What dreams of potatoes in dreams and folk interpretations


We'll figure it out what dreams of potatoes in dreams and how to understand the meaning of sleep. Potatoes in Russia rightfully occupies the place of the second bread. At one time, potatoes were grown for flowers. Berries of potatoes, like many of the pasty, deadly poisonous. As it turned out, the delightful inhabitant of Palace Klumbers has not only exquisite colors and useful berries, but also with nutritional tubers.

Potato and flower

Thanks to Peter 1, the main value of potatoes is agricultural. Potatoes are simple, satisfying and cheap food, the basis of not too rich diet. Seeing potatoes in a dream - a sign of the easiest needs, anxiety about the bread.

Not always anxiety justified. If you feel calmer, having impressive grocery reserves, do not deny yourself in this fad, but do not allow the growing grocery warehouse to industrial sizes, check the shelf life of products, comply with the storage rules.

The actual value of sleep

If you dream potatoes, you may have been sitting on a diet too long. The body needs carbohydrates and useful vitamins. Take it to such a dream literally, especially in winter, when little sun. Potato use saves from zing and avitaminosis. Buy some potatoes and eat it in food. Even if you are a supporter of a healthy nutrition and fight for each caloria, find the opportunity to turn on the baked potatoes into the diet.

The second value - you are very worried about the problem of hunger. Everything is fine, but for complete calm you certainly need to be loaded into the bunker or in the storage room at least 50 kg of distillers, 100 kg of pasta and a dozen potatoes bags.

Most likely, you are an economic person, you have a full cellar, you are engaged in harvesting and know how not only to choose potatoes in the store, but you know when and how it needs to be planted, care for plants, dig and properly store useful vegetable. Keep potatoes need in a cool, dark ventilated room. Best of all on the vegetable bed. Do not reserve potatoes in the home. It is better to roll another 10 cans of apricot compote.

The actual dreams of a dream with potatoes are a lack of vitamins or fear of staying hungry.

Potatoes in the ground

The main values ​​of potatoes in a dream

  • In view of the practical value of potatoes as vegetable, the main values ​​of potatoes in a dream are simple and practical. But if you are aware of other properties of plants, medicinal or poisonous, the circle of signs can be wider. Potato tubers are applied in drugs, contribute to the removal of edema. Raw potato juice is used to report warts.
  • Potato tops, flowers, berries - a clear sign of danger and anxiety. Collect potato berries - a sign of serious problems, cunning.
  • Rub raw potatoes - to fights, bats, jets.
  • Collect beetles or caterpillars from potatoes - there is a lot of monotonous and unable work.
  • Throwing potatoes - dilute resources, spend money.
  • Dig potatoes - make a profit.
  • Clean potatoes in a dream - do it, do not listen to the bumps. Cut the thick layer of the peel - to ruin, losses. If potatoes slow down strongly, deteriorated from the inside, there are serious unresolved problems in the family. You are unlikely to be able to correct the current state of affairs, just spend in vain time.
  • Large tubers dream of financial benefits. Small potatoes dream of problems with money, perhaps even to hunger. The reason for the financial failure will be your own mistake and calculating a significant profit. Beware of too profitable deals, loans for cosmic interest, loans.
  • Having a young potato from loose bed from loose bed - to fast and incorrect solutions. You make purchases that are not by time or not to the place.

Potatoes in a plate

Potato values ​​in dream by dreambooks

  • Family dream book claims that potatoes in a dream - a sign that you respect at work, possibly promotion on the service staircase. Plant potatoes in a dream - family comfort, perhaps the proposal of hands and hearts. Rotia potatoes - your efforts are not crowned with success. Sprouted potatoes, crushing eyes or shoots, other people will use the fruits of your work, who will not even be grateful to you.
  • By the dream of Miller Potato in a dream - a sign of well-being and happiness. There is a potato salad in a dream - the benefit and good luck in business. Dig potatoes - to family happiness. Plant potatoes - your dreams will certainly come true. See the missing harvest - serious troubles are possible. Miller's dream book promises possible surprises and unpleasant discoveries associated with potatoes in a dream.
  • If you see that someone cuts a dirty potato to eat or serves potatoes in the dirt on the table, - take care of this person and never frank with it.
  • Apostolic dream book connects potatoes with severe and ungrateful labor.


See potatoes or other simple food in a dream - a sign of serious internal problems, family problems, metabolic diseases. Also potatoes can mean misappropriate, thrift, tendency to accumulation of food. Stacking and caution is a good feature in moderate and reasonable limits.

Do not try to make too large stocks - it worsens the quality of life, reduces mobility, you are chained to one place. Potatoes in a dream often shows problems inside the family. If you dream that one person puts potatoes, and the other immediately digs, the world and there is no consent in the family. Consider a person who spoils potatoes in your dream. The likelihood is great as in real life, this person is engaged in hydration.

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