What dreams of a tick in a dream by dream books of Vangu, Miller and Freud.


Yes, you dreamed a rather unpleasant dream, in the plot of which a mite visited you. Any animal in a dream is immediately associated with a birth, illness, infection. This impression is not always true, but the tick is one of the worst insects that could have dreamed. So what does the tick dream?

Mostly tick symbolizes the envy of a dream, its internal torments, discontent with his life. And he foreshadows this insect and worse - sadness, loss, debts and scandals. But in this puchin of terrible predictions there is a ray of light. In order to interpret correctly, you need to tune in and remember your dream.

Tick ​​near

Interpretation of a dream on certain plots - a tick on hand, on the head, a lot of ticks.

  • Dreamed the tick on the body. Let's start with one of the most optimistic predictions, a tick on the body is a symbol of welfare, improving the material situation and recovery from diseases. Perhaps your loved ones are preparing some kind of surprise, he will not wait long for a long time.
  • The tick was sitting under the skin. Sleep symbolizes the dependence of the reader from the opinions of people, such a strong dependence in the near future could bring the dream to the edge of the abyss, unless he puts his priorities and will not understand that life is a choice of everyone, you should not listen to people for anyone.
  • Parasite bite. Dream interpreters definitely interpret such a dream as a character of a friend-parasite, which gets everything from you, without offering anything in return. At least such a dream involves the appearance of such a friend, it is worth listening to the subconscious and look at its surrounding for similar parasites.
  • See many insects right on your head. The subconsciously warns you, and the dreams clearly interpret - someone from your acquaintances stumbled. In the end, he will get tired of being a simple parasite and he wants to fully subjugate your vital activity yourself, get into the hands all the most valuable thing you have.
  • You were able to pull the tick. It all depends on whether you handed out the non-called insect or not. So, if you had to crush it, then in the near future you will have to deal with a cunning ill-wisher, which you have suffered a lot. If you decide to leave a life to small creating, you have only a neutral dialogue.
  • Blood citations were on your favorite pet. Whether it is a dog, a cat or parrot, a dream foreshadows disappointment in one of your buddies. Friends can change their preferences or to betray you that, however, will not greatly affect your life, nevertheless to transfer it is always difficult.
  • The tick is tangled in her hair on your head. You have to find out about an interesting fact or get a surprise. In any case, such feces in dreams foreshadow the unexpected joyful event who seemed to see their dreams, which will remain in memory for a long time.
  • The little vampire clung to your belly. The chain of favorable predictions continues, and the tick, which somehow got into your stomach, symbolizes a quick invitation to a banquet or a wedding, corporate party is possible.
  • Insect without a visible reason crawls on your body. And, again, a pretty good interpretation. Judging by dreambooks, a delichy offer is awaiting you, the conclusion of a mutually beneficial financial transaction, a good project.
  • The creation climbed into your ear. It is worth expecting attempts to hurt your honor, it is quite possible that terrible untruth rumors are already walking on the ground, accusing you in all sins, people try as much as possible.
  • The bloodstone is engaged in blood suction. Again, it is necessary to remember how the situation was resolved - the tick drank blood to the end or fell off? In the first case, you have to get into the unpleasant situation about the fault of a negligent relative, but if the vampire fell off himself, then the situation will safely resolve and you will even get some benefit for your person.
  • Dangerous insect climbed you under the clothes. To see such a dream means to hide a ton of sad emotions under the mask of a joyful person. It's time for you to talk to close people, lay out everything as it is. Perhaps a psychologist will help you in this hardest life situation, but it is impossible to simply ignore sleep.
  • Small creatures found themselves on a tree, and not on your body. Your surroundings wondered something wrong, they may think about how to take your material wealth to hand. It is recommended to carefully view your environment for the presence of such people.
  • Bloodfish sat on your foot. Dream foreshadows travel, business trip or moving. Your life will change drastically for the better, even if you did not expect this or were not ready.
  • Touch the pain after the little vampire dug into any part of the body. It is worth separately interpreting a dream, if even in a dream you had to experience burning pain, "you have to get into a difficult situation because of your kindness and imaginaryness, the appearance of parasite friends, which will be preyable for you.


Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities and dreams - Vanga, Miller, Freud and Sheremeinskaya explain the dream about the tick

  1. Interpretation of sleep in modern dream. You have to put your priorities, tune in to a new way and radically change your life, however, about the danger emanating from the parasite friends, is also mentioned in the dream, so after such a dream, in any case, it is necessary to look at your surrounding.
  2. Insect in a dream according to Sheremen. Again, someone from your friends and friends leads a double game, but this time we fall under the influence not only you, and also another friend who literally exploits the manipulator. And both need to get away from the influence of this energy vampire and to heal their lives.
  3. The impact on the life of a dream according to Miller. The psychologist does not go to the social sphere of life, according to his interpretation, a small insect-bloodist symbolizes diseases that the dream can visit in the near future. In another case, there are several nights to spend in a patient who needs your support, love and care.
  4. Interpretation of Vanga. The Bulgarian Providian is extremely definitely interpreting a dream - she took advantage of using your material wealth for their own purposes and literally sucks all the energy and cheerfulness of you. Your subconscious will never deceive you.
  5. Dream value by Freud. Sigmund Freud pushes such a vision as a trust that was done by your friend, and the subconsciousness suffers because of this.
  6. Dream of Ezopa. Ezop definitely predicts the question of the delegation of inheritance or finance.

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Tick ​​on the skin

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