.
  • Maste is the younger arcanes that wear the names of the clouds, fire, water and rainbow.

It is worth a little to figure it out in the features of the four masters of the deck of Zen Taro Osho:

  1. Fire suites - corresponds to the rods of the traditional deck. The symbol of energy and power, filling a person and giving him the strength to move forward.
  2. Water suit - corresponds to cups of classic decks. A symbol of emotions, feelings, processes occurring in an unconscious person.
  3. The suit of the clouds - matches the swords. I personify the mind, but the mind is not refined. This is naked rationalism, mind without a drop of soul. It is necessary, but you also need to be able to listen to the signals of your subconscious.
  4. The wash of rainbow - corresponds to the pentacles. It is a good, divine energy and love, without which spiritual development is impossible. This is food for growth and success in everything.

Look entertaining video about another popular alignment for Zen Osho Tarot "Spiritual Path":

Why is the Tarology of Osho use?

Currently, fortune telling on classic Tarot decks is more popular. Osho cards are significantly different.

The purpose of their use may be as follows:

  • Maps teach a person to live "at the moment," without thinking about the past and without defending himself with thoughts from the future. This is a conscious training session - when you learn to be happy for a second and constantly return to the current moment.
  • It is very important to suit the clouds - this is an unreasonable mind, which prevents converting reality and becomes happy. It is necessary to prevent the "state of the clouds" into its consciousness so that there are no negative consequences in reality.
  • In the interpretation, it is equally important to learn how to abstract from your own thoughts and feelings, fears and fears to see the true meaning of the cards that appeared in the scenario.

It is advisable to make an instant alignment every day - it will be an excess reminder of how the current moment is important. From the point of view of Osho, he is life itself.

Questions for scenario

An important condition for the scenario is to ask those questions that require a detailed response. Do not ask when this or that event happens. It is better to know what to do so that it happens with the result for you.

Therefore, the question should be formulated in this way: strive to learn the causes, not the terms. And always remember that responsibility for everything that happens in your life is only on you, none of those around it can be involved.

Instant alignment can be done on classic decks. But it is precisely the cards of Osho help to get the most complete picture, to penetrate the essence of things, items and phenomena. You will not recognize the future, but you will realize how to behave to build it right.

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