What dreams of the rain outside the window interpretation


What dreams of the rain outside the window depends on the situation and the mood of the dream. Rain - time of thoughtful, reflection, dreams. Well, when you do not need to leave the house in bad weather, rushing, perform someone's orders. On the other hand, the rain holds you within the shelter, does not allow you to get out of your own.

You can not leave the shelter without serious preparations or without health risk. We need waterproof shoes, clothes, umbrella. For nature, rain is rather useful. Good guests who came rainy afternoon, detained late, which means an interesting conversation. Any situation receives some delay, the mode of conservation of the moment. You need to show patience and wait a favorable moment.

If you have a dream of raining outside the window, you dream of freedom for yourself personally. Perhaps you have a little bored to be in the four walls.

Heart on the window

Total values

  • The total value of the rain in a dream is cleansing, oblivion, leaving the old, flushing tracks. If this happens outside the window, you wish to clean this world, the conditions in which you are. Watching the rain from the warm cozy room is even nice. Let the rain goes at least a whole day if you are in your place, it will not be embarrassing. But if you are in someone else's house or in temporary shelter, the rain outside the window becomes an obstacle. How soon he will end and stop cutting off you from the rest of the world? Is it worth going under the rain or better wait? It is better to see the rain outside the window from your own house when there is no need for a hurry.
  • Strong rain, which you look with horror even in a dream, - you are locked in a trap and do not want to go under the shower. Maybe you should change your job? Or require rise? Everything is good, but didn't you dive in your cozy place too? It suits you? The dream says you have serious ambitions and opportunities for promotion.
  • Easy morok means minor profits or evening entertainment like a lotto game or monopoly. Small pleasant little things.
  • Rain, which will never end and threatens to destroy your shelter - you are depressed, you think that you are in a hopeless situation. This is not true. Of course, you will experience some discomfort when leaving the cozy zone of comfort, but you will definitely be able to cope with problems, if finally, take care of them seriously. Stop sitting away. It's time to act.
  • Listen to the noise of raindrops - nothing significant conversations and peres. Waste of time. Stop paying attention to them.
  • Cold, ice jets, ice rain in a dream - to problems at work. You can expect unpleasant news.
  • Rain outside the window of transport - to decisive actions.

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Povered window

What does it rain outside the window in dreams

  • Miller's dream book pays special attention to light and pleasant summer rain, which promises to update the feelings and freshness of perception. The endless heavy rain will dream of despondency. Thunderstorm, with lightning and crash - to possible serious changes in life, the crash of hopes. Such a rue dreams of losses, trials, but also to the opening of new horizons.
  • English Dream interpretation knows a lot about rain. Rain outside the window dreams of happiness. Stratching rain outside the window - to refreshing thoughts. You will be able to look at some important things under a different angle. Strong short-term rain will result in thought. Perhaps something in your actions needs to be adjusted.
  • Mushroom rain or stratum, but dissolving in the air, without reaching the Earth, - to the full implementation of the best wishes. Inhale the fresh wind and go on a journey, even if not too big, but joyful.
  • The thunderstorm outside the window of the English dream book gives an unexpected interpretation - rejoice that the trouble went through and does not represent for you the slightest danger.
  • Eastern Dream Interpretation recommends to postpone affairs and go to himself, recreation, entertainment, self-pressing. It should be paid to the health of the health of preventive purposes.
  • Women's dream book believes that rain outside the window means sadness. Watch the wet passersby - to possible trouble. To avoid them, the dream book advises to make hand-made work or the preparation of delicious food.
  • Shower promises possible troubles, tears. Weather phenomena in female dream book may have relevant to emotions. Sunny - you have a great mood. Rain outside the window - you are sad. No confidence that such primitive behavior will work. The world is full of people who feel the tide of strength and energy during the rain. Water flows in a dream can mean inspiration, passion, sincere feelings.
  • Modern dream book draws attention to annoying situations when the rain cares in a public place. If you can wait into the cafe at the table, it means stagnation in matters, boredom, no perspectives. In the store, a shopping center, when a crowd from wanting to enter or exit from all sides, is a full stupor. Such a dream says that you should move for a short time and look at the situation on the part. Perhaps it makes sense to seek advice to friends or relatives. Compare the opinions of different people and with their help form your attitude to the problem. In any case, you have enough time to make a decision.

Night city


Rain outside the window in a dream - a sign of a quiet update. Heavy rain means that you should not take active actions and should be patient. Small rain allows the initiative and accelerate the update process. The protracted reports the danger. In this case, it becomes impossible to sit in the shelter, it is necessary to look for a way out of the current situation.

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