Features of the defold "Pyramid of lovers" Tarot


The period of love is not easy enough - it's time when both partners are not yet fully confident in each other, often feel excitedly and need the Council on the part in order to better understand the situation, as well as protect yourself from probable mistakes. However, not everyone knows that in reality the answers to questions often lie in the depths of ourselves. And the alignment of the "Pyramid of Lovel Tarot" will help quickly and easily clarify all the incomprehensible moments of relationships.

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What will help the alignment of 4 cards "Pyramid of Lovers", scheme

The alignment of the "Pyramid of Lovers" is a fairly simple version of divination for which 4 arcans are used. With this scenario, you can clarify the confusing and incomprehensible love situation, and also learn about the further fate of your union.

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In the gdeania, some terrists enjoy all the cards from the deck, and others give their preference to exclusively senior arcans and the cup of cups. After all, it is precisely for them to obtain a maximum of information regarding friendly and romantic ties between people. In the case when you encountered a very difficult and incomprehensible situation to clarify what is happening, it is better to use the entire deck at once.

In court destination there are only four cards that need to be decomposed schematically so that it turned out the pyramid.

In this case, the first card is placed in the central part of the table, on the left side of it they have a second card, and with the right - the third. The most recent - fourth card should be placed in the upper part (in the head of the pyramid) on top of the first.

How to interpret the cards in the defold "Pyramid of Love"

At first, you need to consider all the maps of the maps one, and then you can be taken for the interpretation of Arkanov, taking into account their position and symbolic meaning.

When you interpreted individual cards, you need to summarize them to get the result by which the prospect of the situation will become clear.

Thanks to the fortune of the "Pyramid of Love", you will understand to what extent can you personally influence this union and you see a real situation or see it through "pink glasses".

At the same time, in the scenario, the value of the maps will be the following

1st card - characterizes the asking. It is her who will tell you about you not as a person with all your advantages and minuses, but will focus on some of your separate feature that has the greatest importance in the current Union.

Also, on it, you will learn about the peculiarities of your behavior and your characteristic features, thanks to which look at yourself a little detached and analyze that you feel about your beloved.

2nd card - Gives the personality characteristic of the partner. Based on it, you will learn about those traits that your partner exhibits in the established relationship. She will also tell why your favorite chose just such a behavior model.

3rd map - From her you can clarify the essence of the situation at the moment. This card acts as a reference point from which you need to push off if we talk about any further prospects in these relationships. If you use a whole deck and in this position you fell a senior arch, you should draw my attention to the fact that these relationships are for you fateful.

4th card - Pointer of the prospects of the future. Arkan sheds the light on how relationships will develop in the future, if the situation remains the same as now, and giving no decisive action to change. On the map you also trace the result of the relationship. If you, again, use the whole deck and you have fallen from the group of senior arcanes, it means that the final result will greatly affect your life.

Scenario scheme

Interesting moments and recommendations

Although the fortune telling the Pyramid of Love and is quite simple, resorting to interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to some nuances:

  • As mentioned above, in the process of divination it is recommended to use only senior arkans. It is determined by the fact that they are much more specific than the younger, and interpret them is much easier. Plus, performing fortune telling on the full deck, you risk confusing yourself in possible values ​​of maps and make an incorrect interpretation.
  • Also should be stopped at the cup of the Cups, because it is she controlling the sensual and love sphere of life.
  • If you have been practicing Tarot's magic for a long time and have a lot of experience, you can use the full version of the deck, as well as take the older arcans of different suit, but for beginners the first way will be the best way.
  • Studying the values ​​of the cards in the design of the "Pyramid of Love", it is worth high attention to the 4th card, but do not forget that she will tell about the future of your relationship only with the position that is relevant today.

And if you with your partner will perform work on yourself and there will be a change in your mental condition, then, accordingly, the entire picture of the future as a whole will change. Therefore, advice to you for the future - if you notice the appearance of any changes in the behavior of your beloved or beloved or begin to feel different in this union, follow once again.

Senior Arkana Taro.

Interpretation of the value of Arkanov

To obtain the correct evaluation of the scenario, it is important to be able to correctly assess all the values ​​of the cards. Different decks can offer a slightly different interpretation, each witching over time comes to its own interpretation. In general, the importance of senior arkanov will be as follows:

  • The jester - indicates risk, new achievements, game. In some cases, predicts perfect and bright love.
  • The magician will tell about communication, strength and strong relationships. Characterizes a leader person. Sometimes indicates a new connection.
  • The Supreme Priestess is responsible for intuition. It may tell about some hidden motifs, advises to be more wise. Also sometimes demonstrates a strong woman nearby and interference with a third party relationship.
  • Empress - characterizes abundance. The life of a person is filled with creativity, well-developed women's start, a partner psychologically mature, wishes to become a mother.
  • The emperor will tell about some kind of defender and the patron, and also characterizes the power and control of his beloved person.
  • Priest - you have to follow the rules, listen to the wise recommendation that you get. The map is a forerunner of marriage and a solid union.
  • Beloved - symbol of emotionality and passion. Sometimes they say that the choice is to have.
  • Chariot - constant motion, progress in relationships. People have confidence in themselves and in friend.
  • Justice - you have to make clear decisions. Equilibrium is possible in love.
  • Hermit - Loneliness card. For a person, the most important thing is his own point of view and the inner world. It is still interpreted as the need for a pause in relations to think about them.
  • Fortune is a change pointer over which you are not subject to. You are only a toy in the hands of fate.
  • Strength - her appearance speaks of peace of calm and confidence, describes a high phase of relations (a period of complete harmony and strong sexual attraction).
  • Haved - some kind of victim will have to be desperate, a person is distinguished from his partner, psychological or sexual problems arise.
  • Death - soon you will face sharp changes in the relationship, something new will appear in your life. This is the time of the destruction of the old life and coming to her replace the new one.
  • Moderation is a calm and harmonious time of mutual consent.
  • The devil is characterized by greed, financial interest, mercantility and a cruel game. Still speaks of sinfulness and lust.
  • The tower - your hopes are destroyed, different catastrophes arise, relationships can change dramatically.
  • The star is a positive sign, predicts happy events.
  • The moon - giaver loses control over himself, he is more impartial than his feelings, a period of mental dealers.
  • The sun is a very good arcan, a harbinger of success, happiness and love.
  • The terrible court - someone will be punished for the committed them. True, in some cases, on the contrary, the map will foresee a reward.
  • The Universe is a success pointer in all spheres of life. Arkan will tell about the completion and harmony. You will get everything about what you dream.

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