What dreams Wedding dress married woman in dreams Miller, Freud


Wedding dress is not aging and not losing the popularity of the classic. His ever in life wants to wear every girl. And indeed, the white dress of the bride is the most beautiful and clean image, from which men do not take a look. What dream of a wedding dress is a married woman, we learn in famous dreams.

Ah this wedding, the wedding sang and dance

Wedding dress has always been a symbol of the celebration, the holiday of love and was a mandatory attribute of the marriage ceremony. The traditional white color of the outfit expresses untouchiness, purity, loyalty and sincerity of the girl. About such a guys dream of all the grooms.

White color expresses confidence. It is enough to remember doctors in white coats and clergy in the Christian church.

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The massive popularity of bright shades of wedding theme is explained by the human perception of the world. White color carries the promise of complete freedom, independence, the awareness of the choice for weight of the possibilities. It personifies the adoption of the absolute and final decision. Therefore, for a dream, this is a hint that you have become an adult, smarter and begin to take responsibility for your actions.

White dress

Dreams with such a plot say not only about changes in life, but also about your changing views, values, character. You get enough of that air that breathe now. I want to expand the space around and feel the freshness of the perception of the world.

Black dresses in a dream personifies mysteriousness, that is, you have something to hide from others, your feelings, thoughts, emotions are subject to you only. He attracts, but at the same time scares. Black as it should challenge, then a person must go through black to understand how much around white. For Sleeping, this is a sign of bold and bold actions, tests that are not solved.

In some interpretations, a black elegant dress is an opportunity for a dream to take a pause, relax, as if hinting that everything will be fine. But you need to remember that this color is delayed and will not release you as you were before.

In Christian mythology, such a scenario implies the end of something: silence, calm, oblivion.

Bride at holing

Traditionally, it is believed that the dream, where the married lady sees himself in a wedding dress, is to divorce and new relationships. So you reached the point where your paths with the ex-spouse are diverged. But in some interpretations, such a plot causes hope for rebooting your feelings. So you are ready to try to change something and save marriage.

If the pair is spinning in their outfits in the beautiful hall, it promises a new stage of living together, where you begin to appreciate, trust and admire your second half. If you dance with another man, everything goes to parting.


To try on a completely new wedding image - to the desire of change. You look around the sides in search of the best lobe. Flirt and coquetry with colleagues - a familiar phenomenon for you. Thus, you get feedback on your efforts to look spectacularly and look beautiful. But you see what is interesting to everyone except your own spouse.

To wear someone else's dress - your uncontrollable envy manifests itself, which is already noticeable to others. You are used to comparing your life with someone else's. From this you will determine the character, dissatisfaction, nervousness, aggressiveness appears. You pinned a lot of uncomfortable hopes on the spouse and now have disappointment.

They saw himself in a black wedding dress - you are alarming, depression, fatigue, devastation. Work, family life will be treated and depleted. We need a vacation and complete relaxation, otherwise it will be difficult to get out of this state.

Male look at the bride's wedding dress

A stranger bride dances with you wedding waltz - wait for a disadvantage with my wife. Someone is trying to destroy your family idyll, builds his plans on you. Most likely, you gave rise to so thinking, paying too much attention to a colleague, a friend of his wife or neighbor in the house. And now you can not get rid of obsessive persecution and compliments to your address.

Dreamed Mother in the image of the bride - this is a harbinger of her illness. Try to be near during this period, you will need your support and help.

The sister was hardened in such a dress, but in fact it has a family and children - a sign that you will have to be in the role of her mentor, preaching true family values ​​and female happiness in contrast to her sudden hobbies and addictions.

Such a scenario with a friend of childhood predicts you to visit her second wedding by an honorary guest.

Keep your spouse for your hand and see someone else's outfit on it - to experience an exacerbated feeling of jealousy. Suspicions will cause everything: its delays at work, meetings with girlfriends in a cafe, sports. All her lifestyle will seem solid deception for you. Most likely, simply imposes a sense of ownership against the background of the lack of her love and attention to you.

Wedding traditions in copyright dreams

Sigmund Freud

A wedding dress for a married lady in a dream always means dissatisfaction with the relationship and the desire to diversify life. Your spouse pays for you not enough attention or expresses your indifference as a sexual partner.

The man was harmful as his wife trying his dress in which there was a bride, - a warning sign that she had doubts about your marriage, perhaps she had someone on the side and she compares you as lovers.

If a woman had to steal out the salon in a dream, it expresses her desire to have what is not available at the moment, and she is ready to take possession of this at any cost. Such an act may also personify intimate communication with a married man. Beware of exposure and spoiled reputation. Most likely, it is not worth it to destroy the family and lose your authority in the eyes of others. Try to make diversion in personal relationship with your husband, share your sexual fantasies, feel his erotic attitude.

Choose a dress

Miller's dense

A positive interpretation of sleep is predicted, where a married woman sees himself in a wedding dress. A series of good changes is coming. The brighter and the fresh image, the lighter and positively will be the situation in the future.

To the young man to see the bride, knowing that this woman in real life is married - to a meeting with the one that will change his fate. A wonderful stranger will be able to completely take possession of your heart.

Men in marriage such a plot promises behind the temptation, but to resist the temptation or get away from the cunning spell, to solve only you.

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