What dreams of the sea in a dream by dreams of Vangi, Miller and Freud.


Perhaps you are too obstacled on vacation, avid swimmer or just love enjoying sea landscapes in real life, in any case - you dreamed of the sea. So what dream of the sea in a dream? Let's try to join together!

Often the sea dreams of the purity of the snesemage thoughts, in a profitable financial transaction, but no dream cannot be expanded to expressly. I will still have to remember the details, no matter how difficult it is, but the main task in the interpretation is assigned to the dream itself.

Palma at the sea

Interpretation of vision in separate plots - swim in the sea, admire the scenery, see the storm

Try to imagine a living picture of a dream - which natural phenomenon appeared before you, what happened to you, did you enjoy the process? You simply must fold together the puzzle of your sleep, and our site, in turn, will provide you with the information necessary for interpretation at home. We suggest you find it below:

  • Understand in his dreaming a serene, calm landscape. The dream with a similar plot for most dream books is definitely projected on real life - you have to live quiet days and do not worry about anything, this period in your life will be a white stripe.
  • You swim in a calm sea without waves, nothing bothers your procession. In real life, you will not interfere with attackers and just unfriendliers, or you can find a way to fight these rude people.
  • Go knee-free or further into the sea. You have to start life anew, with a clean leaf. For each person, such an interpretation varies that this is all the rumors from ourselves, lose weight or divorce with the second half? Decides everyone for himself.
  • Watch crystal clear sea. You finally decide what you want to do. You have to put all the points, find out your surroundings on the other hand, this metamorphosis will make you much better.
  • Unfortunately, you dreamed dirty, muddy sea. To see in her beautiful dreaming dirty water means to start in his life a black strip. All this will be accompanied by constant stress, but do not despair, because according to statistics, the black stripe is always shorter than white.
  • You have had to drink dirty water at your own request or at someone's advice. An unfavorable sleep, foreshadows diseases and kilives, it is necessary to consult a doctor with a physician and make a diagnosis, otherwise it will be bad.
  • Fell in a dream dirty water. You have to make an extremely stupid, imperfect act, for which you will be ashamed.
  • Flood in a dream, sinking in your own home. You have to face problems, the impact on your life is completely dependent on the scale of the tragedy in a dream. Nevertheless, if the water retreated from the house the same hour, you will be able to find a way to solve all problems without damage to your vital activity.
  • Clean water in your eyes turns into terribly dirty. You need to reconsider your life, arrange priorities. In the near future, you may encounter obstacles to your paths that will not let you move on, but it is worth keeping a calm attitude and just move towards your goal.
  • Another metamorphosis occurred, as a result of which the turbid water turned into a clean. The dream is completely opposite to the above described, life will soon work out, the dream of promoting recovery and awareness of its own actions, which allows you to analyze your life and make it better as crystal clear water.
  • You watched in your vision at the booming sea. The dream definitely prevents you with a hard situation in which you have to demonstrate your skills and opportunities, solve conflicts and literally to "tear the pattern", the view that has formed about you at the environment.
  • Waves roll ashore, despicable literally everything on their way. Understand the march of the murderous waves is to predict a quarrel with the family, you have to scandal with relatives about and without.
  • See how water blends all the stones and shells. The dream in the near future will be to get into the situation in which he will be confused, radiated, and the whole reputation will be supplied to the edge.
  • The sea very quickly turned out of a quiet and calm in fervent and violent. Dream Interpretations project Greens for real life. Definitely - events in your real life will change as fast as water that has become dangerous for swimming.
  • See yourself from floating in the sea. You have to help your friend or girlfriend to understand yourself, and only then in your own life everything will fall into place, you will manage to arrange priorities and live correctly.
  • Spit in your dream absolutely white sand without impurities? In life, you will be expecting a peaceful rise, as well as a great opportunity to establish relationships with loved ones.
  • Sand mountains of any color. In the near future you are waiting for a bitterness of disappointment, you need to talk to friends and loved ones about the urgent, about what worries you. Dream Intercoms foreshadow, intense such a dream that everything unfastened by itself will turn into a daily life, because of this, beware of family dramas.
  • You saw the bottom of the sea. If so, then it means that the bottom of the sea was perfectly visible through the thickness of the water, and according to the most famous dreams, this means that the dream has a reasons for living, the dreams are completely satisfied with its livelihood, and in the near future, because of such a dream, the events of a favorable nature happens, often raising In positions, wedding or moving to a new place.
  • You fell asleep with sea sand. We are waiting for stress and depression, often a dream foreshadows having seen diseases, hands and a variety of sores.
  • Dried sea. The vision does not promise anything good, the dream is to once again be convicted of the uselessness of the project, in most cases it is necessary to change the generation of the activity, otherwise excessive stubbornness can lead to a decrease in position, quarrels or even divorce a married couple.

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Blue sea

Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities and dreams - Wang, Miller and Sigmund Freud explain the dream

  • By the dream of Miller. The psychologist claims the sea - this is an image of unfulfilled dreams. But if in real life, waking up, you understand that you like your life, then sleep should not be interpreted.
  • See the sea landscape in Freud. Sigmund Freud is in the root, and according to his sleepy, the sea symbolizes the lack of sexual contacts, as well as the monograph of sex with a constant partner.
  • How Vanga interprets sleep. Providian sure - the sea foreshadows good luck in professional and worldly matters.

Blue ocean

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