How to find out what the thread with a needle dreams and what sleep means


If you want to know what a needle is dreaming with a thread, you should deal with the meanings of dreams and your own feeling. Of course, the needle is a sharp object and may cause injuries in inept hands. But in general, a needle with a thread is a great way to earn money, a sign of economic activity, independence.

A person who does not know how to sew even a button, causes contempt. If you notice the divergent seams in time and grab several stitches, you can extend the service life of your favorite thing and avoid trouble.

Sew, sew, stitch things, be able to own a needle should be able to be able to anyone older than 5 years old from the family and regardless of the floor. A man or a woman with a hole on jeans in an uncomfortable place look equally sorry. It is worth considering a thread with a needle as a positive sign.

You are able to save anything just a few stitches. But how appropriate your efforts? Maybe you have become for loved ones a peculiar chopstick, which can be used when you need, and then remove into the box?

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Needle in fabric

Basic sleep values ​​with needle and thread

  • You keep the needle for which the thread attached to the fabric or to any subject is stretching - in your care they extremely needed, but you are tied with your assistance responsibilities. Perhaps you help the elderly relatives or children who still can not stand on their feet. If possible, optimize your help. For relatives, you can hire a nurse and go on vacation. It is more complicated with children, but at a certain age, the umbilical umbilical cord still needs to be cut off.
  • It matters the color of the thread. White thread usually means disinterested help. Black thread - you are weeping a plot and do dark things.
  • Red thread - thread of vitality. You spend all your strength to help your neighbor, and this is not always justified. Be sure to get something in return, or just spend your life as thoughtless as a drug addict or an alcoholic. Even worse, if you get a false sense of self-importance and superiority over other people. The thread has at least two ends and keeps the same firmly from both sides.
  • Yellow thread means spiritual connection. Green thread means intellectual unity. Orange, purple, raspberry thread - you are connected by creativity. Invisible, transparent thread or fishing line - you fell into a trap.
  • If you sew the buttons, you care about the future.
  • Bear curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads - in your house there will be a big holiday, celebration, important and significant guests. If you are able to make the right impression, this visit will raise your home to a considerable height.
  • If in a dream you are holding a needle with a thread in your hands and might and main on scissors, you cut extra communication and tie new ones. In fact, you reproduce your life in a new way.
  • If in a dream you hold the needle with a thread in your hand, but it does not bond anything yet, it means you think about life, build plans. So far, you did not make the first move and have not secured your intentions anywhere. Most likely, you have grounds for such behavior.

Thread in needle

Night values ​​with needle for dreams

  • Female dream book is considering a thread with a needle in the hands of a woman who stifles clothes, as a sign of a fast wedding. Seam, sew - build a serious relationship.
  • Embroidery - to do house, decoration and house design, tune relations inside the family. The more artistic and more beautiful is embroidery, the stronger the family.
  • Miller's dream book assures that a needle with a thread in a dream - certainly to sufferings, to separation from his beloved person who suffers from a lack of your attention. You are trying to sew a relationship again, but unsuccessfully.
  • People's dream book, on the contrary, assures that needlework in a dream, a needle with a thread means the possibility of a new novel, strong and durable.
  • In the thread in a needle - too take care of others to the detriment of yourself.
  • If you are handing a thread with a needle in a dream - take care of. You are trying to draw dependent relationships and force to long-term and disinterested assistance, the results of which other people will take advantage of. Subsequently, it will not benefit them, but it will be many years later, you can lose the best years, taking care of other people's relatives.
  • Embroide, sew a beautiful pattern - prepare a wedding.
  • Lose in a dream needle with a thread - a bad sign. You will lose your ability to communicate with friends, an impact tool for others.

Components for sewing


To see a thread with a needle - it means to be the right person, to help. Do not be too disinterested and selfless assistant. Exhibit an account for your services. Not necessarily money. For example, you will help you choose new curtains and even approach them, if you know how to inspect your friends we will ride your beds with strawberries and plenty flowers.

This is equal. Friends are outraged, they need your help, but they have no time to help you? Well, such pripes can not be friends, partless without regret. Friends are angry and threaten troubles? Well, these are their problems. The needle can strongly prick, and you can not only sew rags.

A needle with a thread is a strong sign and can change all your life if you know how to use a needle or skill in patterns. To remove the negative consequences of sleep, take a needle in your hands and seek something.

Sew knife, go sock, enter a button, make a soft toy or wallet. The actual execution of sleep literally removes all possible negative actions. If you are angry, sew the enemy's posts each other. Thread with a needle - useful accessories for which there must be a place not only in a dream, but also in the wallet.

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